Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I started pacing the moment Max said goodbye to me and went into the room next to mine. That's when the true reality of his presence hit me. He really had moved into the empty room next to mine. That made me start to freak out as I considered the implications of him being in such close proximity to me.

For a few minutes, I could hear him shuffling around. When I realised I'd paused with the intention of listening to him, I threw my head into my hands. A man now occupied the room next to mine. Not just any man either. This one had the charm and finesse to attract women from near and far. The trouble was that I found him attractive. Most of my fantasies now focused on his body that I'd had a full view of naked.

Realising that I was going in circles, I decided on a shower, hoping it would soothe me from the strange night I'd endured. I snuck from my room over to the bathroom, hoping his door didn't open and I snuck back in the same foolish manner.

The shower only brought my thoughts into more vivid focus. It seemed that nothing would help me. Tugging on an old, baggy shirt, I made my way back to my room.

An hour later, I still paced my bedroom floor. I hadn't heard a peep from his room but I kept pacing. My mind churned over the nice things he did for me this evening, before they flipped over into reminders of his past behaviour. Who was Max Brown? Which facet of him was the true essence of Max Brown? I just didn't know what to think.

As much as I wanted that sweet Max to be the true representation of him, it seemed unlikely. The man I'd met months ago having sex on someone else's couch showed the reality of Max.

The reminder of his unnerving stare at me all night sent a thrill through me. I loved having his focus on me. At the same time I thought over all the women who I'd seen approach him. He'd been polite but never asked any of them to sit by him. The man had nursed one drink all night and spent the rest of the time staring at me.

A tap on my door made me squeal and jump backwards. I clutched a hand to my chest before approaching the door with caution. I'd forgotten that I hadn't talked to Carly and that it was probably her. That had me firing up, I needed to talk to her about allowing Max to move in with us.

Swinging the door open, a half naked Max faced me instead. In only a pair of boxers, he was a delicious sight indeed. I could only hope that I didn't start drooling as I faced that awesome toned chest of his.

"I'm going to help you get to sleep, but you have to trust me." He spoke low and deep, making my stomach twist pleasantly.

"What's the chance that I'd trust you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Slim to none, but I can promise you pleasant dreams." His smile turned naughty and I swear my body tumbled into a pool of lust.

"I don't think so." I managed a breathless protest.

"Lie down on the bed, Dawn." He commanded and my feet shuffled beneath me as if they intended to follow his orders.

"Nope." I whispered.

"I won't ever mention this to anyone. Not your sister, not my sisters or Ry. Nobody needs to know. The only rule is you have to lie down on the bed and stay quiet."

"I'm not having sex with you, Max." I declared as I shook my head and went to close the door.

"This isn't about sex. Okay, it's a tiny bit about sex, but nothing like you seem to have thought about." He winked at me.

My willpower wanted so badly to cave and my curiosity also wanted to have a say. What exactly did he intend to do to help me? Asking myself that question left me all tingly. I wanted to know but at the same time I needed to resist.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now