Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Do you want the grand tour?" Max diverted my attention away from ogling at the house I saw beyond me and it's magnificence.

"Sure." I sounded vague and more than a little distracted.

"Honey Bee, I didn't mean to pressure you. If you're going to have one of your panic attacks, can we please not do it in this room." Max waved a hand around.

I'd been too busy trying to look further into his house, so I hadn't even glanced in this room. The fact that I was in Max Brown's space still hadn't quite registered in my brain yet.

"What's so special about this room?"

I decided to focus on what surrounded me, and see past the huge expanse of the house to the items in front of me. With a gaping mouth, I stared at the number of awards that graced the tall glass shelves. If this room showed off Max's success in his life, then it was the most brilliant showing I'd ever seen.

"Wow, this is how you greet people with the entry to your home?" I knew I sounded tactless but he'd shocked me for the umpteenth time that day.

"I mostly set this up so my dad would notice every time he visited. It might give him the hint that I don't need to take over the family business. If he can come to that realisation then he might quit making ridiculous demands of me." Max replied with a shake of his head.

"Why does your father expect so much from you? You're successful! Look at all these awards. You obviously don't need your family business when you're already a success."

"And that's why I want you in my life."

Before I could even hazard a reply to that, Max stepped into my space. His fingers delved into my hair, his lips landed on mine, and I could only sigh in bliss.

After the crazy morning we had, I could appreciate every moment of his kisses. I'd missed having these fiery kisses of his, and we'd only kissed a few times.

"We can't do this in here." Max murmured against my lips.

"Then choose a room where we can." I demanded.

His lips left mine and I might have moaned just a little. I wanted more. As I now had the official title of girlfriend, I could have those kisses whenever I wanted. Right now, I wanted kisses every second.

"The couch awaits." Max grabbed hold of my hand, and tugged me out of the entrance to his house, now known as the awards room in my mind.

I went to complain about wanting more of his kisses and less shuffling around his house. When I saw the spectacular view from the floor to ceiling windows, kisses were the last thing on my mind. I stopped moving and Max came to a halt alongside me.

I didn't notice much of anything beyond the ocean pounding on rocks below me and the beach spread out in an arc creating the most gorgeous view. Of course the gigantic couch stood prominent in the room, but that was the only thing I saw.

"Why are you living with us when you could stay here and enjoy this great house and awe inspiring view?" I asked as I stared out at the ocean vista in front of me.

"Are you telling me you haven't figured it out yet?" Max returned a question my way, so I turned to him. Arousal and amusement fought for a place in his expression, which made everything inside of me want to kiss him.

"What's there to figure out? You said you were trying to avoid Lana, but she knows where to find you now."

"You seem to hear things I say quite selectively." His lips quirked into a grin.

The annoying charisma of Max Brown (Now published so sample size only)Where stories live. Discover now