Chapter Two: Peter

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I WAKE UP to the smell of bacon. That must be my boyfriend, Matt Murdock, cooking breakfast. I yawn as I stretch. I rub my sleepy eyes and grab my phone. There were messages from Wade, Mom, and Ned. It's only 8:35 am. Wade should be in school by now. God, do I miss my little brother.
After checking my social media, I hop out of our bed and make it. I changed into casual clothes today, nothing fancy. Just a simple T-shirt, jacket, and jeans. I open the door and our dog, Nikki, named after my Mom's Mom: Nikki Holland, came dashing from her dog bed and towards me. She stands on her hind legs and pants, her tail wagging.
I pet between her ears and walk down the stairs of our apartment. I see my boyfriend by the stove and sure enough he was cooking bacon! Nikki barks and jumps on me again. Matt turns and smiles when he sees me. We've been dating a year. A year! Can you believe that?!
"Hey, Petey," Matt says.
I smile and walk toward him, kissing him softly on the lips.
"Hey Matt, thanks for breakfast," I say.
Matt nods and I go over to the dog food bin. I open the lid and scoop up a cup full of dog food and pour it into Nikki's dog bowl. She barks with excitement and scarfs her breakfast down. I then walk toward Matt and wraps my arms around him, my head on his shoulder.
"You going to the gym today?" Matt asks me.
"Yeah...that is...unless you want me to," I reply.
"You do what you want, babe," Matt says. "I'm not going anywhere today so I'm free for whenever you're ready!"
I laugh. "Haha! You know if my father ever finds out about us doing it he'll kill you."
Matt shrugs as he leans in to kiss me. "I know that, babe. I don't get why he's so protective of you. It's not like you're going to be like your Mom."
I playfully punch his arm and say, "Don't say that! Don't jinx it, Matt! You don't know that I can!"
"You're right. I don't," he says honestly.
I stand on my tip toes and kiss his soft pink lips, smiling. He kisses me again and I kiss back. I wonder what my real Dad would think if he saw us. Would he approve of Matt being my boyfriend like Mom did? Would Dad be protective of me...probably. I mean I am the son of two famous actors. I know Wade's doesn't like it. He's still supporting us it's just...he doesn't like me leaving him alone to be with Matt. We're supposed to be close and inseparable like we were before.
"You okay, Pete?" Matt says, snapping me out of my daze.
I shake my head, blinking, and give him a small smile and nod.
"I'm fine," I lie.
"You miss him, don't you?" Matt says.
"Who my father?"
"No. Wade. You miss your brother," Matt says.
I sigh heavily and look down. I bite my lip and nod.
"He'll be okay," Matt assures me. "I promise, Pete, he will. He'll get over it eventually."
"Eventually is the key word. But's just...I've never been separated from Wade. Okay, the fact that he ran away doesn't count. But I know what I mean. It's just...he's...I don't know...he's two years younger than me Matt. He's young. I..." I look down. "I just want to keep him safe, Matt. After everything that Wade and I have been through for the past year, I just want to make sure he's safe..."
It's silent. We don't say anything for a moment. We just hear the rain splattering against the windows. I walk over to the coat rack and grab my coat. I grab my keys which are hanging off the wall.
"Save it," I snap. "I'm fine."
I walk out of the house, accidentally slamming the door shut and sigh heavily. He just doesn't understand. He never had a big brother or sister or younger brother or sister so he doesn't know what it's like. But he still loves me and I love him.
I start the car and roll out of the driveway.

+ + +

I made it to Mom's house. It's only 9:00 now. I open the driver's door and hop out. I grab my coat and wrap it around me to protect myself from the rain. I grab my bag and take out the keys. The car honks when I press the lock button on my keys. I smile to myself. I can't wait to see Mom's reaction when he sees me! He hasn't seen me in like...I don't know how long it's been since I've moved out with Matt but he'll surely be happy and that's what I want.
I knock on the door gently and waited. I'm smiling too. I straighten my hair and take a deep breath and slowly exhale.
Alright Reynolds, I think. You can do this! It's just your mother...and Harrison too but mostly your mother and Wade. Alright. The door's opening. We can do this...
The door slowly creaks open. I bite my lip and gulp. I see a foot. That's all I see.
Then I see him. Uncle Harrison...or Dad. Surprised, I look behind him to see if Mom's there. He's not...
Uncle Harrison smiles widely and opens the door. He greets me and pulls me in. He wrap his arms around me tightly and I awkwardly wrap my arms around him.
"Peter! Oh, it's so nice to see you again!" Uncle Harrison exclaims, squeezing the oxygen out of me.
"Hey, Dad...!" I croak. "Listen um...could you let go of me...? I can't breathe!"
"Oh! Sorry, Petey!" Uncle Harrison says, smiling.
"Don't call me that," I say, pointing a finger at him. "So...where's my mother?"
"Your mother's at work. He had an interview this morning," Uncle Harrison explains.
"Oh," was all I can manage.
"Yeah. And you know you're brother's at school," Uncle Harrison says.
I nod and plop myself down on the couch. Uncle Harrison sits on the arm rest and we stare at the Tv. It's quiet. No sound except for the rain. No nothing.
"'s Wade?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence.
"He's..." Uncle Harrison takes a deep breath and slowly exhaling. "He's...he misses you Peter. A lot. He hardly speaks anymore. He hardly comes out of his room anymore. He's becoming more grumpy."
I look down. I know it's my fault for letting Wade behave this way but he has to understand that I love Matt. This is my dream! Ever since middle school! I get to be with the love of my life!
I sigh heavily and say, "It's because of me..."
Uncle Harrison cups my chin and tilts it so I'm looking straight into his eyes.
"No it isn't, Peter. It's because of a lot of things. Your brother's going through a lot. He lost his father four years ago. He lost his brother...he lost you. He's slowly loosing his mother because his mother is going back to press tours and filming and he hardly sees him too," Uncle Harrison says, trying to cheer me up.
I jerk my head away from Uncle Harrison's touch. "You don't understand, Dad. Wade and I...we're close. We're inseparable. We always have each other's back just like how you had Mom's back. I made a vow, Dad. I made a vow when Mom was...ya know...and I promised Wade that I would protect him. That I would never in a million years leave him. That I'd keep him safe. And I broke that promise..."
"Can we please change the subject?" I ask, fiddling with my locket Adikius gave me.
Uncle Harrison nods. We continue talking for a couple hours before the front door opens. I hear him gasp and say, "PETER!" and run toward me, hugging me. It was my mother, beautiful than ever.
I wrap my arms around him.
"Hey, Mom!" I say. "I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too! Oh, it's so good to see you! How've you been?!" Mom asks excitedly.
"Mom, relax. I'm fine. How was work?"
"It was fine," Mom says.
"Hey, baby~" Uncle Harrison interrupts, pulling Mom closer to him and kissing Mom on the lips gently.
I smile at them and they break apart.
"You and Matt got any plans tonight?" Mom asks.
" I don't think so...why...?" I ask.
"Cause I was wondering if you and Matt care to join us for dinner at Applebee's or something!" Mom informs.
I smile. "Sure. Let me check with Matt but otherwise I think it's fine with us, Mom."
The door suddenly opens again, scaring the heck out of me. I hear another gasp and a shout. I gulp. I didn't even have to turn around to see who it was. It was Wade.
"PETER!" Wade screams, running toward me and knocking me to the ground.

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