He Thinks You're Pregnant : Andy

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You've been to the doctors a few times.

Ok, not a few. You've been to the doctors at least ten times in the last week, it sounds like a lot but they needed to do a lot of tests.

Of course Andy has asked you what's wrong and held you as you cried, but you still haven't told him.

He knew where you were going. He knew that you wouldn't tell him too. He started to get suspicious.

What could be so big that you would keep it from him? Especially something involving the hospital.

The thing is, is that you didn't even know what was wrong. You knew the possibilities, but none of them were confirmed. And to be honest, you were scared. You were absolutely terrified.

You've been waiting for the doctor to call you for the whole day. Most of your day consisted of you pacing the floors, biting your finger nails, and looking at the phone every second.

Andy was out doing a concert and didn't even know that you were waiting for the call. He thought you were peacefully reading or hanging out with friends, what you usually did when you didn't go to his concerts with him. That's why he didn't call out for you as he walked in the door.

Little did he know that you were in the conversation with your doctor.


He thought you were talking with a friend so he ignored you and was about to go to the bathroom, until he heard your next sentence.

"But I'm way to young! This is not fair!"

He didn't want to make assumptions, so he ease-dropped, not caring that it was wrong.

"No! You must have mixed up my results with someone else! Please check again! Please."

And he made assumptions.

He walked into the room as you said, "ok" in a broken voice.

You hung up the phone as you saw Andy.

"Hello." You said sweetly, faking a smile as tears ran down your face.

"Cut the shit, I know your pregnant."

"What?" You were utterly surprised at what he said, and quite offended.

"I heard your conversation. I can believe you would keep this from me!" He was mad at you, and being extremely rude.

"What the fuck Andy!" You were still in shock, if you were pregnant would he act like this? That thought scared you. You had to deal with too much, this was too much. "Wait... Are you calling me fat?!?"

He ignored you, and continued raging. "I can't believe this! I swear I always wore protection! I can't have a baby!"

"Oh my god." Your mouth dropped open. What the fuck?!?

He glared at you and spat, "We're over. I'm not ready for a fucking baby."

Fresh tears streamed down your face as you still were just sitting there with your mouth hanging open. You quickly fixed yourself.

"Two years? Two years for this?" You whispered, wanting to scream but not having the strength to.

He looked at you and his eyes softened a bit, but he still didn't take back his words.

"I knew this would happen." You swallowed hard, trying to water your dry throat. "I should've just told you."

"Told me what? That you're pregnant? That it's going to be a girl? A boy?" He asked angrily.

"Told you that I have f-fucking" You couldn't finish.

"What?!?" He was getting impatient.

"I HAVE CANCER!" You screamed and got off the couch running out of the house.

Andy stood before the couch like a statue. Until what happened caught up with him. He ran out of the house and saw you at the corner about to turn. He used his gazelle legs and ran as fast as possible.

He caught up to you and put his arms around your waist.

You didn't want to forgive him, hell you don't even think you should've, but you really needed someone right now. Even if it was the ass that caused you to need someone. So you leaned into his chest and let the tears flow, catching your breath.

"I'm so sorry, I'm a real ass. No you're not fat. You're beautiful. And I really do love you. I'm just so stressed and all logic slipped from my mind. I'm so sorry. I would actually love to have a kid with you. A mini you running around would be adorable. Please take me back. I love you." He whispered in your ear.

You couldn't even think straight. You knew it was wrong and you shouldn't say yes. But it was too damn tempting.

"Okay." You whispered back.

He smiled widely and flipped you over his shoulder, running back to the house.

He threw you on the bed and straddled your waist, kissing you slowly.

He started pecking your lips and between kisses would say I love you and I'm sorry.

After awhile things were normal between you two and you had the time of you life, well as much of it that was left.



I'm so sorry!!!! I'm even more sorry than Andy! It's been too long!

I promise that I will do you suggestions ASAP! I just had complete writers-block for all of them, sorry!

I hope you liked and thanks for reading!

Love you!!!!

Byeeeeee xoxo

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