Chapter Seventeen - Going Into Labor

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Two Months Later

"She's in labor?" I shout into the phone as I frantically grab my bag. "I'm on my way!"

I knock on Dr. Wilkinson's door before going inside. I explain to him that my sister in is in labor and I need to go to the hospital. He nods and shoos me away. I thank him immensely before heading out.

I hail a taxi and recite the address of the hospital to the driver. We're all so excited about Esmeralda's second baby. We still don't know if it's a girl or a boy since Esmeralda and Collin have decided to keep it as a surprise gender.

Once the cab stops at the hospital's entrance, I pay him and make my way inside. I pass by the attending nurses and take the elevator to the maternity ward on the second floor. Once the door opens, my gaze lands on Benjamin who is completely focused on something on his phone.

As if feeling my presence, he turns his head towards me and his gaze lands on me.

I haven't seen or talked to Benjamin ever since that night. You'd think that living in a small town we're bound to meet, but I have been very careful about not crossing paths with him. I won't burden him with my presence.

I don't take a seat, but rather decide to keep standing. I catch him staring up at me and then back at his phone.

"You can sit down. I won't bite." He's still not looking at me.

"I don't mind standing." I don't look at him either.

"Suit yourself." I hear him mutter.

I look at the clock and notice that half an hour has passed. My legs are aching if I'm being honest. It is then that I decide to take a seat.

"Did it hurt?" Benjamin asks me, and I look at him with confusion written all over my face. "My bite. Did it hurt?" He chuckles and I don't even reply. I simply turn my head the other way.

Another hour passes by excruciatingly slow. The tension is so thick in the air that you could cut it up with a knife. I call my parents who tell me that they're babysitting Philip and order me to tell them when Esmeralda delivers.

"How much longer do you think they'd be?" I ask Benjamin just to strike up a conversation.

"Beats me." He shrugs. I guess that's the end of the conversation.

A little while later, Collin comes out with a huge smile on his face. He seems to be soaring through the clouds. "It's a girl." He informs us. "Come and meet her."

Benjamin and I instantly stand up and follow Collin to the room where Esmeralda is holding her crying little baby girl. My little niece. There are a couple of nurses buzzing around, but they soon leave the room.

Esmeralda looks up at me as if beckoning me towards her. I am instantly at her side cooing at the little beautiful girl.

"Do you wat to hold her?" She asks me.

I nod as tears gather around my eyes. "Can I?" Esmeralda nods as she passes the beautiful girl to me. I hold her securely in my arms and sit down on the chair beside the bed.

"What did you name her?" Benjamin asks.

I haven't noticed him beside me, but he is there looking at the baby with big doe eyes. The baby seems to be mesmerized in those addictive eyes of his because she seems to quiet down.

"Emilia." Collin tells us. I look at him and he's half sitting beside Esmeralda on the bed with his arm around her shoulders.

"Would you like to hold her?" I offer Benjamin.

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