Chapter Ten - Unplanned Sleepover

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Benjamin's pantry is practically empty, but I try to make do with what's available. Mom always made me and Esmeralda chicken soup when we were young. She says it's comfort food at best.

I chop up some onion, carrots, celery, and add them to the water that's boiling. I then pour broth into the pot with the vegetables and heat it to a simmer. I then add noodles until it's heated through before adding the chicken breast.

Rusty is circling around my feet and I realize that it's probably because he's hungry. I give him some unseasoned chicken while I search for his dog food. Stashed inside of the cabinets, I find his packet of food which doesn't look yummy at all if I'm being honest. How do dogs eat that? I grab his bowl from the same cabinet and fill it up.

Rusty is looking at me with big, round eyes. "Wait." I raise my index finger and point it at him. "Wait." I place the bowl on the floor. "Go." Rusty wastes no time as he dives into the bowl. "Good boy." I praise him as I rub the top of his head.

Once the soup is finished, I pour it into a large bowl and take it out to Benjamin. Rusty finishes his food and follows me to the living room. Benjamin is still fast asleep. He looks so serene, and I halfheartedly start to wake him up.

I crouch down and poke his shoulder "Ben." I whisper. "Ben." I poke a bit harder.

Benjamin groggily opens his eyes and looks at me. "Rosa?" His voice is hoarse.

"I made you soup." I tell him. He nods then starts to sit up, but groans as he does so as if in pain. "Let me help you." I place some pillows behind his back and help him lean his back against them. "Better?" I ask.

"Much." His eyes are staring at me with a look that I don't quite understand.

"You're welcome. " I whisper as I hand him the bowl of soup and spoon. He accepts them with his eyes trained on me.

"You're not going to eat?" He asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I'm not feeling hungry."

He nods then starts eating. "It's really good." He tells me after a spoonful. "Still tastes as good as it did."

I smile and take a seat on the arm chair opposite of him, tucking my knees under my chin and staring at him.

Benjamin is still the same old man he used to be. You can put a huge pot of food in front of him and he'll heartily eat it all, sick or not.

Rusty is panting as if wanting what Benjamin is having.

"Rusty, you just had your food." He comes over at me with those big eyes. I scratch behind his ear. "Greedy Beast." I smile.

I catch Benjamin staring at me with a small smile playing on his lips. "Are you done eating?" Benjamin shakes his head then continues eating.

"How are you feeling now?" I ask him once he's done.

"A bit better." He assures me. "Thank you."

I shake my head. "It's no problem at all." I look out the window to the darkness outside. I have no idea how long I've been here or what time it is now.

"How come you're here?" Benjamin's question makes me turn my attention to him.

"I told you, Esmeralda said to check up on you."

"You've never let anyone tell you what to do. You always had a mind of your own. Unless that's changed."

I shake my head. "I couldn't say no. No one could come to take care of you." I justify.

"I don't need someone to take care of me." He tells me. "I can take care of myself perfectly well."

"I know that." I tell him honestly. "But, I like to take care of you." I whisper.

Benjamin pats the empty space on the sofa and I make my way towards him. I take the seat beside him, but make sure to leave a little bit of space between us.

"I miss you, Rosa." He scoots a bit closer to me leaving no space between us. I stare down at my hands unable to look at him. Just one look will make me want to do things to him that I know I can't do.

Benjamin's hand grazes my cheeks and I stare at him through my lashes. I relish on the feeling of having his warm hands on me just for a moment even though I shouldn't.

"I...I should leave since you're feeling better now." I stutter.

Benjamin lets his hand fall from my face. "You should stay. You can sleep in one of the spare rooms."

"I'd rather not." I tell him softly.

Benjamin fake coughs. "I'm not feeling that good. I might need something in the middle of the night. I might need water. If there's no one here to give me water I might die of dehydration. You wouldn't want me to die, would you?" His voice is sad as he coughs one more time for added effect.

I know what Benjamin is trying to do. He's trying to guilt me into staying, and I will admit that it's working. He won't die of dehydration, and just like he told me he can take perfect care of himself, but maybe a little part of me wants to stay.

I chuckle and he knows that I don't believe a word he said. "Fine. I'll stay, but I'll sleep here."

"You won't be comfortable." He argues.

"Don't fuss over me. I'll be fine, really." He nods.

After grabbing a blanket and a pillow from the spare bedroom, I make myself comfortable on the couch opposite of the one Benjamin's laying on.

"Ben?" For some reason I'm whispering.

"Hm?" Benjamin's eyes are closed.

"Won't Cheryl get upset because I'm here?"

Benjamin opens his eyes and stares at me. "Don't worry about her."

"What if she comes here and sees me sleeping on the couch. I don't want to cause any problems." I tell him honestly. They don't live together, but what if she pops up unannounced?

"Do you think I'm scared of her?" He asks me as if I've said something so preposterous.

"I didn't say that." I defend myself. "I just don't want to cause any trouble."

"Cheryl won't be back for a couple more days, so you can rest at ease." He sounds annoyed.

Benjamin closes his eyes again. "Ben?" His response comes as a humming sound. "What did Cheryl tell you the other day when she called?"

I've been wondering if she ever brought up the pregnancy to Benjamin. I remember she called him when he was at my home a couple of nights ago and she said she had something important to tell him. I know I have no right to interfere, but I really wanted to know.

"She wanted to tell me that she was going to visit her mother. Why do you ask?"

I shrug even though he can't see me since his eyes are still closed. "Just wondering."

Benjamin peaks through one eye. "I know you well enough to know there's something you're not telling me." I don't say anything. I don't want to be the one to tell him. It's not my news to tell. Benjamin realizes that nothing's going to come out of my mouth. So he closes his eyes once more.

I have a smile on my face as I whisper one more time. "Ben."

"What is it this time, Rosa?' Benjamin sounds irritated since it's the third time I disturb his sleep.

"Goodnight." My smile is so wide.

Benjamin's looks so much younger and so much more beautiful as he returns my smile. "Goodnight, Love."

His voice is a whisper that I try to make sense of what he said. Did he say love? That's what he used to call me all the time. That was his nickname for me. Does he really still love me? I don't dwell on that thought too long before exhaustion takes over my body and I fall into deep sleep.

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