Slut Alert!

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Katy pov

I was now waiting on Cassy because Alicia had already come and went to buy her and me smoothie. I scrolled through my Instagram to waste time.
"Hey sorry I'm late the teacher decide to give me a graded activity,80 questions!"
Cassy said popping down beside me causing me to look up. I realise that Alicia had come back with our smoothies and mine was in front of me, she also had her phone out.
"Hey Cassy"
I grabbed for my smoothie but Cassy beat me to it.
"Hey that's mine-"
I stop midway when I saw that the cafeteria went silent,rolling my eyes I turn to look at Helena and her squad.They were the most popular and hottest group of girls in school. But to me and my friends they were just a bunch of girls trying to be intimidating .
They headed for the only table that didn't went quiet as they walk in.This table was in the center of the room and was filled with Kyle and his gang. No one else dared to sit there.I remember once when they had a huge game and so they had to practice during lunch,the seat remain empty for the whole lunch period. I guess the kids her are too frighten by them to actually sit there.
So upon reaching the table; Helena starts to twirl her hair in her hand.
"Hi Zander!" Her voice squeaked and it was so loud. It seemed she suck the air out of an balloon filled with helium.I chuckled at the thought.
"What are you laughing at?"Cassy asked
"Helena's voice" I replied
"Yeah she is like a squeaking mouse" Alicia remarked
" That's wrong sugar plum I thought you knew better than to speak such things behind someone's back"I voice said completely amused,"even if its correct".we all turned around to see standing in his glory none other than Kyle himself.
He had his food tray in his hand so I guess he just got his food.Cassy was the first to speak.
"Excuse us?"
"You were talking about Helena voice"
He said and sat down as if its was the most obvious thing in the world.
Alicia stayed dumbstruck while I still try to process what was happening. I coultotell I wasn't. the only one.His friends as well as the whole cafeteria was wondering why he was sitting with us.
Kyle winked at his friends and they got the message and stay were they were with an amusing look on their face.Kyle started eating.Helena's mouth seemed to be on the floor I chuckled and took a bite out of my pizza.Kyle got a message on his phone and got up and went to his seat. Helena seemed much more satisfied start talking again. We all listen to what she said.
"Kylie poo why did you sit over at the nobody's table? "
"Oh no she didn't!"Cassy said
She got up and headed for right for Helena, she looked her right in the eyes.I a low tone she asked,it was a good thing I was right behind her to hear.
"What did you just say about us"
Everybody in the whole school knew not to mess with Cassy or anything that she cares about it was simply not done. Cassy can make your life miserable with just one word.Cassy isn't easy to forgive so lets just say Helena had just started a war.
"I said why was Kyle sitting at the nobody's table anyway why are you in your conversation?"
Helena knew what she was getting into and I could tell that the way she was looking at Kyle she hoped that he would defend her.I almost laugh when Kyle got up and stand behind me,Helena looked as if her eyes where going to pop out of her sockets any minute now.Cassy looked surprises well as Alicia heck even I was but as if a switch flipped Cassy once again glared at Helena.
She grabbed her hair and pulled her close. Helena let out a shrilling screamed causing our lunch lady,Mrs Gulbrun to come rushing out.
"Is there a problem here?"she asked
"Nothing!"we all said and went back to her seat,but Alicia stayed back long enough to whisper to Helena.
"Watch you back cause this isn't over"
I smiled knowing that we all got each others back. As we reached our table the bell ring,we groaned and went to our class which thankfully Alicia and Cassy were in.

Author's note

So hey guys its break so I will be updating more frequently if I have the time.until then!


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