Chapter 2: Reoccurance of past events

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Azelia's P.O.V

Nathan and I are just about to walk through the huge hall doors when I realize I didn't eat my daily apple. I didn't realize earlier that I wasn't carrying it all this time. I remembered to pick up my bag but I forgot to pick it up when it fell while he was hugging me.

As to the word daily you know I eat one everyday. You must wonder why an apple is so important. Have you ever heard the saying: an apple a day keeps the doctor a way? Maybe you have but that's not the reason. Well, it was all because of a misfortunate incident which happened to me at kindergarten. After hearing this from my past you might laugh at me, the girl who doesn't want to date until college.

Almost ten years ago...

It was the third week and I hadn't made any close enough friends yet. Kids there were not the best to get along with anyways. Then again who is at that age? I usually am always in the sand box all by myself playing and having my own fun. I kept my space but one day some girls came over to me and demanded me to come out of 'their' sand box. I was a 100% sure it wasn't 'their' sand box so I shook my head and kept on building sand castles.

I thought I avoided conflict but one of them pushed me and they all ran. I ran after them angrily wanting to push her back. As I was close enough to push her, she jumped over a big germy puddle that was filled with yucky green water. I wasn't quick enough to jump over it and fell right in. She stood laughing and I took the opportunity to pull her in too. We both got rushed to the nurse and both caught a very bad rash that was contagious.

We had to stay at the hospital for a long while. They said we needed to bond and forgive each other so the doctors made us stay in the same room. Regardless our beds were beside each other, we didn't speak to each other or looked each other's way. I liked it that way though, I hated her. You can say back then she was the only kid I never wanted to play with.

When our classmates came to visit. They brought gifts, books to read to us and a bunch of other stuff. I got used to the visits every three days. The stories they read were repeated and the gifts were different badly colored pictures each time. However, one gift stood out the most. That's when I first saw him, the face a young girl will always remember. He was this cute, dark haired boy with the most handsome baby face I've ever seen and deep dimples. His eyebrows were thick and as shiny as his black hair. He had the blackest and shiniest hair I've ever seen. He wore a blue shirt and dark blue jeans, it immediately became my favorite color. Weird I know.

He brought an apple, he gave me and said, "this apple is for good luck."

I took it with ease, but I didn't eat it the same time. I just kept staring at him. That's all he said to me then went over to her bed. He said something to her and patted her head. After she gave him a quick smile, he left without the rest of the children. I ate the apple, two days after I was fully recovered. A miracle the doctor called it. However, Allie didn't get out until a week after but I didn't feel pity at all, to me it was a fair punishment.

I considered the apple to indeed have given me good luck and I never stopped believing from back then. Ever since then I eat an apple every morning, never missed a day and its been years, imagine how many apples. To me its my lucky charm, and I feel safe each day, even on my bad days. Aiden was my favorite person since then. I didn't even say a sentence to him though but in kindergarten I thought he was going to become my best friend. I wasn't so clear on what a crush was back then but after that day I never saw him again.

I never stopped having that special feeling whenever I thought of him. Aiden was my so called 'soon to be best friend' but it was so much more than a friendship feeling that I had. I know that clearly its not that now. However I met Nathan in the second year and finally I had a best friend. I made friends with almost every kid I saw but the position Nathan holds in my life will never be taken by anyone and I certainly do not want Aiden to be a bestfriend anymore. I wish for him to be so much more and I laugh at myself for wanting to meet him again when I'm older. It was one of those love at first sight moments that I still don't believe in but its certainly similar.

My parents and Nathan were always curious why I eat an apple every morning but I never told them the actual truth.


I started to panic, it felt like a part of me was missing. I got so used to it I just couldn't go without it. Nathan tried his best to convince me that its just an apple. I didn't agree but I still carried on.

At chemistry class we were about to hear our lab partners, obviously I was hoping it would be Nathan. Only to hear that I'm paired up with Allie Mckesse. First sign of bad luck, what next? Nathan got paired up with someone else. I am considered the top student for this class but the boy he is paired up with is considered second so he is in good hands.

Allie smiles and hugs me saying, "happy birthday Azelia! I hope you're not still hung up on what happened back in kindergarten. I mean your fourteen now. Even though you are a year behind most of us I know you are much more mature".

I give her the best fake smile I could, I still hate her. Knowing I was stuck with her I decided to at least try to look past the past. Anything for the grade right? It is kind of childish to still be hung up on something that happened when we were five anyways.

"You look different. Those glasses were hiding such a pretty face." Allie attempts a conversation.

Again I smile without a response. After that she remained quiet which I didn't mind. We began our assignment after our teacher  had given us the ingredients and instructions to proceed into the experiment.

Allie was to apply a blue fluid in the sulphate, instead she adds a green one. Our teacher gave clear instructions and I know for a fact she was paying attention. This was done on purpose. But why, does she want to get us our first failing grade!?

The sulphate began to change into a yucky green color and this reminded me of something. It started to bubble a lot as if it was boiling, then it explodes. It got all over Allie and I, seems she set a trap for me and also got caught in it. Its like kindergarten all over again. How stupid of me to think that this girl was finally mature and not bent on such silly things of our past.

The smell was really unbearable, they had to evacuate the entire school. Worst part is Allie and I are the ones carrying the stench. It was so embarrassing, everyone's gonna know me now but not because of something good. But knowing Allie was caught in it too, lessened my shame. No I'm not evil, it is what it is. I was not the one who started anything in the first place!

I went at the back of the school yard because I am not going to take that walk of shame pass all the freshman and seniors. All phones would be out and I would go viral.  Nathan followed me and when we reached the football field he turned on the sprinklers. He didn't scorn me like the others, he even ended up smelling like me.

Instead of going home immediately we both played in the sprinklers for over an hour. The smell wasn't completely gone but we were now soaked from head to toe. We didn't care, it was so fun! Besides, this birthday was not what I expected but it ended quite fine.

We walked home together and knowing he was there with me I was happy. His house is on the opposite street to mine so its the usual for us.

My birthday wasn't an enjoyable one but knowing I got a best friend like Nathan is a gift I get everyday. However, he's going to be mad because I'm going to post those videos. Ha!

I will not forget my daily apple again. Today is proof that it is indeed my good luck charm.

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