Chapter Seventeen: Wade

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I LAY ON the mattress that Mrs. Dark was kind enough to provide me. The room I'm in is dark like all the other rooms. I lay flat on my back with my hands folded on top of my chest. It's cold too but she also gave me a nice, fuzzy, and warm blanket. I stare at the ceiling...if there's a ceiling.
I need to find away to get out here. All of this pretend stuff is ridiculous! I'm not a kid! Getting an idea in my head, I sit up and swing my legs off the bed to where they're touching the cold floor. I shiver a bit so I grab the blanket and wrap it around my arms. I don't even know what time it is, there's not even a clock in here. I walk over to a wall and slide my hand across it gently until I can find or feel a door.
Sure enough, I do. I feel the knob. Bingo! I turn it but it's locked. I groan in frustration and search my pockets to see if I have a bobby pin or pick lock or something. Peter always keeps bobby pins in his pockets for this very reason and since I tend to follow my brother I should have some too. Right?
Wrong. I don't. Ugh! I groan again as I flop myself back onto my mattress. Ok, New Year's Resolution, Wade: Have bobby pubs in pockets at all times! I think to myself.
I sigh heavily and close my eyes to see even more darkness. I try to get some sleep. Maybe I'll dream about a bobby pin and when I awake it'll be right there on my chest! Like that's gonna happen.
I turn over to my side to face the wall. I just want to be back home! That's all I want! I just...I just want to see my big brother. I just want to see my Uncle Harrison. I just want to see Mom. I just want to see Tess (Mom's dog)! I just want to see my baby cousin, Dominic. I just want to see my Aunt Zendaya. I just want to see my Uncle Harry. I just want to see my Uncle Sam. I just want to see my Uncle Paddy. I just to see my Uncle Jacob! I just want to see my Mom's smile. I just want to see my Grandma Nikki and my Grandpa Dominic (whom my baby cousin was named after). I just want to see Chris and feel safe in the comfort of his arms! That's all I want! Is that to much to ask?!
That's all I want...

+ + +

"WAKE UP!" I hear and feel water splashing me awake.
I sit up immediately and cough, spitting the water out from my mouth. I wipe my mouth and face and look around my surroundings quickly. Did I fell asleep?
"What?!" I sputter. "Where am I?! What happened?! What time is it?! Mom?! Peter?!"
"Relax, kid!" a voice says. But it's not female. It's male and British and I gasp.
"Quinn?!" I gasp.
"Yeah, it's me, Wade!" he says.
I nearly cry tears of joy and I hug him tightly. So tightly I bet you he can hardly breathe.
"Uh...yeah, nice to see you too, Wade!" Quinn says, returning the hug.
"What are you doing here?! How'd you get here?!" I ask.
"Tracker. And I came to rescue you!" Quinn says.
"Where's Adikius?"
"He's back at the house fast asleep. Mrs. Dark is fast asleep as well. But don't worry, I came to take you home!" Quinn explains.
"You...snuck out?!" I say.
"No time to explain! We have to hurry before she-"
"Well, well, well," Mrs. Dark interrupts, scaring the heck out of us. "Lookie what we have here!"
Quinn freezes in his tracks and I gulp, I also freeze.
"Where do you think you two are going?" Mrs. Dark taunts.
I gulp again and Quinn says, " where?"
"I may look kind, Wade, but I'm not."
Mrs. Dark flashes out a knife so quick I hardly have time to blink. She smiles warily as she grabs Quinn, who yelps in surprise, and presses the blade against his throat. My eyes widen and my mouth hangs open. Mrs. Dark laughs at my state. Quinn struggles helplessly to break free out of her grasp.
"Please!" I beg...look I'm begging! "Please! Let him go!"
"Or what Wade?" she says. "Or what?"
"Or I'll kill you!" I yell. "I'll kill you just like how I killed Advent!"
All Mrs. Dark did was laugh. Quinn still struggles to break free. But all I do is stand there, staring, doing nothing. Unlike Peter, I can kill and I will if it means to keep Quinn safe.
So, I pull out my katanas, yes the Deadpool ones. Thank God I still have them with me. I get into a fighting stance. And boy am I angry.
"Let. Him. Go," I demand through gritted teeth.
"Let him go Artimes!" a new voice says. It's deep, male, and British. I know instantly who it is.
"Well. Look who arrived," Mrs. Dark says. "Adikius. Long time no see, eh?"
"Let Quinn go, now," Adikius demands sternly.
"Okay," is all Mrs. Dark says.
Surprisingly, Mrs. Dark let's Quinn go and Quinn runs over to me, checking for any injuries. Mrs. Dark snaps her fingers and then she's gone. I tell Quinn repeatedly that I'm fine but he doesn't believe it. He checks everywhere on me except for um...personal spots.
"Quinn, I'm fine!" I say, putting my hands on his wrists.
"Thank God, you two are safe!" Adikius says, sighing in relief, and hugging us both.
I look over at Quinn, who smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck.
"Sorry for sneaking out, Adikius..." Quinn apologizes.
"It's quite alright," Adikius says. "You just wanted to rescue Wade before Artimes did any harm to him. I understand. I would've done the same."
Quinn smiles and Adikius releases us. He turns to look at me.
"Come on," he says, grabbing my wrist. "It's time you head back to your mother."

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