He Thinks You're Pregnant : CC

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*Another warning! Remember that you're all perfect and don't need to do anything negative to your bodies!! Love you!! xoxo*

You were sick of the reflection in your mirror. You're stomach was way too big for your liking and you were done with it. Of course you've wanted to act on this before but you were scared that CC would find out. But honestly you were completely done and didn't care about that anymore. You decided that from this day on, you wouldn't eat a single thing. You didn't want to purge because you've always hated the feeling of throwing up, but if you didn't eat, it would be similar.

And that's how it began.

It's been almost 6 months of you trying your best to not eat. Of course sometimes you had to because if CC got suspicious then you don't know what you would do. Although if you did eat, you made sure to burn off the calories.

This is around the time where it started to get really bad. You've had some minor headaches from the underconsumption, but it was never so awful that you couldn't move without your head throbbing. You actually never even thought it could be that bad, so you carried on as usual.

Today CC was sleeping over, so you knew that you would have to eat, that's why you got extra spicy food.

•Time skip to dinner•

"Are you hungry now?" CC asked as you finished your third movie.

"Not yet." You lied.

"Well I'm starving and I'm sure some food won't hurt you, so let's eat." He said, lightly pushing you off him so he could stand up.

"Fineeeee." You groaned, standing up too.

"What'd you get today?" He questioned, sitting down at the table.

"Tacos." You stated, setting the table.

"Yummmm." He rubbed his tummy as you laughed.

Once it was all set, you sat down across from him and slowly started getting your food.

You added a lot of hot sauce and CC noticed.

"I thought you didn't like hot stuff." He said with a confused look on his face.

"I love it." You lied yet again, hiding a grimace with a smile.

"Okay." And that's all he commented on the subject.

After dinner CC had to go with the boys for a little song writing session, but announced that he would be back soon.

Right when the door shut you ran up the stairs, then back down. You continued this for a straight 10 minutes before doing sit-ups. After that you continuously did workouts until you felt happy with yourself.

You went back upstairs and entered the bathroom. You took the scale out from under the counter and stood on it. You were still not happy with the number shown, although you knew deep down that you wouldn't be happy unless that number was a zero.

You sighed and went into the shower.

You were relaxing on the couch when CC got back.

"Hey!" He called out.

"In the tv room!" You yelled out.

He came into the room and cuddled up to you.

After a few more shows you both fell asleep.

The next day was... eventful.

The second you woke up you knew something was wrong.

You felt as if you had to throw up, which is extremely rare.

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