Chapter 7

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On the side is the one and only Harry Styles. Here is Chapter 7 for you guys and I'm sorry but this isn't edited at all. Comment if you find any mistakes. Vote, Comment, Follow. Love you babes!


I shoot up into a sitting position as my nightmare ends and I startle Ashton, who was lying on his side of the bed on his phone, so much that he yelps and rolls right off the bed. I gasp and try to hold back my giggles as I lean over his side to stare at him lying on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask you still trying to hold back giggles.

"Ow." Is all he says back.

"Sorry." I apologize as my need to laugh subsides.

"I thought you were asleep?" Ashton says in a confused voice as he stands and I roll back onto my side of the bed.

"I was." I answer looking at the ceiling so that I don't have to make eye contact with him.

"And?" he presses as he lies on his side to look at me.

"I just had a nightmare. It scared me awake." I mumble as I close my eyes.

"Another one?" he asks with concern laced in his tone.

"Yeah. I don't necessarily have dreams." He looks confused so I elaborate further. "Only nightmares."

"Are they always about the same thing?" he asks

"They're about the same thing... just different scenarios." I tell him.

"All of them are from your father though, aren't they?" he finally catches on. Hearing him say it brings tears to my eyes. When I don't answer him, he pushes further. "What was that one about?"

"The first couple days of the abuse." I mumble and close my eyes making a tear leak out but I don't bother hiding it. I jump slightly when I feel him take my hand. I turn my head to look at him and it takes all my willpower not to cry.

"Tell me about it." He demands softly as his thumb rubs across the top of my hand. I force myself to look away from his hazel eyes as I start.

"He abused me from the time I got home from school to find my mother gone until the next night. I was knocked unconscious multiple times but he would either wait until I woke up or he would wake me up himself. He only stopped the night that he did because one of the neighbors heard me scream and came over to see what had happened. He sent them away and then came back and kicked me unconscious one more time. I woke up on my kitchen floor where he had left me." It is so hard to hold back the tears as I tell him but I manage to do it. "I laid there for hours because I literally couldn't move. It was when I heard him walking around in his room that I forced myself up through the pain and went into my room. I slept until the next afternoon and he never even checked on me once." Finally the first tear falls. After the first, many follow until I am crying silently beside Ashton. He had turned onto his back while I was talking so he thankfully didn't know I was crying. Until I sniffled that is. Stupid nose.

"Hey," he says in a calm voice as he turns on his side again and pulls me to his chest. I grip his shirt as sobs shake through me. "You're safe. I won't let him hurt you ever again." He says as he tightens his arms. We stay like that until my tears turn to hiccups and I pull away. He doesn't let me get very far and tries to keep me in his arms. The door opening make us jump apart.

"Hey guys! You never came back so I was- Are you okay?" Calum's voice turns from confused to concern.

"Yeah. I'm good." I lie.

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