Chapter 22 - "You both are."

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Azelia's P.O.V

"Since both of you want me to put on your shirts, I'll just remain naked. You both have seen me this way before." I stood in between the two completely naked. 

The funny thing about it is I didn't feel any sort of way but when I repeated the statement in my head, I couldn't believe I admitted that in front of them both. Aiden became angrier while Nathan smirked, "I have, countless times over the years but you didn't have a problem putting on my shirt the other day."

Aiden popped his eyes out then looked at me with a firm expression. "So it was this piece of shit's black shirt you had on huh? Azelia I can't believe you fucking lied to me but worst than that you been fucking around with this sorry son of a bitch."

"Aiden, I am not fucking around with Nathan. Its- well- I... He is my boyfriend." I tried to put in another way but this was the only explanation that bounced off the top of my head.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He yelled. "I'm your boyfriend, what are you saying?"

Nathan interrupts me, "she's saying I'm her boyfriend not you, you ass wipe."

Aiden was about to throw back an insult when I spoke up. "Nathan, Aiden is actually my boyfriend."

"WHAT!?" they yelled at the same time.

"Well, you both are." I mumble underneath my breath.

Nathan took up his shirt and walked backwards to the window. "I usually do but in this case I'm not sharing. So when you realize I'm the better choice you know where I'll be. The gang is probably awake by now waiting for me."

I kept silent unable to speak. Boy oh boy, I confuse myself a lot.

Aiden lowers his gun then lifts it back up. "Wait, gang? Black shirt?" He raised and eyebrow and looks at the shirt in Nathan's hand. "You're a fucking Blackheart."

Nathan puts the shirt over his shoulder and widens his hands, "in the flesh. You can get an autograph later. Oh and yeah, I'm also thee leader." He put one leg out the window.

Aiden smiles then said, "babe could you throw me my blue shirt."

I did what he said then Nathan froze and came back inside. "Well well well! You're an Evil. I should have known. All you ediots do is try to steal what we rightfully own." He looked at me then back at Aiden.

I frowned, "I'm not some trophy you know."

"Maybe you're not but you are mine." He replied. 

I blush but quickly turned away because Aiden noticed. Seems like these two gangs they are in don't get along and things just got a little too personal so I grabbed my sheets and cover my body.

Aiden then speaks teasingly, " in the flesh. You can get an autograph later. Oh and yeah, I'm also thee leader."

Nathan scoffed, "No you're not that bitch Allie is."

Aiden tensed his finger and I could tell he wanted to pull the trigger but he remained calm, "you will not call my sister a bitch and I took over the gang so I'm the leader now by birth right."

Nathan stood shocked. "So you're telling me your that 'Aiden'." He became furious. "I should kill you right where you stand for all you did but I want you to suffer and feel how I felt when you sent those guys to kill my mother."

He then smiles at me then gives Aiden one last glare and goes out the window leaving me and Aiden all alone.

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