Chapter 34 - Your turn

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Azelia's P.O.V

"The main reason I came here was for only lustful intent." I truthfully admit. "I didn't want all this to happen and I understand if I'm a burden. And I understand if you don't find me desirable after-"

Before I could finish, he stops me with a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Not find you desirable!?" He laughs while positioning himself between my legs. "I had wet dreams about you since I was twelve!"

"You did!?" I ask a little eye open.

He does not reply. Instead he looked down at me and smirked.

"Only difference now is that I get to have my fantasy in real life."

I feel a little scared by the lustful grin on his face and suddenly want to back out. I lift my hands to his chest only to get them pinned down at my sides. He starts to suck and nibble on my neck. I couldn't help but move my hands over his body. I feel his fingers slowly massage my wet area and it brought a pleasure I have never felt before.

My moans grow louder as he reached to my twin feminine parts. He dealt with them so gentle but with force while still teasing me with his fingers that I couldn't be starved any longer.

"I need it!" I yell. "Give me it now before I take it by force!"

Nathan had a playful grin on his face and I knew he was starving me on purpose. Instead of hearing my request, his head fell lower. This ecstasy was another new feeling and I loved it, my body began to rub against his mouth. I moan even louder but this still couldn't please the lust that was growing inside.

"Pleeaassseee!" I beg.

He stops and I assume he is finally ready to go in. But once again he trys my patience by tormenting me with his fingers. I decided I will have what I want and stop his childlike playfulness. I push him beside me and go over him.

He smiles, "appears I have starved you too much but can you take me?"

I know he is quite large and larger than my first but I didn't care. I positioned my self and got on. At first entry, it was a little painful but when all of him went all the way in I shed tears. How can I feel like this is my first time all over.


The air was cold and the environment didn't feel comfortable to me. The crappy wallpaper, the half mirror hung up beside the bed, the lack of furniture or decoration, the dusty ceiling and the small bed is all too depressing. His life turned upside down just like his room. The sweet, goofy and harmless little boy I once knew has grown up into a cold man. Though pieces of him still come back now and then, I know he will never be the same unbothered kid again.

The only thing kept me from feeling depressed myself is his embrace and the picture of us hanging on the wall. Somehow it made the crappy wall invisible to me because once I saw the picture, the wall didn't bother me anymore. A picture of us sitting on the sand watching the sunset, life was so much easier then.

"Can't sleep?" I hear his voice in my ear.

I turn slightly and meet his eyes. I brush his messy hair out of his face and rub his cheek. Suddenly I realize something.

"Why not hate me?" I ask him. "I left you here all alone. I forgot you and replaced you!"

He slowly gets up and turns his back to me.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done this. I don't want to complicate things anymore than they are." I confess.

He doesn't say anything. He only rubs both his hands in his hair.

"Nathan I love you and thats why I'm doing this. You said we didn't break up well I'm doing it now." I explain.

With my last choice of words, I start to regret saying them. He slammed his fist into the half mirror inches away from him. I immediately feel scared and submissively shrink into the sheets. He then takes a handful of the shards and squeeze them into his palms. This action was done on purpose it seems. I think he did it to calm him down because he relaxed even though blood was dripping from his closed fist.

"Nathan your hand!" I scream while going over to him.

He keeps his eyes from me and my heart felt numb now. I am trying not to hurt him but at the same time that is hurting him. What am I suppose to do!?

"Go." he hands me a big black T-shirt which I was indeed need of because my clothes were all bloody. Shit! I killed someone!

"You and camila should go home. Don't come back here! Ever!" He orders me harshly.

Its the first he has spoken to me this way. So harsh and so cold. The longer I'm here the more numb my heart felt. I put on the shirt and walk away. I reach to the door and twist the knob. I look back one last time but he hasn't shifted and he did not look back at me either. I get out and slowly close the door and I rest my forehead on it while sighing. I have nothing more to do than just go home.

I walk down the squeaky stairs and get greeted by "ooouuu's". Its pretty clear what we were doing considering I'm in his shirt without any underwear or bra but I don't care. Thank god its long enough. Oh yeah, I'm in his shirt again. I walk to a corner where Cam was sitting.

"Lets go." I pull her by the arm until we are out the door.

She was too drunk to complain or give an attitude. That I was thankful for. A car was close by, an expensive looking one too but when it drove off as soon as we crossed the street. I didn't pay it much attention because I was too desperate to get inside. Before turning the knob on the front door I look back one last time. Nathan stood firm at his window and I know he was just watching to see that I get home safe.

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