Chapter 14: Kidnapped

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They won't take their eyes off me. I feel hesitant and my heart races. I can't tell them the truth, especially my parents.

How do you tell your overprotective father and dramatic mother that you were out alone waiting to see a guy which happens to be a criminal and you almost got murdered by five men? And how do you tell a jealous boyfriend with anger issues that you spent the night at another guy's house which you have dated before? Honestly I still am whispering thank you prayers in my head.

They would scold me or possibly don't want me out of the house or even send me back to New York. They would say Nathan should be brought to justice and its the right thing to do. They would make a big fuss and make a case out of it. Nathan would have to go back to jail and his gang members with him. I am not saying what he's doing is right but...I don't want anything bad to happen to him. He has been through so much already.

"Azelia Roseria McCreek! I think we should have a talk!" Dad says. "And you are going to tell me EVERYTHING!"

"And no details speared!" Mom yells too.

I look over at Aiden waiting to hear what he is about to say but then abruptly we hear the window shatter. The window shatters from the bullets passing through it. Mom and dad drop themselves on the ground while Aiden jumps on me and the sofa falls over.

All windows at the front get shot out. My spine stands up and I begin to shake under Aiden. I can't see my parents from behind the sofa and everything goes silent. Aiden puts his hand on his lips to tell me to remain silent so I didn't call out to them as much as I wanted to. Please be okay!

I hear the sound of a car drive off.

I push Aiden to the side and ran to look. Its reckless I know but I wasn't thinking straight. I thought Nathan was doing this and I wanted to know why. Is it because I bolted? Would he try to kill me!? Would he try to harm me or my parents!? No, there must be some other explanation.

When I run outside I see that the car didn't leave. Two masked men are on the trunk with guns in their hands. They both have on dark blue jackets. Somehow I just knew these aren't any of Nathan's men. Then it clicked. What if these men are like the ones Nathan killed for me and come to finish the job and take revenge!?

I am positive it is one of the other gangs here that Nathan mentioned and not him. I look over at his house but not a single soul seems to even be looking through a window. Those gunshots were loud enough to make them hear. Nathan would have been out here by now, he must not be there. Did they all leave?

"What are you doing!? Get back inside!" Aiden yells while grabbing me and pulling me.

It was hard to get out of his strong hold but I managed to push him back inside when I see the men coming towards us. My heart sinks, I turned around to speed up again. But the two men grabbed me. I try to fight my way out their embrace as they pull me to the car.

Aiden runs up behind them and tried to save me. He manages to knock the gun from one and the other still holds me. As he comes towards me he gets hold of the gun again and shots Aiden in the foot. As Aiden falls to the ground they forcefully push me back into the backseat.

I cry out. "Aiddeeennnnn!!!!!"

My dad runs out but by the time he could even get close they already drive off and speed away. As they put a stinky and dirty bag over my face the only thing I could do is cry. They hold me down and I am too weak to move. I couldn't recognize their faces under the blue masks but what I saw before the bag was forcefully put over my head is the person in the driver's seat. The long blonde hair that cascades through the mask down her back.

As they are driving, its completely silent. In fear I stay quiet too. I've watched alot of movies and I know how this is going to turn out. And I think I know enough to panic. I silent cry and gasp as I whisper a prayer hoping Aiden is okay. It was in his foot so he won't die but I can't help be worried for him more than even myself right now.

"Let me out you sick motherfuckers!" I start to retaliate. "Let me ouuuttttt!"

I am scared to shit but I atleast have to pretend to be brave until I become brave. I manage to get one of my hands loose and I quickly grab hold of her hair and pull hard on it. The car starts to get out of control and she tries to get my hand out of her hair. I hold on tightly while still trying to bite my way out of their hold. Suddenly the one on my left takes his gun and hits me in the side of my head and knocks me unconscious.

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