How did he get it?

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Katy pov

I had just finish my shower and was watching 'jump in' on Netflix when my phone lit up indicating I received a message.
Unknown: What are you doing?

Seeing I don't know who it is I ignored the message.My phone beeped again

Unknown:Its rude to ignore people you know.

Me:Who are you?

Unknown:You forgot me all ready?

Me:Who the hell is this?

Unknown: I'll give you one clue;sugar.

Only one name flashed through my head for there is only one person who call me that.please let it not be him.

Unknown:You forgot me already sugar

Me:How did you get my number?

Jerk:You finally remember

Me:Where did you get it?

Jerk:Your friend, the loud one gave it to me.



Me:No she wouldn't do that

Jerk:Well who knows huh?

Me: You're unbelievable. You know that right?

Jerk:Yeah I get that alot

"Katy dinner is ready!"Jay called

Looked like he came back after all

Jerk:What are you doing?

Me:None of you're business, besides I got to go.

Jerk:Are you gonna miss me?


I drop my phone in my back pocket and went to the living room. I saw dad and Jay playing football.
"Dad I thought dinner is ready; Jay why aren't you setting the table?"
"Come on sis set it for me this one time please?" he whined
"No she won't" mom emerged from the kitchen with hands on her hips
"Darling please let us finish this match"Dad beg not taking his eyes from the TV screen.
"Ok" mom said calmly ;a little bit too calm.I looked at her questionably.
She went infront of the TV and turned it off.
Mom!"Jay said
And at the same time dad said"honey!"
"Yes"mom said while faking innocence.
"It wasn't saved" they both said
"Neither is your dinner"mom remarked and went out of the room.
I followed and soon the table was set and we were eating. As usually mom's food was delicious. We had baked chicken with pasta and cheese sticks.
"Did you get the flowers?"I asked
"Nope the shop was closed" he replied
"So Jay,tell us about this mystery girl"mom asked while passing around the sauce.
"Not happening you guys over react way too much"he said
"Come on!"mom and I exclaim
"Nope not happening "
We finish eat and went our separate ways . Dad and Jay went back to their game while mom went to read,I washed up then head back to my room to finish my homework.

Author's Note

So hi guys I know this chapter is short but I am in a hurry and my battery is about it die so .
Until next time!


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