Chapter Nine: Wade

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I PICK AT my food and rest my cheek in my palm. Everyone else at the table laughs and talks. But me? I'm just staring at my tacos and picking at my beans with my fork. This is it. Peter's getting married. I have no choice but to except that. I don't want to but I have to at the same time. It's been fifteen minutes since Mom went out to check on Peter. I wonder what's taking them so long. I hope they're not...
Getting paranoid, I scoot my chair back and run outside to see if they're still there. But before I can get any farther, Uncle Harrison stops me.
"Wade? Where are you going?" Uncle Harrison inquires.
I blush deeply and gulp, turning around to face my family who are all watching me.
"Uh...I just um...I was just going to check on Mom and Peter!" I say, and surprisingly, it's the truth.
"They're fine, Wade," Uncle Harrison sighs.
"But Dad-"
"Come on, join the family! Have fun!" Uncle Harrison suggests. "They'll come in when they come in! They're adults, Wade!"
"But what if they never come in?!" I protest. "Huh?! It's been fifteen minutes, Dad!"
"I said, come join the family! Your mother and brother will come in when they want to come in!"
"But what if they don't?! What if they don't, Dad?! What if they're kidnapped again or something?!"
"Wade Ryan Reynolds," Uncle Harrison says, giving me a warning look.
I clench my fists so tight they're turning white. My upper lip's corner is twitching slightly and my jaw tightens. I grit my teeth. I'm angry. More than angry.
"Shut. Up." I growl. "Just shut. Up. You're not my father! You'll never be my father! Never! I don't care if you're married to my mother! My father is dead!"
We stare at each other. It's silent. I look over at my family who's just staring at us, waiting for the fight to begin. I look over at Uncle Harry who gulps and looks down, biting his lip. I get the suspicion that he's hiding something from me and that makes me angrier.
"You got something to say to me, Uncle Harry?!" I snap.
He looks up at me, wide eyed, but don't say anything. He's scared of me.
I pound my fist on the table, making the silverware jump slightly. Uncle Harry gasps and looks down quickly. I shout at him. At everyone at this table. My baby cousin, Dominic, who's one or two years old (I can't quite remember), begins to cry. I curse. Crying, I scoot my chair back and run out again.
"Wade?" I hear a voice say, stopping me in my tracks. It's Peter's voice. I sigh in relief. But I'm still angry. "Wade? Where're you going?"
"I'M GOING HOME!" I snap, causing Mom to jump.
I storm off into the cold, rainy night...without a jacket to keep me warm.

+ + +

I open the front door and slam it shut behind me. Finally, some peace and quiet! My head is hurting and I groan, rubbing my temples. I plop myself on the couch and close my eyes. I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them, resting my chin on top of my knees. I think about everything that has happened in the last year.
My mother telling Peter and I about our father's death. My mother suggesting Uncle Harrison being our new Dad. Me running away, leaving my poor miserable mother. Peter, my big brother, falling in love and coming after me. Me getting captured by Advent and being turned into a killer machine by him. Peter finding me and taking me home. Meeting Adikius for the first time. Learning that Mom's been kidnapped by Advent to use as bait to capture my brother and kill him. Rescuing Mom. Working with Advent. Knocking Peter out and kidnapping him, me taking him to Advent. Me saving Peter and trying to escape. Me killing Advent. Peter and Matt having their first kiss. Meeting Matt. Uncle Harrison proposing to Mom and marrying him. Matt proposing to Peter. And here I am.
God, all of that in one year. How can time fly so fast.
My phone suddenly rings, causing me to jump out of my thoughts. I pick it up and see who's calling me. It's Mom.
"Hello?" I say, still having that headache.
"Hey, Wade! I just want to let you know that dinner is done and we're heading home. We'll be home in a few minutes. Do you want your food in a box to go?" Mom asks.
"No, I'm good. Thanks, though, Mom," I reply, smiling softly.
"Of course, baby! You made it home okay?" Mom asks, concerned.
"Yeah, I did. Hey, Mom?"
I can see him raising an eyebrow and saying, "Yes, Wade?"
"Is there any ibuprofen left? My head is killing me!" I groan, placing my hand on my forehead.
"Oh, sweetheart! I'm so sorry! But yes, there is some in the medicine cabinet above the counter next to sink," Mom informs.
"Thanks Mom..."
"Of course, baby! We're paying for the food now. How are you feeling besides the headache?"
"Tired. Angry. Upset. Head killing me. I just...I just want my family to go back to normal..."
"I know. I know. But shouting at people won't make that happen, Wade."
I gulp. "Dad told you about that...?"
"He did."
I gulp again. "You're not mad are you, Mom?"
"Me? I'm sort of mad but not a lot. How about you get some rest after you take your ibuprofen, okay, Wade?"
I sigh heavily and say, "Okay, Mom."
"We'll be home in a little bit. Love you!"
I smile softly. "Love you too, Mom."
I hang up and went to the kitchen. My eyes are so droopy I can barely stay awake! But I need this ibuprofen! You don't know how much my head hurts right now!
I open the medicine cabinet and grab the small bottle that has the ibuprofen. I grab three small pills and take them with water. I sigh again and closed the lid to the bottle, which had the ibuprofen in it, and place it back in the cabinet and close the cabinet. I yawn a huge yawn and made my way to my bedroom. God, I don't even remember the last time I had a good night's sleep! But I know I will get one tonight!
I open my bedroom door and Tessa, Mom's dog, follows me in. After she comes in, I close the door. Tessa hops onto the bed, her tail wagging and barks, gesturing me to come sit with her and give her belly rubs like Mom would. I smile and chuckle to myself as I lay on my bed. Tessa immediately walks up to me and lays her head on my chest. I smile to myself as I rub her head between her ears.
She yawns and so do I. She closes her eyes, feeling the warmth and comfort of my body, and falls asleep. I feel the same way. I close my eyes, my head still pounding. I smile in my sleep when my head fills with images of my beautiful mother.
Before I knew it, I fell into a deep sleep.

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