Chapter Five: Wade

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"WHERE ARE WE anyways?" I ask Adikius, who's guiding to an abandoned building.
The building is about four stories high with broken windows panes and inside is dark. Only a little light shone through. I look at Adikius, who's pulling out a pair of keys, waiting for an answer. He pushes the door open and waves his hand, gesturing me to come along. I hesitate. What about my mother? What if Uncle Harrison goes bonkers again and tries to call the police on me. What if Peter searches for me again and everything that has happened to him, to me, to Mom repeats over again. What if they don't bother to look in my room for the note?
"Wade?" Adikius says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you coming? It's kinda cold out here, ya know?"
I shake my head side to side and blink several times. I gulp and nod. I decide to risk it. I follow Adikius into the building and he closes the door behind me. I shiver. It's cold here. There's like no light here. Literally.
"You didn't answer my question, Adikius," I say.
Adikius turns around, confused. He arches an eyebrow and says, "Huh? What question, Wade?"
"Where are we? Why am I? Why'd you bring me here?" I ask.
"Oh!" Adikius shouts, face palming himself. "Well, this is my headquarters. It's a haven. It's a safe place for you. I promise Wade, you won't put your family in danger."
"Hey! Adikius! What up, my dude?!" a teenage male voice calls.
Curious, I tilt my head and cross my arms over my chest. Adikius turns and smiles, high fiving the teen.
The teen looks a lot like Peter. He has brown curly hair and his curly bangs are combed to the side. He has green, emerald eyes and freckles all over the bridge of his nose and cheeks. He has a cheeky grin. The boy wears a blue denim jacket and a black shirt underneath. His jeans are ripped so you can see his knees. He grins even wider when he sees me and walks over to me, holding out his hand.
"Well, lookie here. This must be the famous Deadpool, aka Wade Reynolds," the boys says.
I arch an eyebrow and gulp. "How'd you know who I am?"
"Well. Almost everyone knows about you, Wade. You're the son of Tom and Ryan Reynolds. You have a beautiful mother, Wade. I'm sorry about your father..."
I look down and swallow the tears that are threatening to fall from my eyes. I gulp and close my eyes. Images of my father popping into my mind. Images of my father kissing my mother gently. Images of my father play fighting with me, tackling Peter and I to the ground when we were kids and Peter and I laughing our heads off when our father tickles our sides and my mother leaning against the wall, smiling to himself. I miss him. I miss my father so much...
"You okay?" the boy asks me.
I let out a shaky breath and nod. The boy guides me to a blue chair and I sat in it. He sits across from me. Adikius stands behind the boy.
"Well. With that said. I'll introduce myself. My name's Quinn. I'm sixteen. Same age as you. I was an orphan. Both of my parents died in a car crash when I was really young. I don't remember much. You're lucky you're Mom's still alive. I don't know how many times you've heard it but you have a beautiful mother..." Quinn says. He looks down and plays with the hem of his shirt, his lips purses into a thin line.
"Oh..." was all I could manage. "I'm sorry for your loss. As you know, my name is Wade. I was captured by a mad man named Advent, who wanted my older brother Peter. He turned me into Deadpool. And now I'm a killer. I'm a mercenary. Like in the comics. My father died when I was fourteen in a car crash. life is crazy. Trust me."
Quinn chuckles a bit. He smiles and nods, approving me. "I like him."
I blush when he says this. I look down. Licking my lips with my tongue. Quinn chuckles even more. He even has Peter's grin.
"Pleasure to meet ya," Quinn says.
He stands up and walks out of the room. I look back up at Adikius, who's also grinning, arms crossed.
"What?" I ask.
He shrugs, "Nothing."
"Uh huh." I stand up and walk around.
There's seriously no light in here. I spin around, examining the room around me. I feel carpet under my feet. I can't excatly tell what color it was. But it feels so soft!
"So...why is this place so dark?" I ask Adikius.
"We found it like that. There isn't any light in here at all except for our computer screens," Adikius explains, gesturing to the at least thirty computers at a desk. "That's where we watch you, your brother, and your mother."
I slowly approach the desk. The screens go to from Peter's point of view, to Mom's, to Uncle Harry's (who's feeding my baby cousin Dominic), to Uncle Sam's, to Uncle Paddy's, to...basically everyone in my family. I smile when I see my mother. I smile when I see my brother picking out a dress to wear for dinner.
"So...this is how you know if we're in trouble?" I ask.
"Yes. Ever since you two boys were born, your mother wanted me to watch over you. So I came up with this."
I stare at it for a while before my stomach begins to growl. I clutch it and moan a bit, telling it to shut up.
"You hungry?" Adikius says, chuckling.
I blush. "Uh...maybe?"
"Well then," Adikius says. "Let's go get you some food-"
My eyes widen when I realized my family had dinner tonight. I had to be there. Otherwise, my mother, father, and Peter would freak and Uncle Harrison would ground me for life! I grab Adikius's wrist, stopping him.
"Wait!" I say. "I...I can't be here! I...I have a family dinner to get too! You know how my family is about me Adikius!"
Adikius sighs. "I know, Wade."
"So take me home! My parents will kill me if they find out I'm gone! Peter will freak! Please!" I beg.
"Very well," Adikius says. "But when you're done, I need you to come back here now."
"How?!" I ask. "How?! I-I don't even know where this place is!"
Adikius grins. "That's what I'm here for, my boy. Don't worry. I'll bring you back up here."
"Okay..." I say hesitantly.
"Your mother wouldn't know a thing. He's quite oblivious about your disappearance right now," Adikius explains.
"What do you mean, 'He's oblivious to your disappearance right now...?'" I quote.
Adikius grins and guides me to the door. He opens it and says, "Your mother, Wade, doesn't know you're with me. I may have done some magic on him to make it seem like you're there but you're not. But if you truly feel that you need to be there, so be it."
"You're letting me go?" I ask. "That easily?"
Adikius nods, smiling. "Yes."
I turn to walk toward the exit. But before I can do so, Adikius stops me.
"Wade?" he calls. I turn around sharply, arching an eyebrow. "Make sure you keep your mother safe. Protect Peter."
I nod, smiling. "I will."
He snaps his fingers and just like that, I'm gone.

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