I feel connected!

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Katy pov

I woke up to the sound of shuffling and hammering,what could they be doing at this ungodly hour. Who the hell is renovating. Its safe to say that if you wake me you are in for a treat.
Trying to locate the source of the noise I am going to give who ever making so much noise a piece of my mind. Noticing that it was coming from my window. I got up, put on my robe and open my curtains. I was greeted by Kyle putting up a ladder connecting our windows together. It was set so that I could crawl on my knees from my window to his. Shocked I stared at him opened mouth. This dipshit was getting the very last nerve. He woke me up just to connect our room.
"Kyle Parker " I growled
He didn't seem to hear me over the hammering.
"KYLE PARKER!" I shouted causing him to loose his balance and topple off the ladder. Lucky he grabbed on and was now dangling midair.
"Get back up here you baboon!" I shouted once again, I don't care if he almost fell he shouldn't have woken me up.

Pulling himself up he manage to be sitting on the ladder trying to catch his breath.
"Good morning sweetheart " he waved. He fudging waved.
"What is this?" I calmed little.
"What? The ladder?"
"No the bird that's sitting in our tree" I said sarcasm lacing my voice.
"Well I don't know why the bird would be in your tree but I know why the ladder is here" he said and then went back to hammering.
"The bird is in the tree because that's where they live. How did you even pass kindergarten " I said rolling my eye.
Then I remember why I was talking to him.
"What the bloody hell were you thinking Kyle!"
Causing him to almost fall again. I would laugh if I wasn't so angry I didn't even wait for him to catch his breath.

"Why in gods name would you wake me up so early for something as stupid as this are you out of your god damn mind!"
"Well its our connection. I thought we'd need one."

Everything that comes out of this boy's mouthy is shit. He woke me this early for this.

"Dude get up and let me push you through my window head first because you mustn't have a brain" I replied still angry although sleep has completely eluded me.
"Why do we need a connection?" I asked
"So I get to see you whenever I want" I rolled my eyes this guy seriously infuriates me at times." Also I get to come in your room easily without you parents knowing" he winked and the proceeded to crawl into my room

"Kyle what in the world is wrong with you. You can't just walts into my room just because you feel like " And guess what he did. He ignore me.
"Nice room"

You know that feeling that when someone comes into your room you suddenly realise everything that is wrong.

Well I just saw a million things wrong with my room.
Apart from my bed. There were clothes in my chair I bra showing from under my bed. My bag laid open with papers spilling out. Ok in aware that this might not be so bad but I love order and the fact that someone is seeing how room like this has me crazy.

"Lovely decor" he said again cutting me out of mentally killing myself.

I wasn't those cliché girls that love pink. I hate it infact so I painted two of my walls white and two black. My furnitures were were all chocolate brown and my carpet was caramel. My room was big and spacious .My closet was on one of the black walls with a full body mirror beside it. There was a door on the white wall that lead to my bathroom suite.My bedside table was made of glass which hold my phone, I pad and laptop.

There was an identical one on the other side of my bed that hold a night lamp and a reading book. My book shelf was to the corner of my room with my computer and a couch next to it.I was proud of how my room look. Everything was in its place and there was a place for everything.
"Thank you" I said smiling
"Why were you so angry ?" Kyle asked turning back to look at me.
Remembering I turned back to him and slapped him on his arm.
"Ow!what was that for!?" he yelled ribbing his arm. Good it should hurt.
"That's for waking me up at the ungodly hour for our 'connection'" I said putting air quotes the the word connection. "And please keep down your voice people are still sleeping "

He smirked and said lowly
"Do you wanna do something that allow us to make alot of noise"

I groaned and lunged after him causing me to fall on top of him.
Why do we always end up in these position this is like the second time.

"Sugar never knew you love me that much you just can't seem to keep your hands to yourself" he said singing the last part.
Aw he got a beautiful voice but I snapped out of it when my door burst open.
"He rina get up momma-" my brother barged in saying with his head done on his phone.
"Oh so you are the reason I got up so early" Jay said. I knew we woke someone.
"What is it?" jay I said brushing off my clothes.

Kyle stretch his hand up for me to help him up. I just slapped it away and turn back to Jay.
"Also haven't I told you not to barge into my room."
"Did something happen while the door was closed ? And I knocked" he asked eying Kyle who unfortunately was spread out on the floor.
"No nothing at all other than the fact I want to kill him" I say " you didn't knock I would've of heard"
" Your right I didn't knock, bye!" he said then left the room.

"Wait why did you come in here in the first place?" I asked but he was already gone.
"Kids breakfast is ready! "Mom shouted what sounds to be like from the kitchen.
Pushing Kyle away from me I ran done. Food is like the only thing that's keeping me alive. I literally would die without it. I wondered how I survive when my aunt had put me on a diet.

Going down for my breakfast I started eating. Not much after I saw Kyle strolling down from my room.
"Ok when did he get here?" mom asked raising her eyebrow with her hands on her hip.I just shrugged my shoulders and continued eating.
Mom shoke her head and turn to Kyle expecting and explanation but Kyle just waved and asked if he could eat breakfast with us since his mom had already went out and didn't make any for him.

Mom nodded and turned back to the stove.

"So Katy you agreed to what Jay said?" mom asked after fixing a plate for Kyle .

"Umm-what?" i said after I swallowed. Even though I loved food I still had manners, well most of the time that is.

"Well I wanted you guys out of the house for a few hours but Jay is going studying with Jennifer so you can go shopping" mom said

"Sure I am meaning to get some new clothes." I replied and continue eating.

Jay smiled and whispered to Kyle
but I heard what he said"thank god I'm not going shopping Kate is a shopping manic"

Kyle smiled and said yes and went back to eating.
I smirked "hey mom do you think Kyle can accompany me as well"I put on an innocent face.

Kyle choke while Jay look horrified but thankful.

"I don't see why not infact I'll give you extra money and you can make a whole day out of it" she reached for her purse.

Turned to Kyle and glared at him. He better come extra money means more clothes and that's a good thing. Kyle visually gulped but nod his head meekly.

I smiled victoriously and finish my food to go and get ready for the mall.

Kyle you are in for a treat.

Author's Note

So hey guys I know that i haven't updated in a while but it because I have been very busy but I owe it to you guys a long chapter and so here it is. Consider it as my gift for two reasons (1) I haven't updated in a while and im super sorry and(2) it Christmas!so instead of me having fun with my family I'm updating for you guys. Im gonna close now cause this got lengthy .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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