He Thinks You're Pregnant : Ashley

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*BIG WARNING! TRIGGERING!!! Please read at your own risk, I don't want ANYONE getting hurt. You're all too perfect <3 If it's too bad, tell me and I'll take it down. Love you!*

You see you had a slight problem that you wouldn't tell anyone. It was your dirty little secret. You hated yourself. That's the easiest way to explain it. You hated the way your thighs touched, how you had a tiny muffin top when you put on jeans, and how you had a restriction as to how many bracelets you wanted to put on. And you would do anything to eliminate all these things.

You see, Ashely already found out that you cut, and that was bad enough. You could not have him find out about this.

Although you could see wheels turning in his head as you excused yourself after every meal.

But he couldn't find out.

So, you decided that you shouldn't do it right after the meal, you should space it out.

You realized that it's easy to skip breakfast, and at certain times other meals too. What you did was either not eat, or force yourself to throw up when you knew it was safe.

It's been happening for awhile now and you're losing weight fast, you were getting happier day after day. Ashely knew that you were getting skinnier but didn't bring it up incase you would get offended or anything.

Finally after a whole year of an empty stomach, you were happy.

Your thighs no longer touched, you had no muffin top at all, and you could put on all those bracelets until they were on your shoulders.

But, you couldn't stop. You tried, you tried so hard, but you couldn't keep the meals down.

And here you were sitting in front of Ashley smiling and slowly eating your food. It tasted awful to you, as did all food now. He told you how good it was, since you had made it, and you thanked him but as you talked, you could feel the turning in your stomach. You shoved another bit into your mouth and, before you could even swallow, you jumped from your seat. You flew into the bathroom and puked it all up. Ashley came running after you and drew soothing circles on your back as you vomited.

"Are you sick?" He gently asked.

"Yeah." You lied, thinking that was a good excuse.

"Maybe you should lay down." He commented, picking you up and lying you down on the bed.

At this moment you knew that you were royally fucked. You vowed to eat even more in front of Ashley so he wouldn't suspect anything. And you vowed to yourself that you wouldn't get over 100 pounds, even that number sickened you.

The next morning, you ate your breakfast and had many snacks. Ashley saw you eating the extra amount and his eyebrows raised but he didn't say anything.

It went like that for a week, you eating a lot, then puking. He only saw you vomit once in that span of time, which you thought was okay.

But little did you know, he was looking it up.

He was curious as to why you started to eat so much, and worried as to why you were throwing up.

The only answer he got was pregnancy.

So he examined you for a little longer, the same things repeated.

One day, he grabbed your hand and sat you down on the couch. He circled the back of your hand soothingly and looked a bit worriedly at you.

"So," He cleared his throat and continued, "Do not think of this in a bad way. I love you so so much and you are absolutely perfect. There is nothing wrong with you at all and I am not calling you fat by saying this, because honestly you're a little too skinny, all though it's okay because you're still absolutely perfect. But, is there any chance that you're pregnant?"

You stared at him, processing the words he said and then you're eyes grew wide. "What? No! Of course not! I would've told you the second I found out is I was!" You rushed out, a little offended but not that much.

He sighed and said, "I know you would have. It's just that you're eating a lot more than you used to, and you're puking frequently. I'm just worried."

"No, no. I'm fine." You shook your head and put on your best fake smile.

"Please. I'm begging you. Please tell me what's wrong. I love you too much to have you do anything to your beautiful body." He crocked out, tears slipping down his face.

This is when you noticed that you're hurting him. You gasped at the realization and a single tear slipped down your cheek. For you to love yourself, you had to be skinny. But was that worth hurting the love of your life?

"I'm so sorry." You whispered.

"Please." He begged one last time, pulling you into a hug.

"But you can't find out."

"Baby." He lifted your head with his finger and stared right into your eyes. "You know that I love you, right?" You confirmed that by shaking your head. "And you know that I would never ever leave you?" You again shook your head, this time a bit hesitantly. "Then please tell me. We'll get through this together."

That's when you broke down. You cried into his chest and said the words that you never wanted to leave your mouth. But this is what's right, he needs to know. "I'm so sorry. I just.. I wanted to be perfect. I wanted to be skinny. I swear I tried to stop. I promise."

"It's okay. It's okay." He rocked you back and forth, repeating that fraise over and over.

You looked up to him and pushed a kiss onto his lips. "Help me." You whispered in between kisses.

He pulled you away slightly and whispered back, "Of course."

After that, you tried your best to stop and it kind of worked. You were too far gone to have it completely stopped any time soon, but Ashley was okay with waiting and he was more than proud with your progress. You ended up weighing more than you wanted, but if Ashley thought you were beautiful than no one else's thoughts mattered.

I hope that you like it :)
I didn't want to get into too much detail about anything, so I kept it at minimal.
I know that it's not the best but I tried :D
Thank you so much for reading!!
Stay beautiful <3
Byeeeeeeee xoxo

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