Of all people why him?

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Katy pov

There stood non other that Kyle Parker.
"What the hell are you doing in my house?"
"I live over there"
I pointed at my house.
"I'm your neighbor "I replied
"Oh well if you are going to dress like that by all means you can come over anytime". He said motioning to my outfit
Oh shit forgot what forgot what I'm wearing. I knew I was blushing and I hurried back to the living room to find my mother talking to Mr and Mrs Parker .
"I'm sorry Mrs Parker but my mom talks too much at times"
"I know she is my best friend from high school but we broke apart".
"Wait you are the famous Violet?"
That's Kyle that had joined into our conversation.
"Yes course who else would it be?"she replied smiling
"Rebecca why don't you join us for dinner tonight"
" Sure we would love to,what do you think chase?"
" Yeah that would be nice, just like old times"he replied smiling.
"Ok come on Katy we better get going" mom said and we bid them goodbye.

I turn to leave but end up falling on my butt. How did the wall get so close to me. Looking up I saw it was Kyle chest that I had collided in. Everyone started to laugh well except me who was busy glaring at Kyle. Lucking he stop laughing long enough to offer me a hand. Still angry at him I yanked him so hard he fell on top of me.
They laugh even harder while I winch at the pain, why the hell must this dude be so heavy.
" Hmm I love this position"Stated Kyle
"Get of me you goof!" I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't budge.
"But kitty you were the one that pulled me onto of you now I'm quite comfortable " lucky he had removed some off his weight off me.
"You weren't supposed to land on me",I had gave up trying to push him off by now he was like stone," Your pretty little face was to kiss the floor "
I stated and huffed folding my hands over my chest.
"So you do admit I'm pretty?"
" Of Course I admit it,"I said causing him to raise a brow , probably didn't expect me to agree. While Kyle you got a next thing coming," pretty ugly and disgusting, I wonder how you parents mange to have a devil's pawn like you!"
"Well they did now deal with it"
We were cut out of our quarreling by his parents and my mom bursting into another fit of laughter. This seems to awake Kyle for he jumped off me and help me up.
" Come on Katy lets go get dinner ready" mom said after they finally calm down.
I glanced back at Kyle who was staring at me. Matching his stare I tried to read him but his face was void of all emotions. Mom nudge me and that knocked me out of my trance.
" I'm coming mom!"
I said goodbye purposely leaving out Kyle and left to prepare dinner.

When I stepped inside my house and was about to head to my room when mom stopped me.
"Katy darling will you help me prepare dinner? "
Even though she is asking the look on her face told me it want a request.
" Ok mom fine I will "I sighed dramatically causing her to giggle.

Mom looked at me with a happy expression and proceed to the kitchen to get the ingredients for tonight's meal. Even though mom asked for help I know better than to touch anything with out her permission. My mom is very serious about food and cooking one mistake and she will roast you. I lost two dolls that way when I was little I decided that lemonade would taste good on our barbecue chicken. I shivered at the memory and waited patiently for instructions.
She turn and look at me me" Why are you still standing there,get the vegetables and start chopping!boil the pasta! Do something but don't stand there doing nothing!" I sighed and get to work. Mom is too over protective when it comes to food but she is quote relaxed at time too. Turning little I cause the flour bowl to tip over on her.
I looked at get horrified while she just smirk and then throw a hand full on cinnamon on me mixed with blackpepper and paprika.
"Mom!"I screamed while she laughed. Told you, relaxed.

I that's how I ended up with three showers in one day.

Author's Note

Hey guys so I know that it has been a long time and Im sorry but I have been so busy lately and I know I promised i'll update more but I didn't. Anyway I'm not here to rant I just want to say thank you for keeping my book in your library and believing in me. You guys are seriously the best. Also I know that this chapter is short and Im working on longer chapters Im sorry again.
Anyways until next time

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