Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The following morning, I didn't know what I would face when I left my room. Using the time usefully, I cleaned up the things I'd thrown the night before and made sure I hadn't broken anything. I put off going into the kitchen for food until my stomach started grumbling.

Seeing Carly with a mug of coffee sitting on the soiled couch started my frown. She had the television on low so I hadn't realised anyone was still at home. She smirked at me, wriggled her eyebrows up and down before giggling.

"What were you thinking? Seriously, Carly, at what point did you think inviting Max Brown to live with us was the perfect idea? Tell me!" I demanded.

"Damn, I think it's the best idea I've ever had. Morning, Max. Please keep strutting around here half naked, it's an impressive sight." Carly said with a sweet trill on his name.

I could sense Max behind me because those unnerving blue eyes stared in their intoxicating way at me. Only when my face reddened at the reminder of last night did I turn away from Carly. I didn't want to face him as much as I wanted to stare at him half naked again. The last thing I wanted to do was to give Carly the wrong idea.

"Morning, Carly. Guess I should've said afternoon." Max chuckled.

My eyes had travelled over him in the seconds before he spoke. How I wanted a chance to run my hands over him, but I managed to tuck them behind my back. I had to get things back on track here but I wasn't sure how to manage such a feat.

"Where's the money he gave you for the rent?" I turned back to Carly to demand as I chose to ignore Max, but I knew he didn't move from behind me.

Carly's confidence faded in an instant. I stared her down and tapped my foot. In a way, I didn't want to know, but she needed to start accepting responsibility for things in her life.

"What? No good morning to me?" Max's voice almost managed to distract me but I kept on ignoring him.

"What did you do with it? What frivolous thing did you spend it on this time? Tell me, Carly." I stared hard at my sister.

"I wanted to get Ry that awesome new gaming system for his birthday and I couldn't afford it, so, I, uh, might have used the money Max gave me." Carly blushed bright red as she admitted her guilt.

"That's why you invited him here? All so you could get Ry a better birthday present." My voice started rising into rant mode and Carly flinched back away from me.

"At least he leaves a good impression." Carly smirked at Max, which managed to infuriate me more.

"You wasted house money, Carly! Not your money or my money but house money. We need that to pay the rent, our bills and the food bill that your mooching boyfriend always eats but doesn't contribute to. Can't you see the difference?" now I'd started shouting.

"It wouldn't even be house money if he didn't move in." Carly tried to argue.

"You'll use any excuse, won't you? This is why I need my own place. I've got you spending money that's not yours and now I'm stuck with him in the room next to me." I pointed my thumb back to Max.

"Dawn, you can't move. Look, I'm sorry, okay, but I didn't think it would matter."

Carly began pleading.

"You always say that and you always think that but you never change, do you, Carly? It matters when we don't discuss someone new moving in. It matters when you use house money for something frivolous. All of that stuff matters! I can't deal with this, I'm going back to bed." I turned and marched into my room.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now