Chapter Three- Unsuccessful Date

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The doorbell rings and I rush out of my bedroom to answer it. Dressed in a plunging cream gown and matching colored stilettos, I feel like I'm properly dressed for wherever Wyatt is planning on taking me.

I make sure to smile before opening the door, even though I wasn't feeling it. This morning's events was still etched in my mind and I can't forget how Benjamin looked at me.

"I'm glad that you left. You let me dodge a bullet by being with someone like you!"

Even though it hurts hearing it come from him, but that's exactly what I did. I left so that he can dodge a bullet by being with someone like me when he can be happy with someone else. I love him so much that I let him go and find happiness in someone else's arms.

"Hi." I greet Wyatt once I open the door. He looks at me from head to toe admiring the way I look with a smile on his face.

"You look beautiful." The sincerity can be easily heard in his voice.

A pink blush colors my cheek as I thank him. "You don't look so bad yourself." I tell him softly.

Dressed in a black tux, Wyatt looks handsome. However, he has nothing on Benjamin. Benjamin can fill out a suit like no one else. Hell, Benjamin looks like heaven in just jeans and a top.

"Ready to go?" He asks me.

"Yes, just let me grab my clutch."

Wyatt fumbles with the radio as he drives us to an Italian restaurant that he says has recently opened. He tells me that people have raved about it, but he has yet to try the food and is excited to take me there. He finally settles on a station that airs rock music, but I don't tell him that I'm not into rock music and never have been. The car ride is silent only the horrible music filling the air.

Once we arrive, Wyatt hands his car keys to the valet parking then places his hand on my lower back as he leads the way inside the restaurant.

"Reservations for Wyatt Miller." He tells the man that is standing behind the podium.

"Yes, Mr. Miller, if you would please be seated over in the waiting area, our hostess will be with you in a moment." The man replies politely.

The hostess suddenly appears with a courteous smile on her face. "Right this way, please." We follow her outside to the patio where she seats us in one of the few empty tables.

"Can I start you off with some cocktails while you are looking over the menu?"

Wyatt looks at me questioningly and I just nod. I order prosecco while he orders gin and tonic.
Wyatt browses the menu while I look around the patio. No wonder this place has had so many good reviews. I have yet to try the food, but the décor was contemporary and simply stunning. It was so packed that I was glad that Wyatt had made reservations because I doubt that we would have found a table if he didn't.

I was about to open the menu when something caught my eyes. A beautiful brunette that has her arm linked with Benjamin's. I stare unabashedly at them. She's a beauty who oozes confidence and demands the attention of everyone as she walks into the room without even asking for it.

Please don't sit out on the patio. Please don't sit out on the patio. I pray silently, but unfortunately I see the hostess leading them out here.

I feel my heart beating out of my ribcage and my hands become clammy. I'm feeling anxious and scared. The second I decide to look away, Benjamin's eyes meet mine, and he holds me prisoner with his stare. A frown instantly appears on his face as if my presence annoys him.

"Have you decided what you want to order?" Wyatt asks me.

I peel my eyes off of Benjamin and look at Wyatt who is staring at me, but then his eyes follow where mine have been. Wyatt's smile instantly fades.

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