Chapter 23 - Bad boys' good girl

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My room was silent and both of us kept it that way. His stare on me made me lose all my words and look down on my feet. It wasn't because of my nudeness, this situation was all my fault. Well...partly.

I then took his shirt off my shoulder and adjust it to put on my body when he pulls it away. "Wh-hats that for?" I stutter.

He doesn't reply while he takes up his stuff and holds the doornob. "Wait! Aiden I-" I freeze not knowing what to say.

He pauses, "You what?"

I kept silent and hold my hand with the other and sigh. "Yeah, I thought so." He shakes his head and opens my door. I walk to my window and watch him as he goes into his car and drives out of sight. I lift my head and look straight ahead at Nathan's house.

He was standing by his window symmetrical to mine. He folded his arms and glared at me. I stared back but with a poker face. He then turned his head and lock his window. I was now standing all by myself waiting for the break of dawn. Bare in the night wind looking out my window, lost in space.

What am I going to do now?


I got out of the shower and dry my hair. My hair cascades down my back passing my waist. I look at it in annoyance. Its been growing a lot lately.

I pull out a drawer and search for my scissors. I take a long look at myself in the mirror and smirk while devilish thoughts cloud my mind.

Aiden wants an innocent, loyal good girl but Nathan wants a wild, fun good girl. I thought to myself. I can do both, if I can't choose I'll just be both their versions of me.

Ironic really, being the bad boys' good girl. I've known them both for years and it must be fate that I'm entwined between both. Why not take advantage? Just sucks that they are both so selfish.

Guess I'll just have to be loyal to both in a sense that neither will know.

After last night I feel different. Like I held back a part of myself I did not know was caged up inside. One thing we all have in common though, the three of us had a bad side hidden away. Time to release mine but I'll still be the angel they want me to be. A bad angel.

I grip a handful of my hair and begin to cut it until inches of dark brown hair were on the floor. I twirled my head around and was now satisfied with how I looked. I put on a black crop top with some baggy black sweat pants. I look sweet but sexy. Since Nathan is closer, I'll visit him first.

I walk to my window and the sharp sore of pain that was between my legs was now gone. I smirked and said out loud, "I guess its your turn to get a taste. Let's see if you are better."

With one last look in the mirror I put on my black running shoes and head downstairs.

I head to the kitchen passing my father on the way. "Wait!" He yells and I stop knowing exactly what he was going to complain about.

"Oh come on dad! I'll be eighteen in three months. Showing my belly button isn't illegal!" I scoff.

"Listen hear young lady. I know Aiden was here last night, your moans were loud and if you think just because you lost your vir-" I instantly froze but my mom cut him off. "We agreed to not say anything. Respect her privacy. She is growing up."

"Thanks mom." I grab a sandwich that sat on the counter. I pass my father and roll my eyes.

"And where do you think your going!?" He spatt.

I turn around then open the door. "Its none of your business but don't worry dad. I'll be home before 12:00."

I could hear him rambling but I closed the door and ran off on the side walk. I was going to the Blackhearts hide out but it would be too obvious if I simply crossed the street so I jogged for about an hour.

I pull the hoody of my crop top over my head and discretely go up to the old abandoned house. It isn't abandoned but thats the whole idea of a hideout.

I knock on the door, seconds after the door opens and I'm welcomed by a gun. A man wearing a mask comes into view. "Well what do we have here. State your business and it better be good because I'm not afraid to hurt a lady." He then threw off my hoody and looks me down up. "In your case, hurt in using another gun. Mhm! The personal gun."

I slap him across his face and he instantly put the gun to my forehead. "You just made the biggest fucking mistake of your life bitch. You'll lay to rest today after I use my other gun on you. Then I'll use this one to put a bullet in your skull."

I laugh, I felt no fear at all. To be honest the whole situation made me feel powerful. "I don't think your leader will like you touching what's his. Infact, you would lose your personal gun if you tried to use it on me." I put my hand on my hip still smiling.

"What would a girl like you mean to him when that's what all the girls here would say. I could just take you right now and the boss wouldn't care." He licked his lips and reach his hand to my cheek.

I quickly slap his hand away. "Do you really wanna find out?"

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