Chapter Six - Celebratory Dinner

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I feel all sorts of sick as I sit on the bathroom floor retching all of my stomach's content out. I still can't wrap my head around it. I still can't believe that Cheryl might be pregnant.

Benjamin might become a daddy!

Cheryl's wrong though. Benjamin will be ecstatic if he knows that he might become a father to a baby boy or girl. I've always imagined him with a little baby in his arms as he sings them to sleep. However, I always imagined myself as the woman who would give birth to his baby, but oh my, how things change.

I can hear my cellphone ringing in my bedroom, so I move with heavy feet to answer it. Esmeralda's name lights up the screen and I consider whether to answer it or not. Esmeralda will instantly know that something's wrong and I don't want to worry her. On the last ring, I decide to answer. Knowing her, she will worry if I don't answer as well.


"Hi sweetie" She greets me. "What are you doing?"

"I just came back home. I was at Dr. Wilkinson's medical practice." I tell her.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Her tone turns serious.

"No, no. Everything's fine." I tell her. It's not completely a lie. Physically, I'm fine. Emotional, however, well that's a completely different story.

"Then why were you there?" She asks me.

"I applied for the receptionist's job. I'm officially no longer unemployed!"

"Oh you are?" She sounds so excited, it's hard not to smile. "We should have a celebratory dinner. Tonight at seven." She informs me. "I'll let mom and dad know as well."

"Es, really there's no need for dinner." I don't tell her that I don't feel like even walking an inch.

"I'm proud of you, sweetie, and I want to celebrate."

I nod even though she can't see me. "Okay." I whisper. "I'll see you at seven then."

Dressed in a simple green dress and black pumps, I quickly make my way to the taxi that's been waiting outside my house. I give him the address then settle back and watch all the houses pass me by. I'm still not feeling okay, but I brave it out just for the sake of my family.

"Thank you." I pay the taxi driver then step out of the car.

I walk through the cobblestone that leads to Esmeralda and Collin's front door, and ring the doorbell. I don't wait long before Collin opens the door.

His smile is warm and welcoming. "Hey, Rosa." He leans in and gives me a brotherly hug which I return. Collin is one of the good men out there and I'm so happy that Esmeralda has found someone like him.

We walk to the living room as Collin tells me how happy and proud is of me. I start to speak, but freeze in place when I see Benjamin in the living room with Philip perched on his lap. I feel sick all over again.

"Aunt Rosa!" Philip shrieks as he jumps off of Benjamin's lap and runs towards me.

I kneel down and outstretch my arms ready to pull him in a bear hug, and he falls perfectly into my arms. "I miss you, baby." I squeeze him tight and kiss his cheek.

"Come play with me and Ben." He tells me as he grabs my hand and drags me unsuccessfully.

I look up at Benjamin who is staring at us with no emotions whatsoever on his face. Seeing as though I can't say no to my beautiful nephew, I let him lead me to Benjamin. I take a seat beside Benjamin then look up at Collin who gives me a smile that tells me I'm okay before he leaves.

"Congratulations on the job." Benjamin tells me, and I figure Esmeralda told him to explain the dinner party.

"Thank you." A blush creeps to my cheeks.

Philip is playing with his train tracks on the floor, apparently not needing us anymore.

"I...I should go check on Esmeralda. Let her know I'm here." I stutter nervously.

Benjamin's hand reaches out to grab mine; stopping me. "Stay here for a minute." He looks at me his eyes soft. He still has this hold on me. He always had and I'm scared to think that he always will.

I nod and stay right where I am, but don't dare look at him. I can't look him. Did Cheryl tell him that they might be expecting? Is he happy? Why is Cheryl not with him?

"You're not okay." He observes. He has always known me well. "What's wrong?" He rubs his finger on my palm and it is then that I realize that his hand hasn't left mine.

The doorbell rings breaking me out of inner struggle and saving me from answering his question. My parents walk into the living room with Collin on their heels. They walk towards Philip and rain him with kisses before coming to me and hugging me. I feel guilty about not talking to my parents on a daily basis ever since I came back to town, but I've been trying to settle in and I know that they understand.

After a short while, Esmeralda announces that dinner is ready and we're all seated at the dinner table. Conversation flows easily, but I don't say anything unnecessary. I engage when a question is aimed towards me, but that's it.

Once dinner is done, I offer to help Esmeralda in the kitchen while all the others head to the living room.

"You didn't tell me that Benjamin was invited." I whisper to my sister so that no one would hear us.

Esmeralda scrubs the plate that she's holding then hands it to me before answering. "Benjamin is family, Rosa. You know that. He's Collin's brother so he's going to be invited to a lot of family events. You can't avoid him forever."

"I'm not." I shrug as dry off the plate.

"Sure you're not." She's says in a teasing tone.

"How come Cheryl isn't here with him?" I ask her as I place on the plate on the dish rack.

"Benjamin says she's under the weather, but between me and you, I don't believe him. Something's up with them. They probably got in a fight."

"Why do you say that?" I ask her intrigued.

"Just a hunch." She shrugs.

We finish up the cleaning before joining everyone in the living room. My parents don't stay too long and leave after a while, but I hang around for a bit more. However, when I start yawning I decide that I better head home.

"I better leave as well." Benjamin stands up. "How are you going?" He asks me.

"I'll call a cab." I tell him.

"I'll take you." He offers.

I shake my head. "It's fine, really."

"He should take you." Esmeralda joins in. "Please, I don't want to worry about you."

"Okay." I nod. I know I'm not a kid anymore and she shouldn't be worrying about me, but I know that she means well and I don't want to argue with her over something like this.

Benjamin's car brings back so many memories to me. I notice the pendant hanging from his rearview mirror. The same pendant that I gave him all those years ago. It is a gold bar that has the word "forever" engraved on it.

"You still have it." I tell him in a low voice as I hold it in my hand.

Benjamin notices what I'm looking at. "Yes." He tells me.

"Why do you still have it?" I ask him intrigued.

"You really want to ask that?" His brows are raised.

I nod. "Yes, I do."

The car suddenly comes to halt and I stare out the window only to notice that we have arrived to my house.

"Then, you better put the kettle on."

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