night 4 | Yoongi

191 9 3

"Ugh. This is not food Yoongi. This is heaven. How can someone cook this like the heavens breathed on it? Agh. This is so delicious!"

"You do know you have complimented my cooking for at least ten times from the five minutes we have eaten? "

"I did? Well get ready for more since I cant get enough of these lamb skewers! I love your food so much."

"Yours isnt that bad too."

"Oh shut up. Its trash compared to this. "

I chuckled as lightly as I could because if I hadn't stopped myself I would've pinched him to death. I never knew my neighbour was this cute. The way his cheeks rise up and form a cute lump and it looks like it was sprayed strawberries on top of it makes me want to suck it. His lips---- oh gosh--- his lips. Its the thickest one i've ever seen in my whole life. They're so plump and juicy looking. I wonder who had already tasted those babies?

"So, why did you choose to move on the top floor?" He asked.

"Would you believe me if I saw you leaning on your balcony and I wanted to be the one you could be looking out every night?"

"H-huh?" His cheeks reddened a bit more and god--- I have never experienced this self control for the past years I have lived.

"Kidding aside. I wanted solitude and silence but still I can hear the liveliness of the city."

"Thats nice."

"Is it my turn to ask a question now?"

He giggled "There are no rules on asking questions now right?"

"Okay. What do you do?"

"What I do? What do you mean?"

"You know a job, college, or anything."

"Hmm. I dropped out of college two years ago and I have a job at a small bookstore."

"I wont ask why you dropped out but why did you settle for a bookstore?! You could be a part time model you know. You are very handsome."

His cheeks start to blush again.

"Stop flattering me jerk. Im not that handsome. Though someone asked me to model for him though."

"Ohoho. Its a shame its not only me who appreciates your beauty. "


"Your beauty is not worth sharing for. "

"Gosh! S-stop it. "

"Its true though. How come you havent been scouted by agents for a modelling agency? Those people are not doing their jobs properly. Tsk tsk."

"Yah. There are people who work hard okay. Dont generalize them, plus I wouldn't want to be discovered. "

"I know your reason though."

"Hm? Wow, I have never told this to anybody though?" He looks at me in an unbelievable way.

"You were just reserving your face for me right? I knew it."

"Goodness. The confidence shooked the entire floor."

"By the way, how young are you?" I asked.

"Shouldnt it be how old are you?"

"Shut up. Dont try to change the question."

"Haha, you got me there. Im twenty two. "

"Seriously? You look like a 19 year old!"

"Stop flattering meeeee. How about you? I guess you're 21. "

"Hah. You are way off. Im your hyung actually."


"Im twenty four."

"No way. Stop lying."

"Yep. Born on 1993 "

"Oh my. Hyung! You are so old!"


I lightly chuckled. I checked the time and saw the clock struck nine. Its that late already? Time really flies when you enjoy it with someone. 

"Okay okay. Anyways, its getting late, I just need to help you clean up and then I can go. I wouldn't want to be bothering you."

"Just leave them to me, I also wouldn't want to bother you. You sure need sleep anyways basing on your eye bags."

"Jimin-ssi, let me help you. It just takes five minutes of washing the dishes."

"Well okay, since you're old I'll let you."

"Stop pushing in my face i'm old. "

"Hahah. I cant help it though. Seriously hyung just let me do i---"

"Ah ah ah. Respect your elder's wishes brat."

"No faaaiirr! You use it to your own liking!"

"Well thats life little one."

".... yeah. Indeed it is."

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