You Think He's Cheating : Ashley

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You knew what you were getting into when you fell for Ashley, but you couldn't stop it! Love will always find a way, whether you like it or not.

Ashley, being the party person he is, gets home late, almost everyday. Sure, you like a party but you got sick if it after awhile and now you stay home.

But the rumors are starting.

Ashley leaving the bar with girls, going into cars/cabs with them.

Ashley kissing others, just the thought of his lips on someone's that isn't you made a small fire begin in your heart.

As these rumors became more frequent and more proof formed, the fire spread.

No longer was it a tiny fire that you could step on and walk away, now it was a massive fire that spread throughout your whole body.

Your thoughts were burned by this fire, so you couldn't control them anymore.

Your heart was fire itself, you were not the cheery person you were now you were a cold hearted devil.

Your lungs soon also caught light, your breathing slowing and more shallow.

Your stomach lit quickly after, all food tasted burnt and gross.

Your legs and feet burned every time you moved, since it pressed the fire deeper within you.

Your hands and arms were tingling, getting ready to go up in flames.

After record time, your whole body was swallowed with this uncaring fire.

You raged and got up our of your comfy seat on the couch, throwing your phone, done with reading this crap.

You grabbed your keys and went into the car, your feet burning with each step, making you angrier.

You slammed your door shut and sped down the road, going to the place you knew he was.

You stormed into the bar, fire in your eyes making them red. You scanned the crowd, until you saw him.

He was at the bar getting a drink.

You walked up to him and patted his shoulder, putting on a fake smile.

"Oh! Hi Y/N, what are you doing here?" He said, smiling those pearly white teeth.

"Can we go outside for a sec?" You asked sweetly.

"Come on let's dance!" He said, completely ignoring you.

As he tried to grab your hand, you pulled it up and grabbed his shoulder with an iron grip.

"Now." You growled in his ear.

He gulped and whispered, "I think that's a good idea."

You pushed him out of the bar and onto the floor outside of it.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?" You screamed, fire burning bright, blinding you.

"What do you mean?" He asked, seeming like he didn't know what you were talking about.

You took a step towards him and said, "You really don't know?" All you could see was the red of the fire as you tried to calm down.

"What should I know?!?" He said, standing up.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" You screeched, looking him dead in the eye.

"Look, just calm down." He put his hand on your shoulder.

You shook off his hand and screamed, "CALM DOWN?!? YOU CHEATED AND ALL YOU SAY IS CALM DOWN!"

"WAIT!" He interjected.


"When did I cheat?" He said, now looking you in the eyes.

"It's all over the internet, plus it's kinda obvious." You said looking down, the fire started to burn out as you cried, it's only weakness being water.

"Oh, baby." He said lifting up your face. "I would never cheat on you! I love you!"

"Really?" You asked smiling through your tears.

"Really." He said kissing you softly. He pulled back when he realized you weren't kissing back. "What's wrong?"

"How can I trust you?"

"Do you love me?"

"Yes." You breathed.

"Well you just have to trust yourself that you chose the right person to love."

You smiled and kissed him.

"I'm pretty confident that I chose the perfect person."

He blushed and said, "I love you."

"Love you too."

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