Chapter Twentey-One: Wade

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"WADE? HONEY? WHAT'S the matter?" I hear my mother ask me as we're sitting at the dinner table, munching on our dinner.
Peter came back from his walk an hour ago and Matt woke up a few minutes ago. We played a couple of board games then around 6:45 pm, Peter and Matt left. I sigh as I don't respond to my concerned mother and pick at my food.
"Wade?" Uncle Harrison says. "Your mother asked you a question..."
I don't respond. I just don't wanna talk right now. After what I did to Harrison I just couldn't look at him or Mom in the eye.
"Wade Ryan-" Mom starts, in a warning tone.
I slam my fist on the table, making Mom gasp and jump and Harrison just flinches. I glare hard at Mom, who's eyes are widen with shock and fear.
"I'M FINE!" I scream, my fists clenched. I hear Tessa whimper under the table but I guarantee you she's probably curled up against Mom's feet. "NOW MIND YOU EFFING BUSINESS, YOU BI-!"
Mom gasps. He seems to make everything dramatic.
"WADE!" Mom yells, sternly.
What I just said to my mother, made Harrison even angrier. He stands up and leans in close to my personal face and growls, "You do not talk to your mother like that, young man-"
"EFF. YOU," I growl back, my voice a dangerous whisper.
But what I didn't expect from Harrison, my him slapping me. He slaps me hard with the back of his hand. I'm so shocked that I stagger back and held my cheek. I've never been slapped on the cheek by my parents before or my brother. Never.
"You, stay away from your mother. Do you understand me? I don't care if he's your mother, you stay away from him," Harrison growls, his voice low not even my mother can hear but only me. "I don't want you talking to him like that. Why are you behaving this way, Wade?"
I'm crying. I'm seriously crying. My eyes are closed, my cheeks are flushed as tears stream down them, and I'm wishing this day would end. I wish I had my father back. My real father, Ryan Reynolds, back. Cause I hate Harrison. I absolutely hate him. I hate him being around my mother and kissing him and making out with him when it should be Ryan. I believe I've already said that before.
"Harrison-" Mom starts, but Harrison cuts him off.
"Shut it, Thomas. This is between me and your son!" Harrison orders.
"You don't talk to my mother," I say, slowly turning around to face an angry Harrison. "The way you're talking to him right now, sounds like you're treating him like a slave."
Harrison growls again, clenching his fists even tighter, his teeth gritted together.
"Why you little-"
"ENOUGH!" Mom yells, stopping us both from arguing. "I swear! You two are acting like complete children! Haz, you're an husband! And Wade? You're almost an adult! You should know better! You should know better than to curse! Especially when it's right in front of me! Do you two understand?! I'm stressed, tired, and I have a bloody headache coming on cause you two won't stop arguing over me! If you two ever want to make me happy again, then I suggest you stop. Both of you. Is that clear?!"
Harrison and I instantly look down at our feets, almost in reflex. We don't say anything for a minute until Mom says, "WELL?"
I sigh. "Yes, Mom..."
Harrison also sighs. "Yes, honey."
With that, Mom pushes past us and storms up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him, making the house shake a bit.
It's silent. Neither of us speak. It's dark outside and raining per usual. All we hear is the rain splatter against the window panes. That's who quiet it is. Not even the TV's on.
I know I should apologize to Mom. I know I should. But I'm just to upset to do so. I'm just to furious! I don't know what's going on with me.
"I'm sorry," I whisper to Harrison. I'm not even looking at him but he can still hear me though. "I'm sorry I snapped at you guys like that..."
Harrison sighs as well. "I'm sorry, too."
"Peter said the wedding's Saturday at the beach at 5:30 pm," I say. I completely forgot about it.
"Okay," is all Harrison says.
Then there's more silence. My heart aches. It's filled with emptiness. I look back at Harrison.
"Did you really mean it when you said to stay away from Mom?" I ask hesitantly.
"No," Harrison sighs. "I didn't. That was the anger talking. You know I would never take your mother away from you, Wade."
I pull my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. "I just don't know what to do..."
"What do you mean?"
"I...For once, I just don't know what to do...I don't know what's wrong with me, Dad. I'm not usually like this!" I explain.
Harrison sits next to me.
"For starters, you could apologize to your mother."
I sigh heavily and nod. "You could apologize to Mom too."
Harrison chuckles to my surprise. I look at him. Chuckling wasn't the answer I was expecting. I thought he was going to yell at me or something. Guess I was wrong.
"What?" Harrison says, and stopped chuckling.
I shake my head. "Nothing..."
It's silent again until five minutes later when I say, "Dad? I need help..."
Harrison smiles. Apparently, he's eager to help me out even after what I just did.
"Of course, kiddo! With what?" Harrison asks, smiling.
"Letting things go...I just can't! I can't let Peter go! I don't want him to go! I just...want to know how to let things go. I mean, yeah I'm happy my big bro's getting married and all in a few days, but I just...I just can't let him go..." I explain, looking down at my knees.
"That's a tough," Harrison says. "Well...what's holding you back?"
"Huh?" I say, confused.
"What's making you be selfish and keep Peter all to yourself?" Harrison says.
I bite my lip. "To be's Matt. He took Peter away from me..."
Just then, I hear my mother scream at the top of his lungs. My eyes widen and Harrison and I exchanged neverous looks and we sprint upstairs and Harrison kicks the door down.
My eyes widen even more when I see who's holding my mother, who's side of the face is bleeding bad. Mom's out cold. My eyes widen even bigger. It can't be.
"QUINN?!" I shout.

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