Chapter 36 - And just like that, everything changed

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Aiden's P.O.V

I lift her back up and bring her back to her room. I set her down on the bed beside her bestfriend and pull the covers over them both. I kiss her on her lips then on her forehead. I see that the window is open so I walk over to close it. As I'm about to pull the curtains I look straight ahead. Over the symmetrical window to hers stands a male figure in the crooked window. He stares right at me and then walks away. I know who it is and suddenly feel my anger rise. I quickly leave her room and close the door.

I walk back down the stairs and hear sobs once more. "It hurts!"

"Its okay baby, it'll be okay. I love you." I hear Carl's voice.

I quickly pass her parents in the kitchen so they don't see me. I close the door and walk to my car. I start it and drive off with one thing on my mind, why did dad agree to Carl's deal? I know I'm too late to get the answer but I suddenly want to know. Not that I hate it, but at first it wasn't easy for a kid to accept. I'm over the depression anyways, I'm glad he did now. I remember the day when Azelia's father first came to our house.

12 years ago

"Daddy! Is little sister okay?" I tug on his hand.

He kneels down and pats my head, "ofcourse son. She just got into a little accident."

"If you I could go to school then I could protect her and beat up anyone who tries to hurt her." I tense my fist.

He grins, "thats my boy! But thats why you can't go to school. You have to stay here and let me teach you to be strong so you can protect both her and your mom."

He stands up and tells me to follow him to the living room. When I get there I see Tiger and Dez, my father's bodyguards and most trusted too. They follow him everywhere and are always around our house when dad's home. They also are like my only friends since I am not allowed to play with other kids. They see me and Dez lifts me up while Tiger gives me a fist bump. The door bell rings and Tiger opens the door. In comes a man dressed in a red suit and looks about the same age as my dad.

"Magoose!" He yells while giving him a manly hug.

Magoose is the name people who do business with dad call him. So I knew this man I have never seen before had to do be a criminal or something. I might be five but I'm not stupid because thats the only kind of business my father does. The man then comes over to me in Dez's hand.

"Is this your boy?" He asked.

My father nods. "Aiden this is Carl, a good friend of mine."

I come out of Dez's hands and shake his hand. "Pleasure."

"Already I can see your father in you." He shakes my hand. "You got a good one here. I wish I had a son myself."

Out of curiosity I asked. "You don't have a son?"

Carl answers, "no but I do have a daughter. I think you two would make great friends."

My father clears his throat and Carl turns around, "oh yes down to business."

If dad and Carl are good friends then maybe he will make his daughter my friend? I go back to playing with Dez and Tiger while keeping open ears to the conversation.


Azelia's P.O.V

Today is the most silent it has been the past few days. Its been almost two weeks since that night I finally got the courage to seriously breakup with Nathan. It was a decision that needed to be made even though my feelings are still strongly there.

Mother has been locked up in her room all through. She only comes out to go to the bathroom; she doesn't allow me to see her. Dad only leaves money early in the mornings and leaves before we wake up. I have no idea where he goes all day and I never get the chance to ask about him or ask him about mom. He is the only one who sees her and I feel somehow that everything has changed. I am used to waking up by my mother's loud calling from downstairs, her heavy footsteps coming up the stairs and her barging in my unlocked door.

Now there is only silence within my home. I am used to my father not being around much because he was always busy. However, atleast I got to see him in the mornings and nights but now none at all.

Camila has been my only comfort and helped me not to go crazy. Aiden hasn't called or has even come by. I thought that by ending things for good with Nathan would make my relationship with him better but by each day, we get more distant. I checked my phone every hour but now I don't look at it at all.

Camila and I would buy groceries and come straight home. We would make breakfast and dinner. I would make plates for both my parents. I would leave mom's plate at my parents bedroom door, after a while she opens the door and takes it up but she doesn't carry the plates back out. I leave my dad's on the table covered and I wake up seeing it the same every morning.

"What's happening?" I sigh and lean against my wall.

Camila stops scrolling through instagram stories on her phone. "Come here."

She puts her phone down and open her arms to me. I drop myself into her and let it all out. As I cry I realize how dependent I have become on her. She doesn't give me much advice but she cheers me up with laughter and is always here to be my shoulder to cry on.

"I'm a screw up!" I shout.

"Zee..." She rubs my shoulder.

I shrug her off a little, "I thought I told you to not call me that anymore."

Hearing that name makes me remember that night all over again and Charlie's body lifeless on the floor. Sometimes I can even taste the blood on my lips all over again.

"Azelia, I'm not sure what else to say." She sighs.

"Its okay." I say. "I've burdened you too much with my many problems and heartache. You should go home."

She slaps me hard on my cheek but not hard enough to leave a mark. My mouth opens involuntarily and I hold the left side of my face.

"What the hell was that for!?" I gasp.

"I know you!" She starts to get loud. "This is not you Azelia!"

"This is the true me, just lonely and pathetic." I drop myself on my bed.

She shakes her head, "you know why I like you so much? Why I became your friend in the first place?"

"Why?" I ask with my back turned.

"Because I admire you." She tells. "I really do. You don't know how much people actually do. You're beautiful, smart, attractive, you have so much love to give and you never judge anyone. I don't know what to call it but there is something about you that draws people who come intact with you to never wanna leave."

I turn around and face her.

She continues, "you don't even have to put much effort into anything. Anything you do, you do it without fail. Some would call it luck but I call it your natural charm. Often back in New York people would call you different because you don't do what every other teenage girl does. But they don't know you, I have been around you and I now know who you are. Sure you aren't perfect but the way you pick yourself back up without the help of no one is amazing. I see why Nathan could never get over you and I see why Aiden never wants to let you go, and I also know why I don't want to lose you as my bestfriend. You're amazing girl! You need to realize that more often!."

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