Chapter Twenty Eight - Epilogue

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Five Years Later

The front door slams shut and Benjamin comes into the kitchen with his tie loosened around his neck,  looking beyond exhausted.

"Daddy!" Our three year old daughter, Petal, runs to her father who picks her up and twirls her around while she giggles.

Benjamin is such an amazing dad to Petal and he's going to be a wonderful dad to the little bun in my oven as well. He has no idea that I'm pregnant though, so tonight is going to be a surprise for him. I found out this morning and I can't be more excited to share the wonderful news with him.

"Go get ready for bed, sweetheart, I'll follow you shortly to tuck you in." Petal pouts, but does as I say. Once we're alone Benjamin wraps his arms around me from behind and places a kiss on cheek. A smile slowly creeps on my face. Even after all these years our love for each other hasn't fizzled out. I love him every day a little more than I did the day before.

"How was your meeting?" I ask him as I stir the rice.

"I want to stab everyone." He mutters as he releases his arms from my waist.

I turn around to look at him, and I notice the bags under his eyes. He's been working really hard lately.  "Don't get blood on your shirt." I tease.

"Love you for enabling me." He teases.

"I love you too." I give him a cheeky smile as I place a chaste kiss on his lips. "I'm going to put Petal to sleep then we'll have dinner." He nods as I turn off the heat on the stove.

I prepare the dining table and light up some candles while Benjamin is still in the bedroom taking a shower. Once he's done he finds me sitting on the table waiting for him with a smile on my face.

He looks confused at first. "What's this?" He asks. "Is it your birthday?" He thinks for a second. "No, it's not. It's not our anniversary either."

"No it's not." I assure him with a chuckle. He starts to sit down when I stop him. "Would you mind getting the wine please?" my tone is sweet.

"Sure, love." He goes to the kitchen and comes back a few seconds later looking confused. "What's this?" He asks me.

"What do you mean?" I feign ignorance.

"What is this card?"

"Will you read it out for me?" I ask him with a sneaky smile.

"Drink this for me. I will join you next year." He looks up at me and it suddenly clicks. "Are you... Are you pregnant?"

My lips slowly curve into a smile as I nod. "Yes, we're having a baby."

Benjamin's features completely contort from confusion to happiness. He comes to me and pulls me up from my seat, hugging me tightly into his body.

"This is the best news I've had all day!" He tells me as he pulls back and looks at me. Happy tears fall from my eyes. Benjamin wipes away my tears with his thumb. "Why are you crying, love?" He asks me.

"Those are happy tears." I explain. "I can't believe how far we've come and how much our lives have changed." Benjamin nods in agreement.

"I love you so much." He tells me as he pulls me in for another hug.

We eat the dinner that I prepared earlier, albeit it's a bit cold by now, but it still tastes as good.

As we lay on the bed ready to sleep our door creaks open and a small figure walks in hugging her favorite teddy bear to her chest.

"Why are you awake, sweetheart?"

"I'm scared." She sniffles.

"What are you scared of?" Benjamin asks her softly. "Come here and tell daddy what made you scared." She runs towards us and climbs on the bed. I shift to the side and let her snuggle between us.

"I heard noises." She tells us, still sniffling.

"It's probably just Piglet making noises downstairs." Piglet is our new dog that we adopted from the animal shelter. Sadly, Rusty died of old age last year. It had been a very sad day in the Edwards household, but I guess that's life.

"Can I sleep here?" She asks us softly.

"What did I teach you, baby girl?"

"I fight." She mutters with her head down.

"Yes, you don't let anything scare you." He tells her firmly as he raises her chin and looks her in the eye. "Come, let us fight the monsters together!" A smile forms on Petals face as she grab her dad's hand and they both walk out of the bedroom.

I start to drift asleep while I wait for Benjamin to come back, but instantly open my eyes when I feel the bed dip down.

"Everything okay?" I ask him sleepily.

"Yes." He assures me. "I want her to grow up to be a fighter like her mother." He tells me and I nuzzle my face on the crook of his neck.

"I love you, Benjamin. So, so much."

"Not as much as I love you." He kisses my forehead and it's the last thing I feel before I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The End.

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