Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

When Carly arrived home that afternoon, I was in the best mood I think I've ever experienced in my life. Never had I felt this good. I flew high on having Max's attention focused on me.

He told me after a quick lunch that he had to work on his music. He had disappeared into his room and I hadn't seen him since, but I didn't mind. It was his job after all.

"That grin of yours scares me." Carly said the moment she walked into the room.

"Why?" I asked as I stirred the stew I had made.

"When I left this morning you were the biggest grouch. I'm guessing by that grin of yours that a certain male returned and explained himself." Carly smirked at me.

"I've got dinner ready if you want some." I chose to ignore her comment and provide sustenance to her.

"Let me go change, then we'll have dinner and after that I expect you to provide me with an explanation." She pointed at me.

I realised there was no escaping her prying, so I admitted defeat and shooed her off to her room, "fine."

My nervousness at telling Carly about my day with Max made me gulp. I wanted to keep it private but I also wanted to shout it out to the world. He had me all jumbled up inside and it became hard to contain myself.

"That dreamy smile of yours means he had a good explanation." Carly said as she draped herself over the kitchen bench.

"I'm not saying anything when he's that close." I waved my hand to Max's bedroom door.

"Okay, let's eat on the couch."

Carly switched on the television before helping me to carry out the dinner and drinks. I'd poured us both a glass of wine, and Carly insisted on making a toast.

"To complicated, naked beginnings," she stopped her toast to wink. "But onto perfect endings." She grinned at me as she clinked my glass.

"Am I always going to have that reminder?" I groaned as I took a sip of my wine. It wasn't the most delicious but it sent that warm mellowness through me.

"Yes! How many people have met their future partner while he's busy having sex with another woman? It's a unique story, Dawn."


"I'll leave it alone if you tell me about today."

For a moment I paused, having no clue where to start. Did I include the café breakfast? The fact that we had shared a few kisses, which were the best of my life. Or do I just mention that we went grocery shopping? I dragged in a deep breath and started with the obvious.

"That Ana woman was one of his sisters." I said and Carly's eyes went wide.

"Told you I was right!" Carly hooted as she punched a fist into the air in triumph.

"How were you right?" I drawled while moving my dinner away from her wildly flapping arms.

"He's not into, nor interested in any other woman but you."

I took another sip of my wine, winced at the taste and considered the crazy woman in front of me. From the way Max had reacted today, I had to accept that Carly had it right. Max had an interest in me.

"Hey, girls." Max appeared at the archway that separated the lounge room from the kitchen.

"Good to see you back, Max." Carly giggled at his name.

"I get the distinct feeling that you just stopped talking about me." Max stared right at me.

I stared just as hard back. It was like I forgot his perfection every time he was away from me. The moment he appeared, it socked me hard every time. His smile made my heart start to pound, my skin tingle and something pleasant fluttered around in my chest.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now