Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I watched my sister smash up an innocent couch in something akin to shock with a tinge of amusement. The violence she put into every swing of that axe, and the words she shouted were both terrifying and so damn funny. I didn't want to laugh, and have her focus that anger my way.

It stopped her tears. She put all of her concentration on Ry and his terrible behaviour, so I could breathe a little easier.

The crunch of wood shattering beneath her axe seemed to satisfy her. Carly grabbed one of the cushions and slashed at the leather until its stuffing poured out. It seemed that nothing about this couch had any safety from her fury.

"Honey Bee, can you take this?" Max asked and I turned his way.

A large tray of drinks sat on his hands, and for a moment I could only stare at him. His words finally registered, so I jumped up, and grabbed the tray. I sat it on the small table situated on the porch at the front of Max's house. I sat back down and continued watching Carly's destruction.

"You do realise that there's only three of us." I tilted my head back to look at Max who stared at Carly with some surprise.

"I'm quite aware of that fact, thank you. We'll rehydrate with these," Max pointed to what looked like water. "And then go back into dehydration." He now waved a hand at the wine glasses.

"I have to work tonight." I stated for what seemed the umpteenth time that day.

"Believe me, I haven't forgotten that fact. There's nothing better than watching you strut around in your sexy as hell uniform."

He leered at me, but somehow it didn't feel as sleazy as when the customers at work did the same thing. In fact, it left me rather flattered. I knew Max watched me closely. He'd done it since the first day I met him. To think he found me more attractive than I'd ever considered was the part that flattered me.

"Is that why you go all caveman at anyone who so much as touches me?" I raised my brows at him.

"I'm just trying to protect my girl." He insisted with a shrug of his shoulders and that made me smile.

Carly now started cursing loudly, so I faced my sister. She hadn't stopped hammering the axe down on the couch. Now she just punctuated each axe blow with the worst curses she knew.

I decided to approach her the second the axe bounced off the metal spring system within the couch. It may not have been the safest thing to do, so I approached her with caution.

"How're you doing, Carly?" I used the same soft, but firm voice she used on me during my freak outs.

For a long second, she didn't respond. The axe lowered for one more blow against the mangled couch. I wondered whether she'd even heard me or not.

"I'd still like the chance to smash his face." Carly admitted as she wiped the sheen of sweat from off her forehead due to her exertion.

"I don't blame you." I agreed with a nod.

"Would alcohol help tone down those tendencies? If anyone's getting the first hit on Ry, it's going to be me." Max interrupted us as he lifted a glass of wine towards Carly.

"That would be totally worth watching, but wine will have to do for the moment." Carly said on a sigh.

I saw her eyes widen as Carly realised she didn't know her location. This whole day seemed to be a bit of a blur for her.

We had pawned all of Ry's gaming equipment as our first step in Carly ridding herself of Ry's presence. The amount of money we received still surprised me. Carly insisted we put it into the house funds. I didn't refuse that as I quickly tucked the money into my purse.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now