day 6 | Jungkook

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Explain to me how I ended up in a bathroom half naked, wet and cold?

After I kill this maniac who caused all this shit.

"You son of a bitch! Let me out!" I screamed as I punch the door.

"Nuh uh uh. Not until you say yes."

"I would never! I couldnt even dare look at you! Fucker!"

"Thats not what you said to me that night daddy."

"I was drunk! I don't even know you!"

"I'm Kim Taehyung. Now you know me so say yes."

"Did your mum forget to send you to social classes? Thats not how society works fucking idiot!"

"I never really had a mum so technically no. Say yes."

"Look. Why does it have to be me? You can just call up some sluts to accompany you to the ball. "

"Thats what i'm doing right now though. "

"Are you implying that i'm a slut?! You ungrateful son of a bitch!"

"Never said anything. Say yes."

This persistent mother fucke---

"If i'm not out here by ten seconds i'm going to call the cops. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five---"

"Are you sure you are going to call the cops Mistur Jungguk."




No way. Out of all the people in the world, he is the one who would cause my demise?! This wierd alien person who probably came from someones anus who wears ugly ass clothing knows my deepest darkest secret?!

"What do you want?" I ask.

"The thing I have been begging since I kidnapped you. Say yes."

"Why the fuck would you choose me out of all the people you alien shit. You do know that I am no good right? You might attract unwanted attention and by attention meaning from the people in my line of work?"

"Meehhh. Its just a university party dude, what could go wrong. Plus, after this, I might keep my mouth shut."

"You better square the fuck up you shit. Agreeing to your terms is already big coming from me so you better do your fucking side of the deal or I wont hesitate to bring Jungguk out to shove hi---"

"Dude. I dont even want to see your small excuse of a dick. I do my side of deals so dont worry." He said as he abruptly opened the door.

"Nice abs. Daddy."

He threw a shirt on my face as he exited the men's stall with hopping steps.


"So Yerin right?"

I'm currently sitting at Worldwide Cakes with a virgin girl ready to be sacrificed to my dick. This will be just an easy fuck. Im surprised she haven't known my reputation throughout the million gossips leading to me and praise all the love gods on earth.

"Yuna. How could you forget our date?"

"Im sorry. College has been whooping my ass for quite some time now."

"I know how you feel. If this is the road to senior year I would gladly choose to stay another year."

"Lets stay together babe."

"You silly doofus."

"So, you do know about the year end ball right?"


"How about you and I dance under the moonlitten sky on Euphoria hotel this Friday?"

"A-are you asking me to be your date?"

"Yep. I would want no other to take on such a lovely night. And maybe spend it until mornin---"


A loud scream interrupted the busy cafe as I felt water seeping through my clothes. I was stunned and confused and the last thing I knew I was naked in the men's bathroom.

End of Flashback

This is just fucking great.

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