Chapter Eight: Peter

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I'M SHOCKED. I really am. My eyes are watery as I watch Matt open the box in front of me to reveal a shiny, silver diamond ring. It takes me a minute to let it sink in. I uncover my mouth and I smile. Tears stream down my cheeks as I launch onto Matt, hugging him. I kiss him deeply.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I shout, crying. "Yes! I will marry you!"
Matt smiles too and slides the ring onto my finger. I kiss him deeply again. He laughs and I laugh. Everyone, except for Wade, claps and cheers for us. Uncle Harrison stands up, smiling, with his wine glass in hand and Mom joins and soon everyone else joins. The glasses clang together to make a clink sound and everyone sits back down, taking a sip of their drink. Matt wraps his arm around me and I lay my head on his shoulder and laugh.
I turn to look at Wade. He's staring, in shock. My smile turns into a frown when I see my little brother's shocked face. I gulp and say, "Wade-"
His face turns from shock to anger. He gulps his tears and scoots his chair back. Angry, Wade storms out of the restaurant. It's silent now, except for the small conversations at the other tables around us. Mom looks down and bites his lip, so does Matt.
I sigh heavily and stand up. I lean down and kiss Matt on the lips softly as I walk out. I shiver when I reach the outdoors so I put on my coat. I see my little brother on a bench and I sit next to him.
Wade hugs himself and looks away from me, his back facing me.
I sigh and say, "Wade?"
Nothing. I swear I heard sniffles and that breaks my heart. He's crying.
I sigh again. "Wade? Please. Talk to me. What's wrong?"
"Wade, answer me now-"
"EFF YOU, PETER!" he cries.
But he didn't say "eff." My eyes widen. I've never heard Wade curse before. I gasp as Wade cries, pounding his fists on my chest.
My eyes widen and I gasp. I've never heard Wade curse before. Why was he mad? Is he jealous? Is he jealous of Matt? Yes. He is jealous of Matt. But...why?
Wade launches himself onto me and cries and cries and cries. I sigh heavily and kiss his temple as I wrap my arms around I'm rocking him side to side, shushing him and soothing him.
"Wade, shhh, it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere!" I try to soothe.
"B-B-But y-you said y-yes to M-Matt's p-p-proposal!" Wade sniffs, looking back up to me and wiping his snoty nose with the back of his sleeve.
"I know. But I'm not leaving you," I say, determined.
"Huh?" Wade asks, tilting his head.
I smile softly. "I'm always here. In your heart."
I point to his heart with my index finger. What I'm saying right now...I mean it. I would never lie to my brother. I would if it was necessary.
Wade looks down, sniffling. He pulls his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees, and resting his chin on them.
"But it wouldn't be the same..." Wade whispers.
I sigh and say, "I know. I know it's hard, but Wade, this is life. I love Matt-"
"More than me?" Wade snaps, looking back up to me and glaring at me.
I don't answer. I don't know how to answer. Half is true, half is not. I do love Wade. He's my brother. But Matt...he's my fiancé, and he means the world to me.
"Wade, I-"
"Save it, Peter," Wade growls. "Just save it. I don't need your sympathy or anything!"
Wade stands up and storms back into the restaurant.
A few minutes have passed. I'm still outdoors, sitting in the cold rain on this bench. I stare at the bushes in front of me, contemplating about my life. It's quiet out here and so peaceful. I love it, except for the cars passing by and the distant conversation from other people who are out here. Why Wade? Why do you have to make it so hard for me?
I didn't even realize Matt was out here, until he says, "You okay, Petey?"
I jump slightly and sigh, nodding. Not answering him and just staring at the bushes in front of me. Thinking about a lot of things.
"Peter?" Matt says. "Baby? You alright?"
"Matt, I'm fine. Really," I assure him, giving him a warm smile.
"Your Mom's worried about you..." says Matt.
He nods.
"What about my mother, Matt?" I ask.
"Like I said, he's worried about you. You just up and left, Peter. So, he asked me to come check on you," Matt elaborates.
I sigh. "I came to check on Wade after he stormed out..."
"Wade? How is he? How'd he take it?"
I shake my head sadly. "Not very well. He just feels-I don't know if I told you, Matt-he just feels as if you're taking me away from him. I made a vow to him while he was in Mom's stomach that I'd keep him safe, happy, and that I'd never leave him. And I failed at that..."
"Peter, if you don't want to marry me, that's fine! I'm not forcing you too! If Wade's more be it," Matt says.
I turn around to face him, my eyes widen. Is he really? Is he really okay with me declining his proposal? But I love Matt. I love him with all my heart. Yet...Wade. But Mom's happy. He's smiling again! But Wade...Oh, if only my father were here!
"But...I-I love you, Matt! I do want to marry you! I do want to be your wife! The mother of your children! It's just...Wade makes it so complicated for me...I love him as much as I love you! He's my brother! But Mom's happy and-"
Matt places an index finger to my lips, shushing me. My eyes widen with curiosity.
He chuckles. That's all he does. My head tilts to the side with curiosity, his index finger still on my lips.
"Pete, babe, you're ranting," Matt says while chuckling.
I chuckle myself and say, "Sorry..."
"It's quite alright. Come on, let's go. It's raining out here and it's cold and...I'm hungry," Matt says.
He holds his arm out and I loop mine through his. We walk into the resteraunt.
"Peter!" Mom shouts, smiling. He stands up and runs to me, wrapping his arms around me in a hug.
"Hey, Mom."
He pulls away and says, "You alright? You just up and left."
"I'm fine," I say. "I'm sorry I worried you, Mom. It's just was going to check on Wade."
Matt kisses my cheek and tells me he's going back in for the warmth and food and to leave Mom and I alone.
"I'm proud of you," Mom says as soon as Matt leaves. "Your father would be too."
I smile. "Thanks, Mama."
Mom wipes his eyes. Oh boy, he's getting emotional again.
"I...I can't believe it! My baby's all grown up!" Mom cries, wiping his eyes and sniffling.
"I'm still your baby, Mom," I say. "No matter how old I get."
"You're getting married! God, it feels like it was just yesterday when the doctors placed you on my chest, and you started started to open your eyes!" Mom says, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Mom! Don't cry!" I say, pulling Mom into a hug like I did with Wade. "I'll come visit you! I promise! And, if I have a son, I'll name him after you!"
Mom laughs. "Just like how I named you after my favorite superhero: Peter Parker?"
"Excatly! Because you're my favorite superhero, Mom!"
Mom smiles wider, his teeth showing. He sniffs again and wipes his cheeks his palm.
"Oh, Peter!" Mom says, hugging me. "I love you. So so much!"
I smile as I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around my mother and say, "I love you too, Mom."

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