Chapter Eight - Blowout Fight

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Arriving late from work, I rush around the house trying to get everything done before my date with Wyatt. He said he's taking me to the local pub for drinks and dinner, and I'm actually glad it's going to be a more laid back setting than last time.

The doorbell rings while I'm slipping on my heels. I jump around trying to get my feet in before grabbing my clutch from the bed and rushing to get the door.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I tell him once I open the door.

He shakes his head. "No problem at all."

We decide to walk to the pub since it isn't that far from my house. Wyatt makes small talk until we reach the pub. It's quite busy considering it is a Friday night. We take a seat on a table at the far end where we'll at least have a little bit of quietness. We both order beer with burger and fries.

"I hope this time we won't get interrupted." He says.

"I hope so too." I tell him. "How is your brother?"

He smiles fondly. "He's feeling better. He can't stop talking about that cute girl at the doctor's office."

I blush as he sends a smile my way. "You can tell him I say hello."

He nods. "So tell me, what have you been up to these past years? You just disappeared."

"I was in Chicago." Benjamin knew so it was okay to tell Wyatt.

"Oh, studying I assume?"

"Yes, I attended business classes." That was not a lie. However, I did all of the studying online.

"That's great!" he genuinely seems happy for me. "Why did you come back?"

I shrug as I look around the pub. "I like it here."

The food then arrives and it looks really good. We both dig in and talk a bit between bites. I ask Wyatt a bit about his life. He tell me he's now a mechanic. He has his own shop and I am happy for him as well. He fills me in about the things I missed while I was away. Nothing I didn't know since Esmeralda and Layla always kept me updated.

Wyatt holds my hand on our walk home, and I let him. His hand doesn't fit with mine like Benjamin's did. God, I was comparing everything to Benjamin and that's not fair to Wyatt. I can't control it, though. I can't seem to keep Benjamin out of my mind.

Once we are at my front door, Wyatt leans forward to kiss me, and this time I let him. His hand goes to the back of my head to deepen the kiss while mine goes to his arms. No sparks, no butterfly, nothing. I was feeling nothing.

I pull back first and stare into his eyes. "Thank you for tonight."

"It's my pleasure."

"I'll see you later, I guess?" It comes out as a question.

"You definitely will." He assures me before he leaves.

I am about to open my door when I notice a car parked on the other side of the street. The car looks eerily similar to Benjamin's. I walk towards it determined to find out, and sure enough there was Benjamin sitting behind the wheel. It seems like he is already waiting for me with his window down.

"Get in." he ordered. I stare at him for a long time not making a move. "Rosa." His tone was warning.

I sigh and walk to the other side then get in. "You're stalking me now?" I cross my arms over my chest.

Benjamin doesn't reply. Instead, he puts the car into gear and starts driving. The car moves slowly at first then accelerates at a rapid speed. I hold on to the door feeling scared for my life.

"Would you stop?" I scream at Benjamin, but he doesn't respond. "Benjamin!" I yell at him feeling honestly frightened.

Benjamin doesn't stop but keeps driving. He only stops when we reach a hill. I release a breath that I didn't know I was holding and I thank my lucky stars that there aren't any cars behind us. He could have gotten us killed and I tell him that.

"What is wrong with you?" I'm shaking from anger. "Do you have a death wish?"

"What is wrong with me?" He asks me rhetorically. I know he's not waiting for my response because he continues without skipping a beat. "You've been back in town for a couple of weeks and you've already found a new man." His eyes bore into mine and if looks could kill I would be seven feet under by now.

"What's it to you?" I ask him, my tone matches his. "You have a girlfriend!"

"You're my business, Rosalinda." He voice is firm and angry. "My. Business." He points to his chest harshly enunciating each word.

"Not anymore." I fight back.

"Damn it!" He hits the steering wheel so hard that I jump back in my seat. He then opens the door and climbs out of the car. I figure I should give him time to cool off, but I when I see him hit the wheel so hard I decide to climb out.

"Don't!" He raises his hand to stop me before I can say anything.

So I don't. I lean against the car and watch him as he kicks the ground making sand fly with the wind. "Fuck!" He curses and makes a beeline towards me. He grabs me by the shoulders and almost shakes me to oblivion.

"You're mine, Rosalinda." His breathing is harsh as if he's trying to control himself. I stay quiet. I don't tell him that I'm no longer his. "Say something."

"I want to go home." I tell him.

Benjamin point towards the road "Fine, go home, but I won't be the one taking you." He informs me.

"Why are you acting this way?"

"I don't like sharing what's mine." I know he's referring to Wyatt. I'm more than sure that he witnessed the kiss.

"I'm not yours!" I finally screamed.

"You've always been mine and always will be!" he tell me a little bit softly.

I shake my head. "We're done Benjamin. You and me." I point at him at then at myself. "We're done." He just stares at me. "Go back to your girlfriend. She needs you more than I do." He doesn't say a word and just keeps quiet. "Just please take me home."

Benjamin doesn't reply instead he gets back inside the car and closes the door with a thud. I wait for a second before climbing in myself. The whole ride back home is filled with tension and I feel so much relief when he parks outside my house.

Benjamin doesn't look at me. He keeps staring forward, eyes blank. "You can get out now." He tells me harshly and it's all I can take before a tear rolls down my face. I thank god that Benjamin doesn't notice. I open the door and get out as fast as I can, but I don't reach too far before someone grabs my arm and pulls me to their chest. I instantly know that it's Benjamin. My arms are locked against his chest as he kisses the top my head.

Benjamin pulls back and grabs my face with both of his hands. He place his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry." He whispers. "I don't like to see you crying." He runs his thumb underneath my eyes wiping away the tears.

He then runs his thumb along my bottom lip, and leans in slowly. I lean back slightly. "You have a girlfriend." I remind him in a low voice.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me and Cheryl." He tells me.

"What do you mean?" my voice is above a whisper.

"All in good time." He whispers then plants a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I don't ask any further questions because he's entitled to have secrets just as me.

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