Chapter 28 - An Aiden free night

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Azelia's P.O.V


"Whaaattttttt!!!" I shout back. I blink several times and rub my eyes before sitting up. "What!?"

"It's almost eleven." Camila informs while hovering over me.

"So!? I graduated high school a few months ago. And I'm not going to colledge until next year. Plus its summer. Nobody cares what time they wake up!" I yell.

She takes two steps back before scrunching her nose. "Yeeeeesh... Morning breath."

My face became the color of a tomato. My breath really does stink. I say nothing more and head to the bathroom.

She comes in and pull her shorts down revealing her underwear. "I been holding it since last night."

She pulls down her underwear and sits on the toilet. "Why, you could've just taken a few steps from the bed and its there."

"Its the first time I'm at your house. This one anyways." She replies. "I felt like I needed your permission or something. Or maybe I'm wrong. I'm not really sure how the house manners thing works, its totally new to me."

"You're so oblivious!" I laughed putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and begin to brush. "Oogy laggo oggle glag gog."

"Oh yeah, he came over this morning." She replies.

Back in New York we do this all the time. I would brush my teeth while she did her own thing and listen to my goggle talk. No one talks English while a toothbrush is in their mouth but she always understood what I would say.

I quickly spit the toothpaste out. "What!?"

"Said he wanted to talk to you about something private." She shrugs. "But you were asleep so he left you a note. That's so cheesy."

"Where is the note?" I ask.

"He snuck in under your pillow and kissed your cheek before whispering a faint I love you. Again soo cheesy." She giggles and I blush.

I quickly wash out my mouth with some water and head back to my bedroom. I lift my pillow and see a small folded sheet of blue paper. I giggle and unfold the cheesy note.

Dear Azelia,
I know you want to see me, well I hope you do. I might have not been an understanding boyfriend lately and I don't listen to you but I'm going to be. I'm sorry I got you caught up in this but I promise no harm will come to you again. Infact the Evils are going to protect you at all costs. I know you never met my family and honestly I don't want you to but they are eager to meet you, mostly my mother. She's a bit intense and judgy, most likely will talk to you about marriage. I do plan to marry you one day though so I don't mind. I will be doing some stuff today, stuff thats best you don't know. So you won't be seeing me today, but I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:00pm to have dinner at my house. Love yah!
Love Aiden

"What did it say?" Camila asks walking out the door with a towel on.

"Just says I'm not gonna see him today and he wants me to have dinner with his family tomorrow." I reply. "You took a shower?"

"I mean the cheesy stuff..." She retorts.

"Well he did mention wanting to marry me." I say shyly.

"Wow, you got him hooked huh?" She giggles. "Yeah I took a shower, thought we were going to hang out with Aiden's crew or something. I'm bored and you promised to let me have half of the fun. Too bad though, guess we have to stay home since you can't see him today."

A smirk stretched its way across my lips. "Good thing Nathan's never too busy to see me."

"Oh you are actually up for this. In that case go get your self a shower and let's go have some fun." She smiles.

After a long soothing shower I enter my room in only underwear and bra. "Got anything black?"

"Jeez, Zee cover up!" She throws a pillow at me. "You always do this."

"And you got everything I got. Plus you strip butt naked in front of me all the time." I retort.

She rolls her eyes. "I was just being funny. Besides I'm your best friend. Who else would I be butt naked in front of and feel comfortable? Thats what a bestfriend is for."

"Right." I reply faintly. "So do you have anything black?"

"Yea." she replies raising an eyebrow. "Why though?"

"We're going over to the Blackhearts hideout, they all wear black. So we're going to wear black too."

"Okay, I got this cute black strapless dress that shows my skin tone perfectly." She says searching her suitcase. I just nod and began to search my drawers for something to wear.

"Who do you think is cuter?" She asks breaking the five minute silence.

"You talking about the two of them?" I ask sliding on a black shorts.

"Yeah, I wanted to know who you found more appealing." She says.

I think for a second, "well I have always liked Aiden's hair better. His is pitch black and super shiny, and I've always liked playing with it. Nathan has light brown hair with dark tips but he has the most beautiful baby blue eyes ever while Aiden's are green."

"And you like Nathan's eyes more because its your favorite color." She interjects.

I nod and continue, "Aiden's legs look great in jeans but Nathan looks great in shirts. Aiden's legs are thin and slightly bent, its super sexy. But the way Nathan's upper body and muscles hugs his shirts is sexy too. Nathan has dimples in both cheeks but Aiden has his in his lower back. I can't choose who is more good looking to be honest. They both amazingly are."

"Okay." she says slipping into her dress. "How about whose better in be-"

I cut her off, "I haven't tried that with Nathan yet so I can't choose in that area either."

She smirks, "You have a whole Aiden free night. Then you'll see who is better."

I just roll my eyes at her, "let's eat something and go."

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