He Thinks You're Pregnant : Jake

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*awkward content for some people*

Since you were little you weren't aloud to act out, at any time. So you just got used to it. But now that you're out of the house and in you're own, you've realized that you didn't have to keep it all in. Especially when it's your 'time of the month.'

"Hey babe!" Jake called as he came into your house.

"Hi!" You exclaimed happily, running over to him and jumping into his arms.

"Well you seem excited." He chuckled, grabbing you tightly.

You giggled and snuggled into his neck. "Can we watch a movie?" You mumbled.

"Of course! Whatever you want." He smiled putting you down and going over to the couch.

You smiled wide and ran over to the rack full of movies. Your eyes scanned over all the titles until you found the one you wanted.

You stood up and asked, "How about Mama?"

He nodded his head and you took the disc into the DVD player.

You went over to the couch and curled up into him.

Through out the movie you would put your head in between his back and the couch from fear. At the end of the movie he took you out of your spot and sat you on his lap.

"Are you scared?" He teased, tickling your sides.

You laughed as the look of fear disappeared from your face. "S-stop." You said breathlessly in between your laughter.

He paused, 'thinking' of the answer. "Nope." He simply stated. You jumped off his lap as his hands were going back to your sides. "Hey!" He gasped, standing up.

You started to run away from him, with the biggest smile on your face. He chased after you, laughing at your child like ways.

You ran into your shower, closed the curtain, and tried catching your breath.

You didn't even her the curtain open, but you did feel arms wrap around your waist. You gasped from surprise and quickly turned around in his arms. You were still breathing hard, but you smiled when you saw him. You leaned on him from tiredness and put your forehead on his. He did a breathy laugh, holding you a slightly tighter. You looked into his eyes, smiled, and leaned your mouth closer to his. He got the idea, leaning in too. Soon, your lips met and you shared a loving kiss. You pulled away, cuddling into his chest and sighing contently.

Awhile later, you were laying on the couch as he was in the bathroom. When he came out he asked, "Are you hungry?" since it was almost dinner time. Although, since you were so hormonal, you took it a different way.

"Are you calling me fat?" You gasped, covering your stomach and glaring at him.

His eyes widened and he quickly said, "What? No! You're perfect! It's just getting close to dinner time."

"Oh. Well then, yes I am." You replied calmly, lying down.

"Okay?" He was completely confused by this quick change of mood, but walked into the kitchen anyway. "What do you want?" He called out to you.

"Pizza!" You answered.


He popped the pizza in the oven and came into the room with you.

After dinner he said that he has to go since it was getting late.

"No please don't go." You pouted, lip sticking out.

"I have to, honey." He whispered, putting his hand on your cheek.

"Why? Do you not love me anymore?" A tear slipped down, slippng down his hand.

"No, of course I love you! It's just that the guys are already waiting for me."

"Fine! Then leave." You replied angrily, pulling away from his warm hand.

"Ba-" He started before you cut him off.

"Get out of my house." You glared, pointing to the door.

"Okay." He sadly, and confusingly, said.

Once he was gone, you feel down in the couch and grumbled. "Stupid hormones."

When Jake got over to his house with the others, he asked Andy about your odd behavior.

"She might be pregnant." Andy replied with a shrug.

And that's the only thing Jake was told, so that's what he thought.

The next day, Jake came again.

"Hello?" He cautiously greeted.

"Hey!!" You cheerily said back.

"Can we talk about something?" He awkwardly asked.

"Umm, sure."


You both sat on the couch, sort of facing each other.

He scooted a little closer and grabbed your hand.

"So, I really don't want you to be mad at me, but I was just wondering if it's a possibility that you're pregnant?" He said, but his voice came up at the end indicating a question.

"Excuse me?" You snapped.

"Not in a bad way or anything! It's just what Andy said."

"Well tell Andy to fuck off." You spat, having an edge on your voice when you said Andy.

He loudly swallowed and shakily commented, "I was just curious as to why you were so moody yesterday." He just knew that you would be mad at him, but he really did want to know.

"Oh." Is all you said.

He looked at you with a curious, and cautious, facial expression.

"I'm just on my... you know." You awkwardly shifted in your seat.

"Oh. Oh." He said, his face both understanding and relieved.

"Yeah." You giggled.

"Okay." He let out a breath, that you didn't even know he was holding.

"Sorry if I was too moody. It's just that I never was really able to act out when I was younger, so I just thought that I could now. I guess not." You shrugged.

"Oh, no. It's fine. I was just curious."

"Okay." You smiled. "Now what?"

"Movie?" He asked.

"Sounds great." You got up and went over to the movie rack.

In the end, he learned a lot more about woman and never made the mistake of asking Andy anything about relationships again. To say your life was perfect is an underestimate.


Sorry I didn't update yesterday, the thingy wouldn't save my chapters! And it was really annoying since I had written the whole thing -_-
Hope y'all liked it (*^.^*)
Thank you for reading!
Love youuuu xoxo <3

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