Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"There you are, Max. You disappeared last night and I wondered where you went. Oh, hello, Dawn."

Lana, stunning brunette Lana, now known as Max's sister breezed into our lounge room. I placed my wine glass on the coffee table and pondered how to deal with this new situation.

Following closely behind her were two other just as stunning women. One appeared in the last stages of pregnancy with a huge belly preceding her. I could only discern that these were Max's sisters. Behind them I spotted a smug looking Ry, who appeared victorious, over what I guessed had to do with Max.

"Your arse is mine!" Max glowered at Ry, who's smile only broadened.

"When my cousins asked if I had seen their dear brother, I simply answered in the affirmative." Ry sounded so smarmy that I wanted to slap the idiot.

"Is anyone going to introduce me?" Carly pointed between Ry and the women with a furious gaze.

"I think Max should be the one to start the introductions, after all, these are his sisters." Ry smirked and Carly visibly relaxed.

"When are you going to grow up, Ry? At what point are you going to be able to look at yourself and say I'm a man instead of a cowering little fuckwit?" Max ignored everyone else to growl the words at Ry.

"Don't mess with my life and I won't mess with yours." Ry answered with a saccharine smile.

"Fucking hell! You had lied to your girlfriend and tried to claim my life as your own. How is it messing with your life when you kept lying about your life? You're a pitiful gamer with nothing to show for the life he's led." Max roared.

That's when Ry threw a punch at Max, who didn't even flinch, when Ry's fist landed on his cheek. Everyone began to protest as a grim, but triumphant grin spread on Max's face. I knew there was carnage on the way. Anyone with half a brain could see that muscled Max would win against scrawny Ry.

"Just remember that you threw the first punch." Max sneered at Ry and Carly let out a scream.

"Don't, Max! Don't hurt him," Carly begged before turning to me. "Do something, Dawn, please."

When your sister turns to you with pleading eyes, what can you do? I wanted to see Max thrash Ry. It would entertain me no end. Seeing Carly upset over something I could prevent was the issue at hand.

She'd never forgive me if I let Max have his way. I had to live with both of them. It would be far easier to deal with Max frustrated at me than my sister. Dammit, it looked like I'd have to intervene.

Every woman but me had shouted out a protest to Max. Arms grabbed hold of him, but Max managed to dodge them as his fist clenched around Ry's shirt.

"Let him go, Max." I didn't raise my voice through the ruckus, I simply spoke the words.

Max lowered the fist he had raised to punch his idiot cousin. He turned towards me as Ry cursed and struggled against his grip.

"Why should I, Honey Bee? This skinny arse, fucking loser tried to steal my life. He actually stole the couch I bought for you and he treats you like shit. Give me one good reason why he doesn't deserve a thrashing." Max demanded as he shook Ry roughly.

"He does deserve a thrashing. I'm not going to dispute that." I replied to the shock of everyone else in the room.

"Excellent!" Max's frustration turned into a grinning elation as he turned back to a now fearful looking Ry.

"I hadn't finished talking." I said as I touched Max's clenched fist.

"What else is there to say?"

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now