night 20 | Yoongi

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The guests has been slowly accumulating as the night deepens. My aunts, uncles and cousins in their Christmas sweaters in shades of red and green swarmed the whole fairy light showered backyard. Of course, as the people increased, the amount of gifts were even billion times more than humans present. Various sizes and colors littered around the three meter tree with gold ornaments with astounding ribbons and glitz. I have already seen atleast twenty boxed for me and I might have seen six for Jimin.

Actually, I kinda prepped my whole family for Jimin's arrival. They thought I was either bringing Namjoon or Taehyung but then when they heard Jimin they knew something was not quite right. Maybe they have already spread it to my relatives but I couldnt care less.

Jimin was currently in the sitting room with the toddlers playing along with them. The room was traditionally heated by the crackling fireplace and he was stopping the children from barging into the fire.

He was in a cream colored sweater with red and green cuffs and neckline. His pink hair down and was styled simply.

"Hyung. How's everyone?" He greets me with my cousin's son, Bami, clutching on his leg."

"Fine. Mom has stopped giving the wine. The uncles are already quite tipsy."

"Wow. I didnt expect the crowd to be this big------yah! Jinsoo! How many times did I tell you to not drop your hair in the fire!"

Jimin quickly rushed to Jinsoo and carried her away from the fire place.

"Bwut Jwimin 'yungie~"

"Aish. This kid. Why dont you play with your brother over there hmm?" He pointed over to Jieon on the side playing blocks. He then turned his attention back to me.

"Sorry about that. "

"Why are you the one watching over them anyways?"

"I kind of volunteered for this. Im not really good at socializing so when your aunt Daeri asked for someone to look over the kids I basically thanked her."

"You seem fond of them."

"Yeah. I love children. I would be a preschool teacher if that didnt happen though." He says while looking at the kids very gently as if they were his prized possessions. However, what happened?

As soon as he realized what he said he quickly scanned his eyes to me. His lips were quivering and posture tense.

"I...I was... it was..."

"Its okay. I wont bug you for it. Why dont I send some snacks over here?"

His eyes seemed relieved.

"That would be great. Just dont place marshmallows please."

I chuckled. "Of course hun."

As soon as I went downstairs, my mom, aunt Sooran and aunt Heiju were already hovering over me.

"So, is he good with kids? "

"Are the kids still alive?"

"Is he not bitching about them?"

"Woah woah. Calm your horses madames. I only have one mouth to answer each question."

"Min Yoongi." Aunt Sooran slapped my arm.

"He is doing pretty fine. He mightve stolen your kids though. He is a charmer. "

The three of them exhaled.

"We can now rest my sisters. So isnt he coming down?" Aunt Heiju asked.

"Maybe later. He isnt really that socializing kind of person. Even I had a hard time worming inside his heart and hatch my eggs in it, much more to you?"

"Ew Yoongi. I wouldnt want to hear you feed him your eggs." Aunt Heiju jokingly said.

"Okay okay. Modest. Good." Aunt Sooran agreed ignoring aunt Heiju's statement.

"What the hell is happening with you guys. Anyways, I need to fetch some munch on for the kids, if you excuse me."

As soon as I left them, they were back to gossiping about things I couldnt care less of.

"Oh hyung you're back."

"I also have treats."

"Thank you. Okay kids, who would want some munch ons hmm?"

"Me! Me! Me!"


"Mine! Mine!"


"Okay okay. Calm down okay?"

Jimin placed the tray on the coffee table and the kids huddled around it grabbing the treats with their smol hands.

"So now that the kids are busy, would you like to spend some time below?"

"Sure. We just have to find someone else to look over the ki----"

"Jwimin hwyuung!!! Wooshi kicked mwe bwuutt!! Waaaahhh!" Sungkwan wailed as he ran towards Jimin while clutching his hands.

This fucking child keeps on stealin---- wait. Why am I getting jealous because of a child.

"Aigooo. Its okay, its okay Kwanie-ah. Woozi, why dont you come over here hmm? Lets talk?" Jimin tries to calm Sungkwan down. Sungkwan was in his arms faced stuffed in the crook of hes neck while making small sniffles.

"Wu-wooshi did no wong!" Woozi hides behind the huge armchair while his head was peeking from the side.

"Really Woonie? Then why is Kwanie crying? "

"Its his fault for stealing my treats! I gwot it fwirst!"

"Kwanie baby. Why did you steal Woozi's treats?"

"I-I was jealous! He- he kweeps on twalking with Jeonghan hyung! He wont talk with me!"

Jimin walked over Woozi while carrying Sungkwan in his arms. He then placed Sungkwan beside him.

"Woozi, talk to you brother okay? Its not nice to ignore old people when you gain new friends. You need to keep them closer. Also, violence will never be an answer to problems ever. Kwanie-ah, you shouldnt steal treats from other people or else they will be sad. Let Woozi talk with other people too hmm he needs new friends too.Why dont you join them too and gain new friends? "

"Yes Jwimin hyung."

"Yes Minnie hyungie."

"Yay! Now hug please and say sorry to each other."

"Sorry Woozi."

"Swoorry Sungkwan." The two kids hugged eachother and said sorry.

"Whew. Going back, lets just find someone to---"

I pulled him closer to me and hugged him. He was flustered and his eyes were as wide as balls. I can also see his cheeks starting to warmen up.

"W-what was that for?"

"You are really an incredible person Jiminie. "

"W-what the heck hyung. That was so out of the blue."

"Sorry sorry. Anyways, we will have dinner after five minutes so I will just leave you here with the kids since you totally enjoy their presence. Plus, you really look cute with them maybe its because youre one of them? Considering the height?"

"Hyung! You evil person! You ruined the moment!"

I just smiled and blew him a kiss.

There will be plenty of moments later Jiminie. But first, I need to get rid of these pesky rats.

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