Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The knock on my bedroom door late at night shouldn't have surprised me. Carly had let me stew in the angry mess she knew I was at the moment. I knew she wouldn't let me stew forever. That wasn't my sister's way. Carly waited until things seemed calmer before approaching me, which was always a good plan. One never knew when I might throw something at them, accidental or not.

I hadn't heard Ry around for awhile and I certainly appreciated that. If he was a smart man, he'd try to avoid my anger too. After all, he had lied to Carly about who he was. I didn't like seeing my sister made a fool off, so he had yet to deal with my temper over his behaviour.

"C'mon, Dawn, it's about time you let me in here." Carly tapped upon my door again.

"It's open. Will you just walk in already?" I said from under my covers.

"You've been avoiding me." Carly stormed in with crossed arms and a frustrated expression. The only reason I saw this was because she turned on the light.

"Let the darkness return." I grumbled.

"Fine, but we're at least discussing things." She grew determined.

"Ugh, just get in the bed."

I pulled back the covers and she turned the light back off before tucking herself into my covers. She ducked down to examine me, but I rolled over so she had no chance.

"What's going on? Where's Max? I haven't seen him since you two scurried off to your workplace the other day." Carly enquired.

It surprised me that she had seen us leave after her dramatic morning. When I left for work, I hadn't noticed her, and had assumed she'd left the reminder of Ry's lies. I rolled back over to face her and chose to go on the defensive.

"Are you and Ry still going out after you found out the truth about him?" I returned her question with a question, but it was hard to fool my sister.

"You can't avoid the topic, but I'll tell you the truth about Ry if you tell me the truth about Max." She bargained.

"Get on with it."

"So, after I told him how I felt the other day..."

"Through all of the yelling." I interrupted.

"Yes, I admit I did yell a bit."

"How about all day, Carly." I eyed her as she wriggled in the bed.

"I didn't like that he portrayed himself as someone else. It was like I didn't know him at all and that hurt. I mean we've been going out for a year, and he's always lied to me about his job. Did you know he's unemployed? I've made him start looking for work. I'm not letting him laze around here anymore unless he pulls his weight."

"I didn't know some of that and thank you. He eats a heck of a lot of our food."

"I know and I guess I've had the blinders on and haven't seen him in his true light." She sighed and shook her head.

"So, you're still together?"

"Yeah, but now he's really pushing the whole threesome thing. I don't know why and I don't know what he expects out of it."

"Ugh, pleasure?" I suggested.

"You're such a cheeky minx! Now you have to tell me about Max." She stared me down and I winced.

Where did I start to tell her the story of what happened the other night? I didn't even know if I had the facts true in my head. With no return of Max, I had to wonder if my assumptions about his marrying that Ana woman was the actual truth.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now