16.Where are you?

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I ran down the hall, bursting through the bright blue door covered in stickers to find it empty... and a mess. There was no one there. But someone had been. Stuffed animal littered the floor. books... pictures... you name it, it was all trashed.

"Logan?" I turned around to see Roman and Virgil standing there, utterly terrified at where their father could have gone. 

"When did you see him last." Their eyes darkened as they looked at each other and I cringed.

"Right before the crash." Roman whispered as Virgil looked away. My heart dropped and I stumbled over to the bed before I could fall. "That's why we were looking for him. He didn't look like himself."

"Yeah, he kept mumbling about some stupid carol? It was hard to hear." Carol? I stared in shock as my hands began to shake. "Logan?"

"A Christmas carol?" They both looked at me like I lost my mind but I quickly jumped up and ran back to my room shutting my door and locking them all out. "CHRIS!!!" I yelled out as loud as I could, ignoring the banging on my door. "CHRIS!" Still no reply. I fell back, hitting the door, and just slid down it until I was sitting. "Chris... please..."

"Lo..g..an..." I opened my eyes and sat there frozen. "L...og...an..."

"Chris?" I watched as the space in front of me began to warp until only a hinted outline of a figure could be seen. "What... Where are you?"

"D...Dark... Da... alm..." They started to fade and I reached out subconsciously. I watched as their hand reached out and grabbed my arm. As soon as they touched me, everything went cold. So cold and so dark. "Logan, please help."

The world melted away from me and soon I was in that pitch black that always seemed to want to crush me.  I looked around seeing nothing but that inky black and sighed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just tried to breathe. 

  "You're on the verge of a breakthrough." I looked up to find Patton standing there in front of me, a bright beaming smile on his face. "I knew you had it in ya, Kiddo. "

"Patton?" I reached out, brushing my hand through his leg, and I watched as his image rippled like a reflection in the water, until it disappeared.

"You'd be surprised what some people can cope with." I jumped up, spinning around to find Patton looking off to the distance.

"I didn't mean it." I looked over to my side to find Chris standing there, a sad look in his eyes. "I'm just glad no one got hurt." His figure blew away with an invisible wind and I spun around to find the both of them standing there looking at me. What is this? Some hallucinatory hell? 

"If you keep pushing people away, you're just going to lose everything with any actual meaning in your life." They both spoke in unison and I cringed. They're right. Patton was right.  He tried to help me but I just pushed him away. I pushed them both away. He knew how I got. Why did he even try? All it did was hurt him? Patton stepped forward and reached out, placing his hand on my cheek and smiling.

"I care about you, Logi Bear." I heard him say as I grabbed his hand, only to watch him disappear. Why do they always know just what I'm thinking?

"I just always know what your thinking." I heard Chris whisper in my ear. I spun around but they were gone. Both of them were just gone.

"CHRIS! PATTON!" I yelled out but soon the black melted away, and I found myself standing there in front of a Christmas tree in a place, I didn't recognize. "Patton!"

I felt something tug my pant leg and I looked down to find this little kid standing in front of me. He had messy blonde hair and freckles that dusted his face hidden underneath a small pair of glasses. He smiled at me and hugged a stuffed dog.

"What do you want mister?"

"I'm looking for some friends of mine. Have you seen anyone pass by here?" He shook his head and I frowned. 

"If you're looking for friends, though... I'll be your friend." His smile got even brighter and his cheeks blushed as he squeezes the stuffy tightly. 

"Thank you little one..." His face lit up and I couldn't help but smile. But it didn't last long, and soon the kid looked back at me with a confused look. "... but, I need to find them. I need to find Patton." His eyes narrowed and his hands dropped, causing the stuffed dog to graze the ground.

"You need to find Patton? Well, you already found me silly." My eyes went wide as turned around skipping away, only to look back and smile. "My name is Patton. Patton Sanders. Follow me, I'll introduce you to everyone."

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