Chapter Nineteen - Sweet Love

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Rays of sunshine seep through my bedroom window. I blink my eyes open and yawn, feeling more relaxed that I have ever been.

"Good morning, beautiful." I smile as I hear Benjamin's voice.

I turn my face towards him and stare at the beautiful man that's smiling at me. "Good morning." My voice is hoarse.

"Sleep well?" He asks me.

I nod. "What time is it?" I ask him. "I need to get to work."

"Six thirty" He informs me. "It's still early. I'm not ready to let you go yet."

"Me neither." I admit as I nuzzle my face into his neck.

Benjamin's arms instantly go around my torso bringing my body as close to his as possible.

"Do you regret last night?" He asks me.

I make sure to look at him. "Not in the least." I assure him.

"Tell me you missed me, baby."

"Oh, I do, Ben. I missed you so much" I plant a small kiss on his lips.

We lay in bed for a few more minutes before we decide to get up. I even have to bribe Benjamin with breakfast for him to release his hold on me.

I busy myself around the kitchen making pancakes while Benjamin takes a shower. I feel so rejuvenated today. I haven't felt this good in a very long time. Having Benjamin here makes me miss how good we used to have it before everything came crashing down. Now, that I've touched him, felt that warm skin underneath my hands, I don't think I can be without him again.

"What are you making?" Benjamin surprises me as he snakes his arm around my waist and plants a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"Chocolate chip pancakes." I tell him.

Benjamin works on pouring us both coffee while I pile the pancakes onto two plates. We eat breakfast in comfortable silence. Once we're done I place the empty places in the sink and grab my bag from the counter.

"I'll drop you off." Benjamin tell me.

"No, it's fine." I assure him. "It's a short walk." Benjamin gives me a stern look and it's all it takes for me to accept his ride. He promises to come see me tonight when he finishes work, and I try my best to not look excited as I start to count down the hours in my head.


"So you're back together?" Layla asks me as she bites into her sandwich.

Layla and I are currently at the only coffee shop in town square. We decided to meet up during our lunch break. I wanted to fill her on everything that went down, gritty details excluded, of course.

"Well, I wouldn't say we're back together exactly." I explain as I take a bite of my own turkey and cheese sandwich.

Layla looks at me with an expression of disbelief and ridicule. "You slept together." She states the obvious.

"So?" I ask her with a shrug. "A lot of people have one night stands!"

"Rosa, are you okay?" She asks me and I look at her with a confused look. "I don't remember you being dumb!"

"I'm not dumb!" I look at her incredulously.

"You did not have a one night stand with Benjamin." Her voice is loud making several people in the coffeehouse look our way.

"Would you keep it low?" I hiss it her as I look at the judging eyes aiming at us. "I don't need the whole town knowing my business."

Layla turns around and gives a murderous look to everyone and they instantly look away. She then turns back to me. "You and Benjamin have history together so don't try to tell me this is a one night stand." She takes an angry bite out of her sandwich. I slump down knowing that it's true, and Layla notices. She smiles triumphantly. "I always knew both of you would get back together."

"Okay, it wasn't a one night stand, but we're not in a relationship." I tell her adamantly.

"So what, friends with benefits?" I shake my head. "Fine." She shoves a fry in her mouth. "Not my circus, not my monkeys!" She mutters, shoving more fries into her mouth.


It is eleven thirty at night and Benjamin hasn't passed by my house like he promised nor has he called. I stare at my phone as if his name would magically appear, but still nothing. I start to drift asleep when my phone suddenly rings with an incoming message.

Benjamin: Are you awake

Rosalinda: Yes

Benjamin: I'm on my way to you.

Rosalinda: I'm waiting. Xx

A few minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. I feel so giddy inside as I throw the covers away from my body and make my way to the door. Benjamin's arms are instantly around me once I open the door.

"I missed you today." He tells me as he closes the door.

"I missed you too." My face is red. It feels good to admit that to him.

"Why were you late?" I ask him. "I thought you changed your mind about coming."

"Never!" He tells me as he pushes me back against the wall and presses his lips to mine. I gasp at the unexpected move, but I willingly open my mouth and return the kiss with as much fervor.

"You're all I could think about today." He breaks the kiss and whispers.

"Wish I could say the same." I tease him.

"Oh, do you now?" He mocks. "We'll see about that." I scream as he picks me up, tosses me over his shoulder, and carries me to my bedroom as if I were a feather pillow.

He tosses me on the bed and I start giggling uncontrollably. He stalks toward me and presses his hand on my chest slowly pushing me down. He presses his lips against mine hungrily making me forget what I was giggling about in the first place.

His hand goes to the hem of my top and we break the kiss momentarily as he raises my shirt above my head and discards it on the floor.

"So beautiful." He mutters as he stares at me.

I tug on the hem of his shirt wanting it gone, and he complies as he removes it and discards it somewhere on the floor beside my own. My arms wrap around his neck as I bring him down for a heated kiss.

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