Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

He didn't leave. I found a constant distraction in the way he always watched me. It wasn't sleazy like many of the other men but it had a predatory edge that kept my nerves on fire. Whenever our eyes met, he'd drop one of those smiles on me and my heart pounded even harder.

By the end of the night, my eyes were scratchy, my legs sore and my arms turned as wobbly as jelly. Saturday nights were always the hardest. Numerous people demanding different, fancy drinks. Table upon table of drinks to serve.

The best thing about tonight was that the groping ended. Max glowered at anyone who even looked like they would touch me. I had to admit how grateful I was for his actions. I still wanted to hate him, but he kept making that difficult.

"Honey Bee, are you ever going to get me another drink?" Max pointed to his empty glass and I rolled my eyes.

He was the last person sitting at the bar and he'd had the same drink all night. Only just now did he drink the last drop in the bottom of the glass and wave it towards me. As much as I wanted to shoo him away, I also wanted to take the opportunity to have another conversation with him.

"Why are you still here?" I huffed.

"Because I didn't get to talk with you earlier." Beguiling blue eyes met mine.

"What's there to say?"

"Dawn, I know you need to get the last train, so you can leave whenever you want." Henry called out to me from the back room.

"Guess it'll have to wait another time," I waved to Max as relief and disappointment warred inside of me. "Henry will get your drink."

I went into the back and collected my things from my locker. Knowing I could escape out of the back door and avoid Max had me relaxing. All night I'd been his focus, especially when I had to serve other people, which was all night.

I shouted goodbye to Henry, and walked out of the back door. Glancing at my watch, I realised I had to hurry so I didn't miss the train.

My car had decided to die earlier in the week, so now I had to rely on the trains. At the moment, I didn't have enough savings to fix it making public transportation my new mode of getting around.

The sleek, black car didn't take up my focus as I scurried along the quiet street, until Max stepped from the rear door. I could see the train station from where I was, so I chose to put my head down, ignore Max and catch that train.

Seeing Max only managed to fire my nerve endings back to life. Suddenly, my earlier exhaustion disappeared for excitement to replace it. Why did I have such a reaction to this man?

"C'mon, Honey Bee, I'll give you a lift home." Max said with one of those disarming smiles.

"Uh, no thanks. I've got a train to catch."

"I'm not trusting your safety on the train. What happened to your car?" he frowned.

"Broke down. I really have to go now." I started walking away from him.

"Dawn, we're going to the same place, so let me give you a lift." His words made me pause.

"Why would you be on your way to the same place that I am?" I turned my suspicions on that gorgeous, grinning idiot.

"Didn't Carly tell you?"

"Tell me what?" anxiety began adding to my already nervous disposition.

"Honey Bee, didn't you question why I was at your place today?" that fond, adoring look entered his eyes that I remembered from months ago.

"I thought you were meeting Ry." I shrugged.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now