Chapter 38 - Meet the family

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Azelia's P.O.V

"Wake up already!" Cam shouts and I wake up. "You fell asleep quite early last night so why are you not awake yet."

"What time is it?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"Its almost ten." She informs me.

"Let me sleep an hour more. I don't wanna be awake today." I tell her even though I didn't need anymore sleep.

Ever since my mother said that to me yesterday, I can't think straight. I keep wondering why she wouldn't want me around dad. Does she think he'll hurt me or something? Ofcourse not, dad has never and would never hurt me.

"You can't! Thats what I'm tryna tell you." She says. "Your father is downstairs and is making breakfast and-"

I let out a "what!" before she could finish.

I quickly throw the sheets off of me and head for the door. Cam stops right infront of me.

"Wait listen!"

I stop. "Okay?"

"He says you should get dressed into something fancy and red. They are taking you to some celebration." She tells me. "And Aiden is with him."

"Celebration!? Aiden!?" I ask surprised. "You're messing with me right?"

She rolls her eyes, "just go and shower. They say I should come with sooooo!"

I smile, "I see you already did yourself."

I grab my towel and head to the bathroom. I can hear the dishes moving from downstairs so I know someone is indeed there.

After a long relaxing bathe I went back to my room. I see Cam searching briskly through her suitcase and I can see that she is excited unlike me who is confused. I haven't seen my father's face or Aiden's in almost four weeks and now they just randomly appear the day before my eighteenth birthday.

I drop my towel infront of her butt naked but she doesn't react because we became quite use to this. "Isn't it strange how they both appear after so long and on the day before my birthday?"

She stops for a moment. "I thought the same thing. Even if they wanted to surprise you or something, why not on your birthday?"

"I'm wondering the same thing." I say while putting on underwear.

"I don't think I even want to see him." I state honestly.

"Mr. McCreek?" She asks.

I move to my closet to search for a dress. "No, I'm talking about Aiden. My father I can look pass but he ignored me all this time too."

"You think he found out about Nathan." She asks while putting on a purple knee length dress.

"He found out some time ago but he didn't get mad. Infact he let it slide like he always does." I tell her.

"So he gets jealous and mad but doesn't really show it?" She asks now brushing her hair.

"Thinking back, he always made me win every argument and if I ever did something wrong he would forgive me instantly." I answer. "Sometimes it feels too good to be true."

"Thats simple, he is just afraid to lose you." She points out.

I pick out a wine red dress that is just above my knee and begin to put it on. "Sometimes it seems more like he needs to not lose me and thats the weirdest part."

She hands me the hairbrush and I start brushing my hair. "Nathan has always been more possessive than him but Nathan isn't as easily forgiving. Aiden shows his clingliness but I now realize he only shows it when it involves Nathan. Back in New York he wasn't as possessive as now. I'm starting to wonder if I really knew him at all or he has just been pretending because he seemed like such a good guy until he came back and I found out he is the complete opposite."


We head downstairs. I could smell the bacon all the way up here. When we enter the kitchen I see dad and Aiden both in suits. My father has on a full red suit and tie. Aiden is wearing a full blue suit and tie. Now I'm completely weirded out. Why the colours?

"Angel!" My dad shouts when he sees us.

He hugs me and kisses my forehead. He seems joyous, a little too joyous if you ask me.

He realizes I don't react to his gesture and asks. "Whats the matter and why look so upset?"

I keep my face just the same. "I haven't seen you in weeks and you suddenly appear and act like nothing is different. Mom has been locked in her room for weeks and won't talk to me!!!"

He hugs me and whispers as if he only wanted me to hear. "Everything will be alright soon, trust your old man."

"Aiden has a surprise. Tell her son." He says as he lets go.

"Son?" I ask surprised to what my father just called him.

Aiden walks closer and my face expression doesn't change. He holds my left palm.

"Remember when I told you I wanted you to meet my family?" He asks.

"Yeah, a month ago." I say plainly.

"I did mean it and today is the day you will. We have planned a special dinner for you tonight. I didn't forget my promise and I'm sorry I didn't call." He apologises.

"You call that an apology?" I remove my hand.

"I'll make it all up to you. We have forever to, you'll see." He kisses me.

"So are my father and Cam invited?" I ask and he nods. "So why not mom?"

"She doesn't want to come. I've asked her." My father answers.


We didn't even eat breakfast because I was still upset. Still, we all went into Aiden's car. The drive was silent and lasted almost a hour.

My father and Aiden lead us to a large looking house, could even be called a mansion. Three stories and glass for walls in most parts. I see where all the money of his family goes. Its located at the end of town where only a lake and woods are. If I didn't come here I wouldn't have known a house was built here.

The door opens and out comes a woman who looks the same age as my mother. She is expensively dressed in a blue dress and filled with jewelry. Again, I can see this family benefits off of Aiden's gang. She looks alot like Aiden and even smiles like him.

"Nice to meet you, Azelia." She hugs me.

"I don't mean to be rude but who are you?" I ask.

I knew she had to be a relative but I don't feel in the mood to be my nicest self right now. Infact, I'm already having thoughts of just leaving all this behind when I officially become an adult tomorrow.

She smiles, "oh where are my manners. I'm Catherine McKesse, Aiden's mother."

I couldn't prevent the surprised expression that came onto my face. I have heard him mention his parents only once to me but mostly his father. I started to believe that his mother didn't live with them. I thought he lived with his father and probably aunts and uncles along with his sister and cousins.

She shook my father's and Cam's hand and invite us in. It was getting late but night fall hasn't quite come yet. When I'm inside, I start to look around. Seems like I was wrong because there seemed to not be alot of people here only maids, Catherine, Aiden and most likely Allie.

Catherine and dad both leave us.

"Tonight is a special night babe." Aiden takes my arm and pull me behind him.

"I'm not leaving Cam here by herself." I stop him.

At the same time Allie descends from the stairs wearing a blue dress. What is with the colours!?

"I'll keep her company." She says obviously not wanting to but seems like she has to.

"I was about to say something but Cam speaks, "so you're Allie, how wonderful to finally meet you. I'm Cam, Azelia's bestfriend. I have been dying to meet theee Allie. I'll be good, go."

I laugh, "be careful though. This one kidnaps people when she's angry."

Allie gives me a hateful look and Aiden carries me up the stairs.

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