You Think He 's Cheating : Jake

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Jake and you are together at every opportunity you have, but you don't know what he's doing on the time that you aren't together.

Now, you are NOT one of those crazy girlfriends that needs to know where their boyfriend is at every moment in time, but you do get curious.

He goes to a lot of parties, and since you like the quiet, you chose to stay home.

Plus, Jakes always been a flirt, he could be flirting right now.

He's also a weird drunk, he's most likely drunk right now.

Lastly, he's famous! Girls are going to be throwing themselves at him!

You were sitting upside down on your couch, your feet high in the air, hair sprawled out on the floor with your kitten playing with it, and your phone in front of your face.

You were scrolling through Instagram when a picture caught your eye.

It was on Jake's profile and it was him and the rest of the boys.

The thing about it was that they had girls on there laps.

Andy had his girlfriend, Jinxx had his wife, and the rest had sluts on their laps, including Jake.

You look closely at the girl on his lap and accidentally dropped your phone on your face. You cried out in pain, from both your nose and your heart.

You sat up quickly, holding your nose, but it was a bad idea because your kitty had your hair in his mouth, causing it to be pulled harshly.

You grabbed the back of your head with one hand and held your nose with the other.

Your cries were like screams as you ran into the bathroom to tend your wounds.

After your nose and hair (head) stopped bleeding and didn't hurt as much, you realized that you still didn't tend the biggest wound, your heart.

You sat on the toilet seat and cried your eyes out.

After some time you got up and made your way into the kitchen.

After fixing up a snack, you walked into your room and flung yourself onto the bed.

You decided that you should see if anything else was posted, so you took your phone out of your pocket and went on Instagram.

You instantly saw another picture that made your blood boil.

It was the same blond bimbo as the other picture but this time she was kissing Jake's cheek.

Everyone else was in the background dancing.

The caption was, 'Out with the boys...and some girls ;)'

What angered you most is that he knew that you would see the photos.

You put your phone down and laid on your stomach.

~2 hours of laying on your stomach~

(And going to the bathroom)

(And crying)

You walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom.

Jake was sitting on the bed with the kitty in his arms.

You put your hands on your hips and glared at him.

"Nice to see you too, Y/N." He said, looking up from the cat to see you.

"Ha." You laughed dryly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, patting the space next to him.

"What's wrong?" You ask him angrily. "What's wrong?!?"

"Uhhhh, yea?" He said, looking curiously at you.

"What's wrong is you fucking cheated! What's wrong is you didn't care that I saw! What's wrong is that I HATE you!" You screamed in his face.

"What are you talking about?" He screamed back.

You through him your phone and the look on his face went from anger to apologetic.

"Look I didn't do anything." He said softly.

"Suurrreee." You said rolling your eyes.

"No really."

"Then why are those photos there?"

"Because I was suppose to brake up with you." He whispered.

"What?!?" You yelled, now pacing the room.

"Management said that I had to brake up with you," He paused. "So I told them I did."

"So we're over?" You asked, stopping your pacing and sitting down next to him.

"No! Of course not!"

"But..." You trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Look I'll just have to take some photos with some random girls and stuff so they'll believe me and we can stay together." He said smiling, but it dropped when he saw that you weren't smiling too.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked looking down, playing with your fingers.

"Because I didn't want to hurt you."


"Look I'm sorry." Be said looking ashamed.

"Fine." You puffed, crossing your arms, mouth pursed tight.



"What do you mean?"

"If you're so sorry then you'll have to prove it, I'm not forgiving you until you do."

He jumped up and yelled, "DEAL!"

He then hugged you and you couldn't resist, so you hugged him back.

After about a week you guys where back to normal, except that your relationship was a secret.



So sorry it's been awhile, but I'm like done with this! So I finished this thing awhile ago and it didn't save and it kept doing that and I was so mad!!!!!! So sorry!

But anyway...


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