Chapter Thirteen: Wade

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I SLOWLY OPEN my eyes and groan. My head hurts like heck, like Thor's Hammer is smashing my forehead into pieces. My vision's blurry and I'm breathing heavily. I try to get from the chair I'm currently sitting in but my wrists and ankles are tied up with a thick brown rope. Where am I? I don't know.
The room I'm in is dark. It's similar to the room I was in when Adikius suddenly demanded me that I must go with him. The room where I met Quinn. I wonder how he's doing by the way.
I tug on my binds, grunting as I do so. I'm hot. I'm not sure if that's normal but I'm really hot. So hot that I'm sweating.
"Ah, you're awake," a voice says. Surprisingly, it's female. "Good."
The woman in front of me where's a long, black sparkly dress. She kinda looks like my Aunt Zendaya, with dark brown hair braided and light brown skin and brown eyes and extremely beautiful. She has red lipstick on and a lot of makeup. She wears black heels that make her look taller.
"Where's my brother?" I say, instantly. "Where is he?"
"Your brother, Mr. Reynolds," she says, sitting across from me with one leg over the other. "Is perfectly safe...for now. So is your mother."
"Hurt them," I start, teeth locked together, "and you're dead. I don't care who you are...I'll kill you. I don't care if you're a woman...I'll kill you if you ever lay a finger on my mother or brother. Heed my watering."
The woman chuckles. "You sound a lot like your father, Wade. You look like him too, except you have your mother's eyes."
"You knew my father?" I ask, surprised.
She chuckles again, pulling her knee close to her stomach.
"Sort of," she says. "I knew Advent did."
"Advent?" I say. "What's he got to do with this?"
"He killed your father," she says.
"I know," I reply in annoyance. "What do you want from me? Why can't you just let me go?"
"Oh, you poor boy," she mocks, patting my cheek. I flinch and look away quickly. "I don't want anything from you~"
I stare at her, confused as heck. I watch her get up and walk over to a computer. She turns it on and I see my brother. He's sitting on the couch, staring at his ring. My eyes widen when I see Chris. I'm surprised he's there. Uncle Harrison sits on the other side of Chris, who's in between Peter and Uncle Harrison. They're all just sitting there, staring at nothing. Where my Mom is, I don't know. I hope he's safe, at least.
"Don't worry, Wade. You're mother's safe," the woman says, staring at my brother. "Just like your brother. Which is what I want."
My eyes widen and I growl and threaten through gritted teeth. She turns to face me again, leaning against the desk, her arms crossed.
"I'm using you as bait. I know your brother would start looking for you," the woman explains.
"Who are you?!" I growl. "Where's my mother?! Why isn't he in the house?!"
"You can call me..." she says, walking over to grab a long, pointy knife. "Mrs. Dark."
"Mrs. Dark?" I say, wondering what kind of name is that.
"Yes?" she asks, sliding her finger over the blade and looks at me with one eyebrow raised, as if I was going to ask her something. And I am.
"What does my brother have to do with me?" I inquire.
She just smiles. "You two boys are inseparable. That's what makes you powerful. Your brother, beautiful creature he is, is Spider-Man. He'll do anything to protect you, Wade. So will your little friend, who loves you."
Chris? I think. Is she talking about Chris? My best friend?
"Yes," says Mrs. Dark, "I am indeed talking about your friend Christopher. He loves you, Wade. You mean the whole world to him. Just like how you mean the whole world to your brother, to your mother."
"B-But there's no way!" I say. "He's straight! I've seen him date girls!"
"That was before he realized he was in love with you."
It's silent. I don't say anything as she plays with the knife in her hand. I tug on my ropes that's tied around my wrists securely behind the chair I'm on. I grunt as I do so. Mrs. Dark just laughs. That's all she does.
"You touch my brother," I growl, "and you're dead. Like I said."
"I heard he's engaged," Mrs. Dark says, a grin forming.
I scowl at her. But I don't say anything and I let her continue.
"And I know they're going to have the wedding two weeks after your mother and father's anniversary. Oh, how I can't wait to ruin it! See the look on your face when touch the bride. When I touch your brother," she says.
Mrs. Dark grins even wider and walks closer to me. "Ooohhh, such a potty mouth are you, Wade. So much like your father."
She walks back over to the computer and switches the screen from Peter to my mother. My beautiful, beautiful, mother. Who's suffered so many things to support Peter and I. To protect us. Mom's walking down the side walk, tears streaming down his cheeks as he clutches his jacket close to him to keep him warm. Rain pouring down around him.
"Or...your mother!" Mrs. Dark says, loudly and she laughs.
That's it. I loose it. I scream at her and threaten her for God knows how many times. My head's still throbbing and my throats beginning to go soar from all the screaming. I cry. Eff! I freaking cry.
After for what seems like hours of cry, I lower my head to where I'm only staring at my feet and I'm whispering. My eyes are squeezed shut as I beg not to hurt my mother. As I beg her not to lay a finger on him.
I'll do anything to keep my mother safe. Even if it means I have to sacrifice my life for him.
Mrs. Dark turns off the computer. She laughs at my defeat and lifts my chin with sharp end of the blade. My eyes are watery and I'm breathing heavily. I just want my Mom. I just want my brother. I just want to go home...
"You killed Advent, Wade. You brother. And now you're gonna pay."
It's silent for a moment before she grins and says, "Revenge. It's about time."

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