Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Max had his driver out the front of our place waiting patiently by the time I changed clothes. I sat in the back seat and smoothed out the skirt that I'd put on. Was I trying to impress Max? I wasn't sure if I wanted to know that truth.

I knew I'd turned starry eyed as I sat beside him breathing in that unique, enticing aroma that only Max could have. He could charm me with more ease than any man I'd ever met before. A smile and a wink made me want to be his more than anything.

How had I gone from finding his charisma annoying to lovesick so fast? The man had been away for three days with no word as to his whereabouts and I just forgive him. He drops a few kisses on my lips and I let everything go. What was wrong with me?

"Why didn't you tell me where you were? You said I'll see you at home and I assumed you meant that night not three days later." I blundered over my words, instantly regretting saying anything.

"Unlock your phone and pass it to me," he didn't answer my question, just placed his hand in front of me. I handed him my phone. "I'm giving you my number and I don't give it out to many people. You're one of the lucky ones." He typed in his number before handing the phone back to me.

"Thank you. You didn't answer my question."

"I couldn't escape Lana, she was the biggest pain in the arse. Then my father decided to start in on me and it all went to hell fast." He explained.

"What was wrong with your dad?"

"He wants me to take over the family business being the only male child and I have less than no interest in undertaking that much stress. Kelly studied business and got her degrees needed to take over the business. Dad won't listen to either of us about it and Kelly runs the business now. It's been a frustrating couple of days." He admitted as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Sounds annoying." I agreed, wanting to ask more questions but forcing my lips to silence.

"After breakfast, we're going to go grocery shopping. I can't let my girl suffer with a lack of breakfast cereal." He teased, which made me sigh.

"You don't have to do that, Max. My anger at you stemmed from you disappearing, and I worried about where you were. I also thought you were marrying someone else, and that you were leading me on with all your flirty behaviour." The words flew from my lips.

"Now that all makes sense." Max clicked his fingers and his eyes gleamed with an odd triumph.


"How you reacted on Saturday night. Glad to see I can make you jealous too." He did that trademark wink of his, which started to annoy me.

"You flirted with me that day. You also kissed me. After that I saw you hugging and flirting with a stranger I didn't know at work. What did you expect me to think?" I snapped as he reverted to charming mode with that panty melting smile.

"I didn't see it that way because from my point of view all of that was my sister. I hugged my sister, talked with her and ordered her a drink. Obviously, you saw something different." He pointed out.

"It was more that you were everything I'd always thought you were from that first evening. Knowing she's your sister makes it all different. Of course, you'd have a familiarity with her. I overreacted." I admitted.

"Still going to go with how jealous you were." He teased and I huffed out a breath.

"I thought you were leading me along because of the marriage talk. You're a charmer, Max, and I knew that from the first time I met you. It's hard to trust the words of someone who can charm any woman just by smiling." I tried to explain but that seemed to frustrate him.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now