Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

It was the third day of Max being away when I heard a rap on the front door. I had started sleeping in Max's room because Carly refused to sleep in the 'Ry infested bed'. I sure as heck wasn't sleeping in there either.

Sharing a bed with my sister when she had stress in her life turned painful way too quickly. I threw stuff around during stressful times, while she kicked in her sleep. Not nice soft kicks either. She played violent, deadly games of stress football in her sleep.

After the first night of bruising, and having her snap me awake with kicks during the night, I had a decision to make. Either I bought Carly a new bed, slept on the couch, or used the only other bed in the house. Accepting that I had girlfriend status gave me the fortitude to go into his room.

It wasn't locked and that surprised me. The big bed that I knew he'd slept in beckoned me forth. I cuddled under his doona and his scent enveloped me. I dragged in a deep breath and my body responded to that smell.

The biggest truth I found was that I missed him. I craved having his attention, and I wanted it next to me all the time now. At work, his presence had become a soothing companionship and I missed that too. I'd become used to his company, and far more attached to him than I ever thought possible.

The male customers at work must fear Max's return because none of them touched me. It surprised me how polite even the worst ones were in Max's absence.

Every day before I left for work, Max would ring me and ask me about my day. He was so darn sweet that my heart fluttered with anticipation at even the thought of his phone calls.

Having that knock on the door on the third day made me moan. I wasn't ready to leave the comfort and security I had from having Max's presence surrounding me. When the knock became continuous, I knew I had no choice but to answer. I grouched, grumbled and managed to stagger out of his room, while shoving my glasses on my face.

Answering the door, I came face to face with Lana, Kelly and Jane, Max's three sisters. I blinked at them, shoved my glasses higher onto my face, and considered their presence.

"Good morning, Dawn!" Lana breezed into the lounge room, far too chirpy for me.

"Did we wake you?" Kelly in all her pregnant glory bumbled in behind Lana.

"Yeah, work was a bit hectic last night." I said with a yawn.

"Sorry to have disturbed you." Jane followed with a rueful smile and a pricey bottle of wine that she offered me.

"It's a little early in the day, but thanks. Max isn't here..." I trailed off as the women all faced me with cheeky grins.

"That's great because we're actually here for you," Lana's cheerfulness had my heart dropping to my toes. "I have my last wedding gown fitting today, and I thought it might be a great chance to find you a dress." Lana clapped her hands excitedly and my whole body tensed.

"Um, okay." I fumbled over what to say.

"And to get to know you better if we're all becoming sisters."

"Huh? What?" I exclaimed.

"She's getting ahead of herself. It's wedding jitters," Jane assured me as she jabbed Lana with her elbow. "What she meant was that we know you mean a lot to Max."

"How?" great, now I'd started stuttering.

"He's talked about you for the last couple of months. You're the only woman he's ever mentioned, and I mean ever. Even in high school Max never had a girlfriend."

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