Chapter Twenty Three - Late Night Confrontation

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Benjamin's POV

Parked on the edge of the hill, I lean my head back on the headrest and try to gather my thoughts. Rosa's story has been going through my mind over and over like a broken record. I had no idea about everything she went through. I feel like such an asshole for implying that she was cheating on me when she first moved back to town.

She had a relapse. She had a fucking relapse. "Fuck!" I yell as I hit the steering wheel with all my force.

I couldn't have stopped it, I know I couldn't. Not with all the money in the world, I couldn't have stopped her suffering. However, I could've stood by her side. I could've been there for her every step of the way no matter what. Rosalinda was everything to me, still is. If only she knows the amount of love I have for her. I would sacrifice my own life for her if I could, no doubt about it.

I feel so frustrated about the whole thing. How can all of this happen without me knowing? Everything had been happening under my nose and I didn't even know. I had no fucking clue. Collin and Esmeralda hid everything from me as well. Even after seeing me break down on several occasions, they kept their mouths shut.

In a rush of fury, I turn on the engine and drive to Collin and Esmeralda's house like a maniac. I don't care what time it is. I can't wait until the morning. The streets are quiet at this time of night, the only noise is coming from the rumble of my car.

I park in the middle of the street and walk to their doorstep and knock heavily on the door. Collin opens the door in his pajamas with Esmeralda standing on the stairwell tying her robe and asking Collin who's on the door.

"Ben?" Collin asks worriedly. "Is everything okay?"

I walk past him and into the living room. Esmeralda is the first one to follow me with Collin on our heels.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I yell with frustration.

"Would you keep it down?" Esmeralda hisses. "I finally got Emilia to go to sleep."

"I'm sorry." I run my hand through my hair.

"Why didn't we tell you what?" Collin asks.

"About Rosalinda." I explain. "I asked the both of you time and time again to tell me about her, but you both wouldn't utter a word. I was a mess without her."

Esmeralda looks at Collin then back at me before saying. "She told you." It wasn't a question.

I nod wordlessly trying to keep myself from crying like a sissy for the second time tonight. Esmeralda walks towards me and wraps her arms around me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Ben." She tells me when she pulls back. "We couldn't tell you."

"I know she's your sister, Es, but what about me? Do I mean nothing to you?"

Esmeralda is taken aback. "Of course you do." She assures me. "You're like a brother to me."

"Then why did you keep something as big as this from me?" I ask her.

Collin comes forward and places his arm on Esmeralda's waist pulling her in for a side hug. "We were respecting Rosalinda's wishes." He explained.

"You felt no guilt whatsoever for leaving me in the dark about all of this?" I ask them in disbelief.

"Of course we did." Esmeralda tells me. "We didn't approve of Rosa's decision, but it was her decision."

"You should've told me!" I whisper yell. "I should've known. I wanted to be there for her." Esmeralda looks away, but Collin holds my gaze. "Why did everyone rob me from my choice? Why didn't anyone think of what I wanted?"

"Because it wasn't about you, me, or Esmeralda. It wasn't about any one of us. It was about Rosalinda." Collin's voice is firm as if he was berating me.

Esmeralda moves away from Collin's embrace and takes a seat on the sofa with tears in her eyes. "This was Rosalinda's decision. She didn't want you to see her differently."

"I wouldn't have seen her any differently. I love her, god dammit."

"She loves you too." Esmeralda speaks up softly.

I shake my head. "She doesn't. If she did she wouldn't have pushed me away. I would have given her my soul if she asked for it. Even now after everything, I would still give to her in a heartbeat if she asked."

I flop down on the sofa behind me and take a deep breath. I feel the sofa dip beside me and look up to see that Collin has taken the seat.

"If you love her like you say you do, then you would at least try to understand why she did what she did." He tells. "You may not fully comprehend it, but at least try to respect her choice."

"Was she alone?" I ask them.

Esmeralda shakes her head. "We were always visiting her. She was never alone."

I nod. "I'm thinking about going to the cabin for a couple of days. To clear my head up." My father had built a cabin outside of town ever since we were kids and we used to go there during the summers.

"That's a good idea." Collin agrees.

I stand up to walk out, but Esmeralda stops me. "Please try to forgive her." She pleads. "Rosalinda means well. She's got a sweet heart."

"I know she does." I agree. I had no doubt in my mind. Rosalinda's as sweet as they can get. She has a heart of gold, and she didn't deserve everything that had happened to her. She might have pushed me away when she needed me, but I could never stay mad at her.

Esmeralda wraps her arms around me in a hug and kisses my cheek. "You mean to me as much as she does. Don't ever forget that." She tells me and I nod.

She leans back to Collin who wraps his arms around his wife lovingly. I look at the both of them and for a split second wish that it was me holding Rosalinda. I wanted to love her and make her feel safe. I wanted her by my side, and I want to be by her side through it all.
With that thought in mind, I start my car and head home. I need to pick up Rusty and grab a few essentials before heading to the cabin, but I need to make a stop first.

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