Chapter Seven: Wade

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I APPEAR BACK in my room. Just in time to hear my mother scream. Great. He must've notice that I was gone before I came back. And by the looks of it, he didn't see the not which is still on my desk. I walk over to it and crumble the small piece of paper in my hands. I threw it away. No sense in keeping it.
I'm guessing Peter nor Uncle Harrison saw the note as well because they both rush in here with eyes wide. They're scared. Scared for me. Afraid something happened to me.
"WHAT?!" Peter screams.
I smile a bit. He's beautiful just like Mom, I don't know how many times you've heard me or anyone say that. But he is! He looks exactly like my mother. He's feminine too. He found out a few days ago when he started to buy dresses for Mom. Now, Peter's wearing Mom's old blue prom dress. I stifle a laugh. Blue is Peter's color. The dress fits him as well. His hair is combed and his curly bangs bounce on his head as he moves around. Peter's chocolate, wide, scared eyes, sparkling in the light. He chews his fingernails.
"What do you mean, 'he's gone', Mom?!" Peter says, chewing on his nails.
Mom paces back and forth back and forth over and over again. His breathing becomes heavier and he also chews on his nails. Hey! No wonder Peter gets that habit! I've always wondered why Peter chews his nails all the time! Anyways, as I was saying, Mom chews on his nails. He runs his hands through his hair and panics.
"It's just like what I said!" Mom says. "He's gone! No note! No nothing!"
I frown. Should I say something? Should I let them know I'm here?
Mom rests one hand on his forehead and the other on the wall to support himself as he collapsed. My eyes widen and so does Peter's, Uncle Harrison's and...him...Matt Murdocks's (my brother's boyfriend).
"Tom? Honey?!" Uncle Harrison says, putting both hands on Mom's wrists and feeling Mom's forehead. "You okay?"
"He's gone..." Mom mumbles. He's still out of it though. "Wade's gone...just like his father..."
I gulp. They think I'm dead. Not even a few hours after they notice my disappearance, they already think I'm dead. I look down.
I have to tell them! I think. I have to tell them I'm here! That I'm okay!
I shake my head. I can't. I'm too scared. Part of me wants to say something, part of me don't. I bite my lip, debating what to do. I hope someone recognizes me.
"Shh, Mom," Peter soothes. "Relax! I'm sure Wade's fine!"
Mom curls himself into a ball and whimpers, eyes squeezed shut. I start to feel guilty. I should say something...but what?
"Oh, Mom!" Peter cries, resting a hand on Mom's arms.
I sigh heavily. Now's the time.
Here we go...
I take a deep breath in...
Here we go...
Here we go...
I gulp.
On three...okay, brain?
"I'M HERE!" I blurt out.
Everyone turns to face me. Even Mom. Their eyes widen and their expressions go from surprised to angry to relieved. I let out the breath I was holding and run over to my family, hugging each and everyone of them. Even Matt.
"Wade! My baby!" Mom cries, tears of joy and relief streaming down his cheeks.
Smiling, Mom stands up and runs to me, hugging me tightly. I laugh as I hug him back.
"Hey, Mama!" I say. "I'm here! I'm here!"
Mom just cries and cries into my shoulder. Before I know it, we were all in a group hug. Peter hugs Mom and I first, crying with relief, then Uncle Harrison, then Matt. I'm in between Mom's chest and Uncle Harrison's chest. Peter hugs in front of me and the two and Matt from behind. Uncle Harrison kisses Mom's, Peter's, and mine's temples.
"My little boys!" Uncle Harrison says to us three, crying with relief.
I push them away. "Sorry, guys. Adikius popped out of nowhere and demanded that I must go with him. I wrote a note, trust me, I did. I didn't have time to tell you guys in person."
"Oh, Wade, sweetheart!" Mom says, kissing my temple. "As long as you're safe, I'm happy."
I look back up at my mother and smile. He smiles back, telling me to get ready for dinner. I nod as they walk out of my room. I open my closet where I pull out a tux. After a few minutes, Uncle Harrison knocks on the door. He pokes his head through and says, "Wade? You ready?"
I nod. "Yeah, just let me fix my tie."
He enters and stands before me and says, "Here. Let me help ya."
"Thanks, Dad," I say.
Uncle Harrison smiles as he fixes my tie. It's quiet. We don't say another word until he finishes. I wonder why we're eating a fancy restaurant...
"You look a lot like your father, Wade," Uncle Harrison says, smiling softly.
I chuckle and look down, my face warming. "Yeah. Well, that's what Mom tells me anyways."
He smiles again and says, "C'mon."
I turn off the light in my room and close the door behind me. We then turn and walk to the restaurant.

+ + +

We arrive at the fancy restaurant. I'm sitting next to my brother, who's sitting next to Matt. Mom's in front of Matt, sitting next to my Uncle Harry who's sitting in front of Peter. My baby cousin, Dominic, sits in his high chair next to Uncle Harry (his Mom), and Uncle Harry's husband, Corban, sits next to his son. Grandma Nikki sits in front of me, next to Uncle Harry's husband. Grandpa Dominic sits next to Grandma and Uncle Sam and his wife next to Grandpa. And Uncle Harrison, my father, is on the other side of my mother, and finally there's Uncle Paddy and his wife next to Uncle Sam's wife.
We talk and talk. We laugh at some random jokes. An hour has passed since we arrived. That's when it happens. Matt gets up and asks Uncle Harrison and Mom if he can talk to them privately. Peter watches them as they leave suspiciously. I do too. My brows narrowed in suspicion as they walk to the bathroom.
I have a feeling a know what's going to happen. I have a feeling. But I'm not quite certain yet. My feeling is...that Matt Murdock is going to propose to my big brother. He's going to make Peter his wife. He's going to marry my brother. And sure enough, my hypothesis was correct.
Matt, Mom, and Uncle Harrison came back to the long, brown table. Mom's eyes were a little red and puffy. Uncle Harrison and Mom sit back down. Matt sits down next to Peter. Peter turns to Matt, placing a hand on Matt's arm. I gulp.
Please don't. Please don't. Please don't! I think.
My heart thumps against my chest. I breath in and hold my breath, my eyes wide. Matt gulps and reaches for his pocket, feeling the small box that has a diamond ring in it. I just know it. I know it's going to happen. I know he's going to propose to my brother! I know it!
"Everyone?! May I have your attention please?" Matt says, smiling and standing up.
Everyone's attention, including the people around us, turns to Matt. It's silent. Everyone has stopped eating for this very moment.
Matt turns to Peter, who's smiling widely, and says, "Peter Reynolds. I love you. I really do. I love you so effing much. I'd do anything to protect you. That's a promise. I can't believe it. I can't believe it's been a year since all that crazy stuff happened. I can't believe it! So, the time has come..."
Mom covers his hand over his mouth, stifling his sobs, as tears streamed down his cheeks. Everyone at this table is smiling, including my baby cousin. Uncle Harrison wraps his arm around Mom's shoulder, rubbing it in comfort. My eyes widen and I bite my lip. Please, no. Please no!
Then it happens. It happens. Peter's leaving me forever.
Matt pulls out the box from his pocket and gets down on one knee. Peter's eyes widen and he gasps. He covers his mouth with both hands as he sobs. Matt smiles widely and lift the lid to the box to reveal a shiny, diamond ring.
"Peter Robert Reynolds, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife? Becoming the mother of my children? Will you marry me?"

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