day - 13 | Taehyung

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*chapters with '-' this sign is a flashback. its basically a negative chapter because it happened before yoonmin happened.

"Look. As much as I support your gay-nism, I dont want to see it in action." I complained to Chanyeol as he persuades me to accompany him in a dom and sub club.

We are currently in the cafeteria lounging on sweets and delicacies. We just finished our midterms and we deserve some sugar after all the countless caffeine intake. However, Chaneyeol over here, has a different kind of definition of sugar.

"But my favorite daddy would be there! He told me to come or I would rec---"

"HALT! HALT! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE MY EARS GOING TO HEAR SUCH INDECENCY!" I immediately got my things and sweets as I attempt to stand up. Keyword, attempt.

Not that I haven't heard some.

"Aw c'mon. You can just sit at a corner and then observe. They know not to touch, nor disturb, a person with no band. "Chanyeol grabbed my arm and forced me to sit down.

"And why do you need me there?"

"Just for fun."

"Nope. Your definition of fun is not funny."

"Awww pwetty pwease! Taehyungie! I just want someone to accompany me home..."

"How about your favorite daddy? Im sure he would gladly accompany you to your bedroom." I pulled my hand out of his grasp and fixed myself.

"...We are not on speaking terms right now. The reason I will go there is to talk to him. "He slumped on his seat.

I knew it. There must be some reason why he is forcing me again to accompany him in his endeavors. Apparently, this wasnt the last time I get to experience wierd shit with this man. One time, he practically ambushed me and dragged me onto some underground strip club. Yeesh. Lots of nudity. Not my liking. And you know what he reasoned? He needs nipple reference. Fucking hell? There's porn?

Anyways, its also not like him to expose his sexual shit to me so openly unless there is a bit reasonable reason.

"What did you do?----Please dont tell me what---knowing you, you must've did something to scare away your daddy."

"Yeah. You're right. I did something very wrong. "

What benefit am I going to achieve by accompanying this horny slut to his release area? Not that there is any but hey, experience is reasonable. I also wanted to see the wierd people engaging in such kinky habits, I for one has kinks too but I do not expose it so openly. I might as well go in just for me to see how much humans regressed over the years.

"Okay. When are we goi---"

"Later, ten o'clock at
BLOOD AND TEARS club. Just meet me outside. "

"Fine. Yeesh. The name already sounds like it hurts."

"You know I like it. Muah! See ya later Tae Tae babe!"

Goodness. This might be just one heck of an experience.

Actually I take it all back. ALL.

Apparently, the dom and sub thingy was a scary shit to see. It was overwhelming. Collars. Pets. Body harnesses. Nudity. Lots of nudity. I myself like these kind of things, however, in a discreet and intimate level of sexual relationships. I dont--I wont-- go parading in a public place with a fucking dick lock and a collared neck.

Chanyeol was nowhere to be seen as usual. He left me like a stray cat in a fucking pool of dogs. He left me with a white band on my wrist and said to not take it off unless I am a kilometer away from the club. It wards of animals he said.

Good thing this place serves legit liquor. I can survive until one am here. Chanyeol said to wait since if all goes wrong he might not be stable enough to go home by himself. And I, a good human being and friend with morals, will wait.

I'm currently sipping wine like a tea casually while looking at the crazy crowd. The bartender surprisingly was normal looking. He was in a normal bartender uniform in a normal bartender counter. He was also quite cute.

"Good evening friends! Tonight is a night y'all been waiting for since last week! "

The crowd cheered as an announcement was being announced.

"Last week as a night of pure submission. However, tonight is a night of absolute domination. I give you all, Jungguk!"

The crowd started cheering as a man enter the stage. He was wearing a black polo and tight leather pants. On his hand was a whip with studded diamonds. His face displayed a smirk revealing his cute bunny teeth and a devilish grin as he was looking for something in the crowd. He scanned the place and from where I sat, his face was directly placed infront of me. He locked eyes on me and his smirk turned to full on evil smile, however, as he looked at my hands it transformed to disappointment. He
shook his head but I was not that naive to pass this chance to try something new.

I smiled and mouthed later to him. I also wanted to try but I want it between me and him. A smile slowly crept back again his face and the show started. However, I couldnt forget the way his lips tell me to wait for the end.

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